In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.

Sam loves scary movies, especially the ones with Dracula. This year, instead of writing to Santa for Christmas, Sam writes to Dracula, telling Dracula that he wants to be a real vampire on Halloween this year. Sam is in for quite a surprise as the most famous of all vampires himself responds.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

En una terra erma on la gasolina i l'aigua són béns escassos, en Max, un home perseguit pel seu passat turbulent es veu arrossegat a lluitar al costat de la Imperator Furiosa, una dona que travessa el desert en un tràiler de guerra acompanyada d'un grup de dones que fugen del tirà Immortan Joe. Però el Senyor de la Guerra no està disposat a renunciar a les seves valuoses possessions i mobilitza totes les seves forces per recuperar-les costi el que costi.

Behind-the-scenes documentary revealing what goes on inside the colourful, privileged, and sometimes stressful Christian Dior fashion house.

Good Witch Cassie Nightingale is back to her bewitching ways, but this time she’s also juggling a newborn daughter and her job as town Mayor. With such a busy schedule she and her husband, town sheriff Jake Russell, aren’t getting much sleep. Hoping for a break, Cassie plans a much needed vacation with her new family. But things go awry when a crime wave sweeps through town and an investigative reporter tries to ruin Cassie’s image after a video of her magically disappearing turns up on the internet. To make matters worse, Cassie’s estranged foster mother appears in town and Cassie’s stepdaughter is suddenly accused of the recent robberies. Supported by her loyal family and friends, Cassie must rely on her signature charm to put a stop to the rumors before they completely destroy the town, and a Good Witch’s reputation!

De nou els problemes els persegueixen. Sense aconseguir alliberar-se de la taca de criminals de la fitxa. El seu passat de llarga trajectòria a les carreres il·legals els perseguirà i hauran de fer front a les circumstàncies de l'única manera que saben. Quan els posin entre l'espasa i la paret idearan un pla per escapar del perill en una carrera trepidant per salvar la vida i netejar la seva reputació. Acció, persecucions i un ritme frenètic en aquesta nova entrega.

Des que Dom i Brian van destruir l'imperi d'un mafiós i van aconseguir cent milions de dòlars, es troben en parador desconegut; no poden tornar a casa perquè la llei els persegueix. Mentrestant, Hobbs ha seguit la pista per una dotzena de països a una banda de letals conductors mercenaris, el cervell dels quals compta amb la inestimable ajuda de la sexy Letty, un vell amor de Dom que aquest donava per morta. L'única manera d'aturar-los és enfrontar-s'hi als carrers, així que Hobbs demana a Dom que reuneixi el seu equip a Londres. Què obtindran a canvi? Un indult perquè tothom pugui tornar a casa amb les seves famílies.

Un grup de cadets joves s'incorporen a la gendarmeria, cosa que provoca una retirada imminent del grup de gendarmes liderat per Cruchot. Aquest és reticent a abandonar el seu lloc, però el canvi el condemna a una jubilació forçosa. Cruchot no es pot acostumar a aquesta nova vida d'inactivitat. Però quan Fougasse, un dels seus homes, és internat per un problema d'amnèsia, Cruchot veu una oportunitat per tornar amb la seva brigada i demostrar que la seva experiència és millor que els nous mètodes.

Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants.

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

L'estrella del món de l'espectacle Vince Chase per mantenir els peus a terra amb l'èxit que té, decideix dur-se a els seus amics de tota la vida en la seva vida a Hollywood.

Tempted away from Newcastle United to join Real Madrid, rising star Santiago Munez finds this latest change of fortune the greatest challenge yet - personally as well as professionally. He is reunited with Gavin Harris, though they must compete to be on the team, and estranged from fiancee Roz, whose nursing career keeps her back home.

Because of a bet, Werner and his friend have to construct the fastest vehicle to win a race, because life depends on it.

While the original parodied slasher flicks like Scream, Keenen Ivory Wayans's sequel to Scary Movie takes comedic aim at haunted house movies. A group of students visit a mansion called "Hell House," and murderous high jinks ensue.

Sexy couple Zack and Benji decide to have an “open” weekend to partake in the smorgasbord of available men on their vacation to a gay getaway in Palm Springs. When Zack runs into his ex-boyfriend Casey at the resort, they both do their best to look like they are having a good time. How could they not, when they are surrounded by cute, frisky guys with six-packs and very little clothing?

After she betrays a powerful mob boss, a woman matches wits and weaponry with a legion of killers who are out to collect the bounty on the heads of her and her family.

A young woman attempts to cure her phobia of the boogeyman by checking herself into a mental health facility, only to realize too late that she is now helplessly trapped with her own greatest fear.