Georges has Down syndrome, living at a mental-institution, Harry is a busy businessman, giving lectures for young aspiring salesmen. He is successful in his business life, but his social life is a disaster since his wife left him and took their two children with her. This weekend his children came by train to meet him, but Harry, working as always, forgot to pick them up. Neither his wife or his children want to see him again and he is driving around on the country roads, anguished and angry. He almost runs over Georges, on the run from the institution since everybody else went home with their parents except him, whose mother is dead. Harry tries to get rid of Georges but he won't leave his new friend. Eventually a special friendship forms between the two of them, a friendship which makes Harry a different person.

An obscure Italian magistrate suspects that a well-known industrialist commited murder, and decides to investigate him, and bring him to court, whatever it takes. But - will the magistrate have it in him to go against impossible odds, in the name of the Italian people he represents?

The teenage son of two fathers makes a documentary film about his parents but is surprised when a real-life plot twist occurs in his family.

Biopic about French cult hip-hop duet Supreme NTM. A story of Paris suburbs, protests, police brutality that shaped the music of JoeyStarr and Kool Shen.

Three very different women who are hiding a secret are forced to work together to save their own skin.

Yann, a cook, and Nadia, a waitress and mother of 9-year-old child, decide to risk everything on the purchase of a restaurant. With plenty of talent, energy, love and dreams, but no finance of their own, they find themselves forced into a jungle of financing and bank loans that quickly overwhelms them. To bail them out, Nadia has to take a job in Canada, while Yann is forced to stay behind to save the restaurant. Together, he and the child confront a relentless avalanche of creditors, an uncaring system and the daily grind from which there is no respite… Yann finally understands that his only chance of salvation lies in joining his lover – as well as reuniting mother and child – by following Nadia to Canada and a better life.

Following the breakdown of his marriage, a self-involved man begins to embrace fatherhood.

Ben Crandall er en dreng, som er besat af rumvæsener og rumskibe. En nat drømmer han,hvorledes et rumskib skal bygges, og sammen med sine venner, Wolfgang og Darren, konstruerer han "Thunder Road", som de rejser ud i rummet i. Det lykkes for dem at finde frem til de rumvæsener Ben har søgt, men er disse nu også, som de giver sig ud for at være?

Efter 15 års samliv har Marie og Boris besluttet sig for at få en skilsmisse. Marie købte i sin tid huset, hvor de bor sammen med deres to døtre, men det er Boris, der har renoveret det. Da han ikke har råd til to finde et andet sted at bo, skal de fortsætte med at bo sammen. Imens de økonomiske og følelsesmæssige konflikter presser sig på, forsøger Marie og Boris at opretholde en normal hverdag for børnene. Men den forestående skilsmisse fremprovokerer sider af Marie og Boris’ forhold, som truer familieidyllen, og parret må se sig selv og hinanden i øjnene, før det er for sent. Er det virkelig forbi imellem dem? I den kvindelige hovedrolle ses den franske stjerne Bérénice Bejo, som vi bl.a. kender fra den Oscarvindende stumfilm ”The Artist” og fra Asghar Farhadis ”Fortiden”, for hvilken hun vandt prisen for Bedste Kvindelige Hovedrolle ved Cannes Filmfestivalen 2013.

Winter, 1915. Confined by her family to an asylum in the South of France - where she will never sculpt again - the chronicle of Camille Claudel's reclusive life, as she waits for a visit from her brother, Paul Claudel.

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

En ung Barack Obama former sin egen identitet og møder udfordringer om race og kulturelle forskelle som collegestuderende i New York.

While she was jogging Lisa Campion , the daughter of the retired police officer Fabio Campion , discovered the frozen corpse of Julien , a child who disappeared 20 years ago.The police officer Simon Beauregard is then sent to Roches Noires , a village of the Tarentaise Valley, for the criminal investigation.

A weekend in the green with your best friends. Those who really love you. Those in whom you have absolute confidence. Those who understand you and always tell you the truth. And above all, those who rot you without knowing that they pressed the callback key of their phone.

A documentary film about the violent riots during the 2001 G8 meeting in Genoa.

Cerise is fourteen years old but she looks twenty. Cerise grew up on the outskirts, but now she's exiled to Ukraine. Cerise wears excessive amounts of makeup, but she still has a little girl's dreams. Cerise doesn't know her father, even though she's going to have to live with him. Cerise has only ever thought about herself and now she finds herself in the middle of a revolution.

Max, Paul and Simon have been friends for 35 years. They take great pleasure in their one vacation a year together without their partners and meet-up regularly to spend evenings drinking or playing cards. Each has a successful career and they all appear to have perfect lives until the night Simon announces to his friends that he has just strangled his wife, Estelle after a blazing row. Max and Paul are horrified by Simon's confession, but worse is to come when Simon asks them to lie and provide him with an alibi for the time Estelle was killed. Both men are torn between lying or turning over their best friend to the police.

A young man meets his soon-to-be in-laws but discovers behind their proud and wealthy appearances some deep issues and lies.

Ægteparret Zoe (Leslie Bibb) og Mick (Shane West) er ikke i den bedste finansielle situation. Det er ikke mindst på grund af Mick, der ofte satser alt på hurtigt tjente penge. Hans seneste investering er i forladte opmagasineringsrum. Det viser sig naturligvis også at være en fuser, men i et af rummene finder parret alligevel noget interessant: Gamle filmoptagelser med Zodiac massemorderens forbrydelser! Måske disse optagelser kan lede til den notoriske morders sande identitet?