Two boys from a small town find their courage tested when they accidentally stow away aboard an airplane owned by the mob...

Raised a boy in East Berlin, Hedwig undergoes a personal transformation in order to emigrate to the U.S., where she reinvents herself as an 'internationally ignored' but divinely talented rock diva, inhabiting a 'beautiful gender of one'.

Over the course of one year, this film follows the life of an ordinary Pyongyang family whose daughter was chosen to take part in Day of the Shining Star (Kim Jong-il's birthday) celebration. While North Korean government wanted a propaganda film, the director kept on filming between the scripted scenes. The ritualized explosions of color and joy contrast sharply with pale everyday reality, which is not particularly terrible, but rather quite surreal.

Omulan is traveling through space in search of God.

Based on true and tragic events in the life of Vitaly Kaloyev, an architect and family man. In 2002, his wife and children die in a mid-air collision along with 70 other people, mostly children. Vitaly is one of the first people to discover the bodies of his family at the site of the crash. The blame is put on the company responsible for monitoring the air space, as well as the lone air traffic controller on duty at the time. Two years later, after much obstructed efforts to get apologies and answers, Vitaly flies to Switzerland to obtain justice.

The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of 58.

March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. What both superpowers aim for in this race, is to be the first to have a man walk in outer space. To accomplish that, no price is too high and no risk is too great. Now it’s up to the unlikely duo of a seasoned war veteran and a hot-headed test-pilot to fulfill this mission. Two men in a tiny spaceship, without proper testing, facing the complete unknown. They were supposed to do what no man has done before—and no man imagined what would happen next.

In 1990s St. Petersburg, police major Konstantin Grom is trying to find and neutralize the new criminal boss, nicknamed Anubis, while his ten year old son Igor is trying to earn money by getting involved in dubious adventures

Adventures of Ivan the Fool and humpbacked horse in the world of kind magical creatures and cruel people.

The true story of a young woman whose lust for life means she is determined to be so very much more than just another cancer patient.

Mike Todd is a Broadway producer struggling to produce the film. Around the World in 80 Days. In Mexico, Mario Moreno, a young entertainer is struggling to get some respect, and he manages to become a star. A twist of faith makes them partners. Together they won the Oscar for Best Picture.

Two girls from very different social backgrounds discover, at the age of 25, that they had been switched at birth.

Michael er på en gang både skeptisk og enormt spændt. Han har fået fingrene i det sidste nye virtual reality spil. Ifølge rygterne er Brainscan fuldstændig vild. Mere realistisk end virkeligheden selv. Han tænder for sin computer. Et blændende lysglimt. Et mørkt hus. Han sniger sig indenfor. Et soveværelse. En sovende mand. Langsomt hæver han hånden. Og NU - NU hakker han kniven i et forsvarsløst offer. Igen og igen. Et blændende lysglimt og Michael er tilbage på sit værelse. Han er badet i sved. Hans hænder ryster. Brainscan lever mere end rigeligt op til rygterne. Næste morgen er Michael stadigvæk høj på nattens oplevelser. Men hans opmærksomhed bliver fanget af et nyhedsindslag på TV, der beretter om et natligt mord, hvor en mand er blevet slagtet. I sit soveværelse!

Den akavede Ed flytter til en ny by med sin mor og opdager hurtigt, at han får brug for hjælp, hvis han skal passe ind i sin nye skole. Da han får til opgave at skrive en stil om en person fra en ældre generation, henvender Ed sig til sin nabo Ashby (Mickey Rourke), der viser sig at være lige den gode indflydelse, han har brug for! Deres venskab bliver dog en anelse kompliceret, da Ed opdager, at Ashby er en falleret CIA lejemorder!

A boy and his brother run away from home and hitch cross-country, with help from a girl they meet, to compete in the ultimate video-game championship.

Eight people experience a strange phenomenon while waiting for a bus at a remote station on a rainy October night.

CIA-agenten Scott Wheeler (Jean Claude Van Damme) vågner op og opdager, at han er fanget i et af CIA's tophemmelige "black ops" fængsler: En ubåd, der ligger i havet ud for New Orleans. Hans tidligere arbejdsgivere tror, at han har prøvet at sælge tophemmelige informationer til fjenden. Det passer naturlivis ikke, så nu må Wheeler stikke af og få renset sit navn. Han får hjælp af den uerfarne agent Cassie (Jasmine Waltz) og en tysk elitesoldat, Marco (Dolph Lundgren), men kan de finde en flugtvej ud af denne dødsfælde flere hundrede meter under havets overflade?

Den unge kvin­de Nik­ki for­svin­der plud­se­ligt ef­ter at have down­lo­a­det den mysti­ske app Mr. Be­de­vi­led. Hun stal­kes af en pa­ra­nor­mal skab­ning, og fin­des se­ne­re død som føl­ge af et chokfrem­kaldt hjer­te­an­fald. Ef­ter hen­des be­gra­vel­se, mod­ta­ger hen­des ven­ner alle in­vi­ta­tio­ner til at down­lo­a­de ap­pen, og de be­slut­ter sig for at gøre det. Her­ef­ter bli­ver alle i grup­pen pla­get af Mr. Be­de­vi­led, og de hjem­sø­ges hver især af de­res per­son­li­ge frygt. Nu be­gyn­der en kamp mod ti­den for at stop­pe Mr. Be­de­vi­led, før det er for sent.

A multi-episode movie based on the skit TV show "bullyparade".

When a young gay lawyer arrives on Fire Island to explore his sexuality, he becomes witness to a murder after being drugged. A stranger helps him to safety, but he soon discovers his saviour is friends with the killer.