Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the public assistance, a notary comes to announce that his father died and left him an extraordinary inheritance: a castle, a title of duke and a royal filiation. But problems arise, the deceased duke has left heavy debts and suitors to the title.

”Tiga suku”, which literally translates into “three quarters”, is a Malay term used in the context of describing crazy, whacky or oddball-like behaviour; of being mentally “not quite there”. And “Mat Tiga Suku” is indeed an eccentric film that seeks to subvert our usual sense of logic, decorum and good taste. In this film, Mat Sentul is a poor and helpless man, lives in a house that talks to him, and daydreams about wealth and pretty princesses. It is an episodic adventure that follows the slapstick antics of Mat Sentul who, among many pranks, moves the bus-stop at his will, halts an aeroplane that does not give way, and pretends to be an office worker, a barber and a doctor.

It is brother against brother in this tale of love and betrayal within the famed Yagyu clan. In one of their earliest films together, superstars Ichikawa Raizo and Katsu Shintaro are magnificent as the two finest young swordsmen in the clan. As they vie for the hand of a beautiful woman their loyalty comes into question during an attack on their lord. When one of them masters the secret technique taught to him by Miyamoto Musashi, it leads to bloody violence that can tear the clan apart! Filled with superb swordplay this rare classic is not to be missed!

Olive Pappadopoulous, 35, an Oral Hygienist, flees Cape Town for Greece to try outwit a broken heart, but is faced with the local villagers hostility and is befriended by a 7-year-old refugee who teaches her how to live “The Good Life.”

An experimental weather satellite and a missile base are at stake when Roy discovers foreign agents around his ranch.

Professor Popper develops a shrinking formula which he and a group of school kids take by accident, ending up trapped in his laboratory. But that's not the only problem that faces the professor and his friends.

Een Engelsman, John Morgan, leeft 30 jaar tussen de Sioux Indianen. In 1874, wordt goud ontdekt in de Zwarte Heuvels, het land dat aan de Sioux is gewaarborgd. Blanke provocateurs proberen om de Sioux ertoe aan te zetten om het verdrag (zodat de volledige oorlog resulteren zal in dat het land niet meer onder Sioux controle is) te breken. Nu is de taak van John Morgan om de boel niet uit de hand te laten lopen.

After failing in his love life, Dev finds company in alcohol. In his state, he often sees an old man who gives him hints on how his day is going to turn out. One day, he accidentally bumps into a young boy from a shelter home. He realises there is an uncanny similarity between the boy and his ex-girlfriend, so he decides to get to know the boy further only to uncover something Dev didn't wish he knew in the first place.

Featuring a commentary by Noël Burch (in nonsense French), Recreation's rapid-fire montage of single-frame images of incredible density and intensity has been compared to contemporary Beat poetry.

De Amerikaanse componist en auteur Paul Bowles was een man met veel charisma en invloed. Toen hij in 1949 naar Tanger, Marokko, verhuisde, volgde de halve wereld hem naar de raadselachtige stad. Zijn huwelijk met auteur Jane Bowles was een liefdevolle relatie van tegenstellingen, ook al waren beiden homoseksueel. Gebaseerd op exclusieve interviews met Bowles kort voor zijn dood, verweven met anekdotes verteld door zijn vrienden en collega's, portretteert de film een ​​gedurfd en visionair leven, evenals een relatie die wordt gevormd door een onderlinge afhankelijkheid die veel meer omvat dan alleen seksualiteit.

Laura en Micha reizen door het Deense platteland met hun eigenzinnige cabaretvoorstelling. Hun persoonlijke leven lijdt onder hun toewijding aan hun vak, maar de chaos die daaruit voortvloeit wordt het koren op hun revue.

A Western cowboy attempts to flirt with a veiled young lady sitting on a bench in the garden...

In deze snelle Griekse huwelijkskomedie arriveren de jonge geliefden Ilias en Marina op het eiland Kreta voor hun bruiloft, samen met hun grote, onstuimige families die allemaal graag het huwelijk willen vieren. Wanneer een typfout op de huwelijksuitnodiging echter de ontvangstlocatie in verwarring brengt en de gasten in verschillende richtingen verspreidt, beginnen ze aan een ramkoers van steeds komische proporties.

Season 1973-1974. After fourteen years of drought, the FC Barcelona of Johan Cruyff is making a spectacular campaign. Sebastián, a great fan of soccer, decides then to join a Barça's supporters club. There he will meet the daughter of his friend Amadeo, an attractive young woman who will not stop until Sebastián agrees to marry her. The couple will celebrate their wedding on the same day that Barça and Madrid compete for the League.

Down-on-his-luck gambler Kan Au (Sam Lee) owes a big sum of money, and needs to go on a winning streak soon or the loan sharks will take the interest from his hide. Luckily, Kan finds a blessed coin that allows him to draws the unbeatable "13 Unique Wonders" hand of mahjong on 13 consecutive nights, which should be enough for him to pay his debts. The problem: every time he uses the coin to win,somebody dies a gruesome, gory death. Meanwhile, fetching Luk Wing (Elanne Kwong) wakes up one morning to discover her family being eaten! Everyone around her has become a zombie, and Wing has to pick up an axe and fight back, or her heart will be come lunch for the living dead.

Het is het jaar 2035. De overlevenden van een geëvacueerd en post-apocalyptisch Groot-Brittannië gaan op zoek naar een mysterieus biowapen genaamd "Unit Eleven". Degene die het wapen vindt krijgt van de overheid een financiële beloning.

Two Special Agents, Lilith and Kerry race are tasked with finding a hidden facility holding a project simply known as S_U_P_R_E_M_A_C_Y which they fear may be a plan to destroy the world. However, they quickly become in jeopardy when they are ambushed by a group of Unknown Masked Attackers who threaten their mission, their lives... And the world.

Korte film: Priti, een in Groot-Brittannië geboren Indiase vrouw in de West Midlands, maakt melding van een gewelddadig incident op straat.