En els últims mesos de la Segona Guerra Mundial, Seita, de 14 anys, i la seva germana Setsuko, queden orfes quan la seva mare és assassinada durant un atac aeri a Kobe, Japó. Seita i Setsuko han de lluitar per sobreviure.
Què faries si poguessis fer marxa enrere en el temps? Aquesta és la pregunta que es planteja Makoto Konno, una noia normal i corrent, quan un bon dia descobreix que posseeix l'habilitat de saltar literalment a través del temps. Gràcies a aquest do, la Makoto pot fer el que vulgui: evitar els accidents, repetir els exàmens tantes vegades com vulgui, menjar els seus plats preferits fins a afartar-se'n, ajudar els seus companys amb els seus primers amors… Però...
Mentre juga en una platja rocallosa, Sasuke, un nen de cinc anys, troba una peixeta de colors anomenada Ponyo amb el cap encallat en un pot de melmelada. Sasuke la rescata i li diu: No et preocupis, jo et protegiré i et cuidaré. No obstant això, el pare de la Ponyo, un bruixot que viu a les profunditats de l'oceà, l'obliga a tornar. Vull ser humana! exclama la Ponyo i, decidida a convertir-se en una nena i tornar amb Sasuke, escapa. Però no li serà gens fàcil aconseguir reunir-se amb ell.
German journalist Philip Winter has a case of writer’s block when trying to write an article about the United States. He decides to return to Germany, and while trying to book a flight, encounters a German woman and her nine year old daughter Alice doing the same. The three become friends (almost out of necessity) and while the mother asks Winter to mind Alice temporarily, it quickly becomes apparent that Alice will be his responsibility for longer than he expected.
Although μ's, the defending champions of the school idol tournament, plans to dissolve their group after the graduation of their senior members, they receive news that leads them to holding a concert event! The 9 girls continue to learn and grow in this new and unfamiliar world. What is the last thing that these girls can do as school idols? With the clock ticking, what kind of meaning will the μ's members find in performing the most exciting live performance?
Berlín, anys 30, en plena República de Weimar i abans de la Segona Guerra Mundial. Tot i la crisi del moment, els berlinesos prefereixen viure la màgia que els ofereix cada nit un cabaret amb estrella Sally, una ballarina i cantant que s'enamorarà de dos homes molt diferents entre si.
De tornada a la seva ciutat natal després de vint anys d'absència, Eugène Morgan assisteix a un ball donat pel ric clan dels Amberson. Hi retroba el seu amor de joventut, Isabel, que ha estimat sempre. La seva filla Lucy s'enamora de George, el fill d'Isabel, però l'esplendor dels Amberson no és més que una aparença
Amamiya Shu transfers to Moriwaki elementary filled with hope and ambition. But it doesn't take long before he gets picked on by the class bullies, and gets involved in a dare to play the mysterious piano in the forest.
Un captaire cec demana caritat en nom d'Al·là, el seu gos pollós als seus peus. Als vianants que li pregunten, declara ser el més desgraciat dels prínceps, enganyat, i llançat a la misèria. Un se’n riu d'ell, el pressiona amb preguntes, i se submergeix llavors en els seus records. La còlera es manifesta als carrers de Bagdad: el poble pateix les decisions del palau principesc. El príncep Ahmad està acusat d'oprimir la pobra gent pels seus decrets autoritaris, però ell mateix no en té consciència, només està pels seus jocs. A l'ombra, el gran visir Jaffar el manté en la ignorància, és l'únic verdader opressor, el tirà que desitja atropellar el seu titella i prendre el seu lloc.
An endearing modern-day story about how the lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilarious cross-country road trip. En route to the ol' fishing hole, they find themselves up to their floppy ears in misadventure!
Casanova is a libertine, collecting seductions and sexual feats. But he is really interested in someone, and is he really an interesting person? Is he really alive?
Deep Web gives the inside story of one of the most important and riveting digital crime sagas of the century -- the arrest of Ross William Ulbricht, the 30-year-old entrepreneur convicted of being 'Dread Pirate Roberts,' creator and operator of online black market Silk Road. As the only film with exclusive access to the Ulbricht family, Deep Web explores how the brightest minds and thought leaders behind the Deep Web and Bitcoin are now caught in the crosshairs of the battle for control of a future inextricably linked to technology, with our digital rights hanging in the balance.
Ali, a fisherman, devoted his life to his young son, Efe. Efe was the only son of Ali who was in this life. Efe is different from other children. Efe, who has a communication problem, is not a child who can laugh and play and react to what he hears. As Ali tries to bond with his son, he runs into many barriers in communtion with him, and Ali's greatest wish is to know that his son understands him. The plot evolves around a father who loves his son dearly but going thru many struggles to create communication channels with his who carries the burden of the memories of his father, his mother and the woman he loves, will shape the life of both.
At the lowest point of his life, Richie gets a call from his estranged sister, asking him to look after his eleven-year-old niece, Sophia, for a few hours.
A comedic, brutally honest documentary following self-destructive TV writer Dan Harmon as he takes his live podcast on a national tour.
A Salem resident attempts to frame her ex-lover's wife for being a witch in the middle of the 1692 witchcraft trials.
After a long stint in gay conversion therapy, James, a young piano prodigy, returns home to his family farm and his emotionally-distant father, Richard. After Richard pressures James to give up his music career and take over the farm, James agrees as a way to make up for his past. Soon, however, James finds himself face-to-face with a former lover, Charlie, who wants to help him turn away from his new beliefs and family expectations and follow his dreams of studying music.
A photojournalist suffering from PTSD returns home from Iraq and finds himself struggling to keep his sanity and family intact.
When Elizabeth returns to her mother's home after her marriage breaks up, she recreates her imaginary childhood friend, Fred, to escape from the trauma of losing her husband and her job. In between the chaos and mayhem that Fred creates, Elizabeth attempts to win back her husband and return to normality.
Two septuagenarians go to Tuscany to prevent their old friend from killing the man who cuckolded him fifty years ago.