Comic Hasan Minhaj of "The Daily Show" shares personal stories about racism, immigrant parents, prom night horrors and more in this stand-up special.

After being gone for a decade, a country star returns home to the love he left behind.

Hèrcules, el fill d'Hera i el déu Zeus, és robat de l'Olimp pels sequaços de Hades, que tenen la missió de despullar-lo de la seva immortalitat. Hèrcules creixerà en un món de mortals fins que arribi l'hora de tornar a l'Olimp.

A chronicle of the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner who was taken prisoner by Japanese forces during World War II.

Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.

La lleialtat d'en James Bond envers a la seva cap als serveis secrets britànics, M, es posarà a prova quan esdeveniments del seu passat tornin novament al present. Al mateix temps, l'Mi6 pateix un atac terrorista i en 007 haurà de localitzar i neutralitzar l'amenaça provinent del malvat Silva.

Three activists cobble together a kidnapping plot after they encounter a businessman in his home.

L'Abdul Karim treballa a la presó d'Agra, a l'Índia, durant el període de domini britànic. El 1887 el seleccionen per viatjar fins a la Gran Bretanya per lliurar a la reina Victòria un mohur, una moneda commemorativa, com a regal de l'Índia en ocasió del jubileu d'or de la monarca. La reina s'interessa immediatament per la cultura i la religió de l'Abdul, fins al punt que li demana que li ensenyi urdú i li faci de munshi, o mestre de l'Alcorà. L'entorn de la reina, i especialment el seu fill, el futur Eduard VII, no poden tolerar la influència cada cop més gran que l'Abdul té sobre la reina, i faran tots els possibles per desacreditar-lo.

After a night of drinking, Adam Hutcherson stumbles out of the closet to his three straight buddies. A disruption to their dynamic which they now must try and overcome through alcohol, Tinder dates and forgiveness.

After her estranged brother's sudden death, young wife Lucia bonds with his fiancée through their shared grief and finds herself falling in love.

The amazing true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes mountains, and their immense will to survive and pull through alive, forced to do anything and everything they could to stay alive on meager rations and through the freezing cold.

In 1979 Ohio, several youngsters are making a zombie movie with a Super-8 camera. In the midst of filming, the friends witness a horrifying train derailment and are lucky to escape with their lives. They soon discover that the catastrophe was no accident, as a series of unexplained events and disappearances soon follows. Deputy Jackson Lamb, the father of one of the kids, searches for the terrifying truth behind the crash.

La pel·lícula ens ensenya a la Carrie, la Samantha, la Charlotte i la Miranda quatre anys després de finalitzada la sèrie de televisió, i ens ensenya com continuen fent jocs malabars per compaginar el treball i les relacions mentre descobreixen els secrets de la maternitat, el matrimoni i les propietats immobiliàries de Manhattan.

Thunder, un gatet abandonat busca refugi un dia de tempesta, amb tanta sort que va a parar a la casa més estranya que mai s'hagués pogut imaginar, propietat d'un vell mag i habitada per molts autòmats i artefactes. Encara que el mag l'acull ràpidament, el gat no és ben rebut per tothom.

A case of mistaken identity results in unexpected romance when the most popular girl in high school and the biggest loser must come together to win over their crushes.

Corporal Evan Albright joined the elite Marine Corps Security Guards to save the world and see some action-not necessarily in that order. But his first assignment, protecting a U. S. Embassy in a seemingly safe Middle Eastern capitol, relegates his unit to wrangling "gate groupies" protesting outside the compound and honing their marksmanship by playing video games. So Albright and his team are caught off guard when well-armed and well-trained militants launch a surprise attack aimed at killing an informant in the embassy. Heavily out-gunned, they will have to muster all the courage and fire power they can as their once routine assignment spirals into all-out war.

A young American woman takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, soon discovering that the family's eight-year-old son is a life-sized doll that comes with a list of strict rules.

A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sports. A remake of the 1991 film, "Point Break".

When he's caught up in a deadly conspiracy, an unemployed greeting card writer must create the perfect card for a new holiday to save his skin.

Dues inspectores d'assumptes interns de la policia, Sally Marinelli (Kiberlain) i el seu ajudant Esther Lafarge (Huppert), són destinades a una comissaria fora de la capital per investigar un cas de corrupció relacionat amb la mort de l'informador Farid Benamar. A la seva vida privada són dues dones violentes: Esther colpeja el seu marit, i Sally doma els homes. Sota l'atenta mirada de Robert Mendès, el cap de policia, totes dues intentaran resoldre el cas, fent tot el contrari del que dicta l'ètica policial.