Lizzie, a high-end event planner, lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh rests peacefully. When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy, a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other.

After an extramarital indiscretion, a fairy-tale prince and his sidekick are turned into frogs for all eternity or until the prince can convince a maiden to kiss and then marry him.

Hélène, a housekeeper at a ritzy hotel in Corsica, is devoted to her family but lacks any passion in her own life. When she sees a handsome couple play a passionate game of chess, she becomes inspired to play herself. Hélène's working-class husband and spoiled daughter are soon bewildered by her obsession with chess. They also grow suspicious of Hélène's close relationship with Dr. Kröger, her eccentric American expat tutor.

En una meravellosa i perfecta comunitat de veïns que sembla treta d'un conte de fades, entre joves i adults no hi ha cap comunicació, viuen en dos mons paral·lels i tracten de resoldre com poden les seves frustracions: els uns buscant emocions fortes, els altres absorts en les seves buides vides. Troy, el traficant d'amfetamines de l'institut, s'ha suïcidat i ha deixat la mercaderia a Dean, el seu millor amic. Els seus companys de classe decideixen segrestar el germà de Dean per aconseguir el "material", però s'equivoquen i segresten un altre noi.

Lucy wasn't sure if she would find true love, until Jack moves to town with his daughter Sophie. Together they teach her it's never too late to start chasing rainbows!

Jackie Foster, a dynamic Assistant District Attorney and single mom, is looking forward to wrapping up her latest case and spending Christmas with Gracie, her adorable and precocious, eight-year old daughter. But when Jackie’s estranged dad, Jack , a gruff retired police officer, unexpectedly shows up at her door, they will be forced to confront old wounds.

Relats de les persones que treballen en bodes per a crear el dia perfecte per a una parella, mentre les seves pròpies relacions són extravagants, estranyes, boges i lluny de ser perfectes.

Patti Petalson is a promising writer, but her marriage and conventional job keep her from her dream. She longs to return to her writing, especially after running into her first love Brian Callahan, a successful crime novelist. Kate is Patti's best friend since college; she's a tough-talking schoolteacher who plays therapist to all Patti's problems, while she's got a few of her own.

Aging TV star Walter Campbell's attempts to break up with younger girlfriend Lucy are thwarted by the announcement of her pregnancy. Looking for space, Walter resolves to visit his estranged daughter Nic, currently residing in Big Sur, resentful of her father's neglectful parenting and womanizing ways. He agrees to give a lift to Nic's friend Kim, who having recently attended the funeral of her estranged mother, is dealing with her own emotional baggage. Upon arriving in Big Sur, Walter discovers that Nic is living on a lesbian commune, and is in fact due to get married. Nic is appreciative of Walter's acceptance of her sexuality, which sees the pair's relationship begin to repair, but this newly formed bond is at risk of being destroyed once and for all.

In Paris, Clara, psycho motor therapist, and Ismaël, music teacher, have been lovers for four years. Happy, the couple are expecting their first child and decide to move in together. But the news is not well received by their respective families because Clara is Jewish and Ishmael a Muslim. Although not practicing, this difference will gradually sow trouble in their love life.

When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network, she gets more than she bargained for.

Deadbeat dad kidnaps his kids from the bus to an abusive foster home and they go on a run. The cops are after them, they bicker constantly and his idea of a way out is grim, yet this dangerous ride might just turn them into a family.

Claudia and Flavio were once passionately in love, but all of that is over. Now, in their fifties, they must venture anew into the world of love and dating once more but for Claudia confronting the end and accepting a new beginning isn’t so easy. Claudia is unwilling to let go and forget the life she’s built with Flavio, while Flavio, eager to move on, soon finds himself in a relationship with a much younger woman. Claudia soon reconnects with Nina, a student from her days as a professor.

A bodyguard must go undercover to protect, a tycoon's daughter from death threats before her big wedding day.

In the wake of tragedy, a renowed New York dance company is on the brink of collapse. After leaving the dance world for good, Travis, Chrissa, and Max are pulled in to resurrect the dance that shattered their careers. They have one last chance to save the company, re-connect with the passion and magic, and prove that miracles really can happen.

The daughter of a wealthy businessman has disappeared in Mexico, and all the efforts to find her have been unsuccessful. A psychologist, knowing that the girl has an ultra bad luck, persuades her father to send to Mexico one of his employees, an accountant with super bad luck, to find her. Perhaps he will be lucky, and his bad luck could help to find the unlucky girl.

Two wealthy businessmen are about to get away with $5 million in ill-gotten money until their plans are revealed by an uninvited house guest.

Renowned comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan delivers a live stand-up set at the Majestic Theatre in San Antonio, Texas.

Eliza Welch viu còmodament al barri West Village de Nova York, té dos fills petits, un marit afectuós però molt despistat i un enorme desig de trobar-se a si mateixa i poder reprendre la seva abandonada carrera d'escriptora. Sense saber-ho, està a punt de viure un dia que posaria a prova fins i tot la millor mare del món: en només 24 hores haurà d'organitzar l'aniversari de la seva filla, bregar amb l'equip de rodatge d'una pel·lícula que ha envaït la seva urbanització, assistir-hi al menjar setmanal amb les seves amigues, intentar escriure un article per a una revista, treure a passejar el seu gos incontinent, i per si no n'hi hagués prou, perseguir el seu esmunyedís fill de dos anys.

Matheus is the owner of a very simple amusement park and has the dream of visiting the famous parks in the USA. But when his family finally gets the opportunity to travel abroad for the first time, things don't go as expected.