The film takes place one year after the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, in which Agent Carter, a member of the Strategic Scientific Reserve, is in search of the mysterious Zodiac.

A rich farmer is well known for being very unkind. He's misanthropic, misogynous and cantankerous. Until he meets by chance a gorgeous girl...

Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.

Tilbage i middelalderen hersker en ond biskop over store områder et sted i Europa. Hans fangehuller er berygtede, og hidtil er ingen sluppet ud med livet i behold; indtil det lykkedes Philipe, en ung lommetyv, at undslippe efter umenneskelige anstrengelser. Under flugten møder han Navarre, den tidligere chef for biskoppens garde, der nu har viet sit liv til at hæve den trolddom, biskoppen har kastet over ham og hans elskede Isabeau. Det bliver en kamp med drabelige sværdslag og mystisk trolddom, før det lille trekløver igen kan leve som frie mennesker...

While recovering in a hospital, war hero Jefferson Jones grows familiar with the "Diary of a Housewife" column written by Elizabeth Lane. Jeff's nurse arranges with Elizabeth's publisher, Alexander Yardley, for Jeff to spend the holiday at Elizabeth's bucolic Connecticut farm with her husband and child. But the column is a sham, so Elizabeth and her editor, Dudley Beecham, in fear of losing their jobs, hasten to set up the single, childless and entirely nondomestic Elizabeth on a country farm.

Murtaugh og Riggs er på den igen. Denne gang drejer det sig om japansk menneskesmugling og falskneri, mens der på hjemmefronten diskes op med graviditet, giftermål og ukendte svigersønner.

A few weeks before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Pago, Rice and Bibi leave the calm city of Cesena looking for adventure: a ten-days-long holiday in Eastern Europe, in those places where the Soviet regime is still alive.

Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents. The mission of their visit is to marry her off to a super-wealthy corporate type and thereby start to turn around the losses their small kingdom is experiencing in its casino business. These less-than-noble intentions get derailed when Barnaba, a zany bus driver enters their lives and falls madly in love with the gorgeous Cristina. He is nuts enough to succeed in this romantic chase after royalty, as love seems to fuel his determination to rid Cristina of her elitism and to make her see his own irrepressible attractions.

Engineer Quiller has become rich by selling his completely indestructible shop-window glass to jeweleries around the world. But this got him lots of enemies too: the insurance agencies, who've lost hundreds of customers, and the burglarers. When he temporarily looses his memory and voice in an accident, of all people, a family of thieves finds and cares for him - believing he's a pocket-picker. Things get complicated when he falls in love with his host Tilli.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

I årevis huserede den overnaturlige morder Candyman i lejlighedskomplekset Cabrini Green. Nu flytter det unge par Anthony og Brianna ind i en nyopført bygning på grunden. Anthony's bror fortæller ham om legenden om Candyman. Og snart begynder en ny grusom voldsbølge.

Billy Wong is a New York City cop whose partner is gunned down during a robbery. Billy and his new partner, Danny Garoni, are working security at a fashion show when a wealthy man's daughter, Laura Shapiro, is kidnapped. The Federal authorities suspect that Laura's father is involved with Mr. Ko, a Hong Kong drug kingpin, so the NYC police commissioner sends the two cops to Hong Kong to investigate.

A beautiful girl Rosina lives In Rome. Her husband is strong as a bull and jealous as Shakespeare's Othello. Once the husband of Rosina kills a wealthy aristocrat, who sang the serenade to his wife, and now he is hiding from justice.

The sexual relationship between a successful woman and her brother, an introvert, hypochondriacal youth, who is also a pornophile.

A series of skits involving customers and store personnel from several departments of the big department store.

A stories of three really unlucky characters are discovered during the trial.

The ape-man, found somewhere in the jungles of Congo, transferred to Milan and named Bingo Bongo. The only one who believes in the human qualities of him is Laura, a woman anthropologist , so their affection for each other even grows to love.

Paolo Coniglio is a naive and clumsy employee in a comics publishing house, bullied by his manager and his terrible future mother-in-law. To escape his dreary daily routine, he finds himself living vivid daydreams with "Dalia", the beautiful heroine of the books that he's translating. One day, though, while shopping, Paolo meets a charming blonde that looks like Dalia, and finds himself trapped in a shady intrigue.

A Count and Countess, their lovelife losing luster, invite some people over ...

James West og Artemus Gordon er to hemmelige agenter som arbejder for USA´s præsident. Begge kaldes til Det Hvide Hus for sammen at løse en opgave: at finde den mand der står bag kidnapningen af verdens førende videnskabsmand. Deres arbejdsmetoder er forskellige som dag og nat, men de får uventet og ikke helt uønsket hjælp af den smukke Rita Escobar. Samtidig finder de en værdig modstander i den brilliante og afskyelige Dr. Arliss Loveless...