The family of an older man who runs a small sake brewery become concerned with his finances and his health after they discover him visiting an old mistress from his youth.

The circularity of violence seen in a story that circles on itself. In Macedonia, during the war in Bosnia, Christians hunt an ethnic Albanian girl who may have murdered one of their own. A young monk who's taken a vow of silence offers her protection. In London, a photographic editor who's pregnant needs to talk it out with her estranged husband and chooses a toney restaurant.

An ornithologist mistaken for an explosives expert is sent alone into a small French town during WWI to investigate a garbled report from the resistance about a bomb which the departing Germans have set to blow up a weapons cache.

The US President and the UK Prime Minister are planning on launching a war in the Middle East, but—behind the scenes—government officials and advisers are either promoting the war or are trying to prevent it.

Després de conèixer que pateix una greu malaltia, Pierre comença a tenir una altra visió sobre la vida i les persones que l'envolten. Desolat, observa el seu entorn i s’adona que tothom té els seus propis problemes.

Modesto, an honest and responsible professional, is a manager of a small bank branch in Costa del Sol. His daughter died in a forest fire which he had thought to be accidental. One day he wakes up in his bank, after being locked and dragged by unknown men, and finds out in a safety-deposit box that the fire was plotted. From that day on, he sets on a personal crusade for justice.

When one of them breaks a leg, five friends snowboarding in the Norwegian mountains take shelter in an abandoned ski lodge and soon realize they’re not alone.

Martin, an ex-Parisian well-heeled hipster passionate about Gustave Flaubert who settled into a Norman village as a baker, sees an English couple moving into a small farm nearby. Not only are the names of the new arrivals Gemma and Charles Bovery, but their behavior also seems to be inspired by Flaubert's heroes.

Quan en Bill rep la tràgica notícia de la mort d'en Brady, el seu germà bessó, abandona el seu lloc com a professor de filosofia clàssica a la universitat de Brown i torna a Little Dixie, un petit poble de la zona rural d'Oklahoma on es va criar. Però en arribar descobreix que en realitat el seu germà no ha mort i, ràpidament, s'adona que es tracta un pla per fer-lo tornar i demanar-li la seva ajuda. Malgrat no estar molt convençut, Bill decideix finalment ajudar al seu germà i participar en el seu absurd pla, accedint a fer-se passar per en Brady i visitar a la seva mare, la Daisy.

Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.

Simran loves love stories, with her ideal job and perfect boyfriend, she lives a blissful and dreamy life. However, things are rudely interrupted by Jay's cynicism on sentimentality.

Basat en l'escàndol de la vida real que va commocionar l'era de l'Anglaterra victoriana, la pel·lícula explica la història d'Eufemia "Effie" Gray. Als 19 anys es va casar amb l'historiador d'art i crític prominent John Ruskin, però es va negar a consumar el matrimoni. Solitària i frustrat Effie es veu atreta pel pintor pre-Rafaelita John Everett Millais, i troba un amiga i defensora a Lady Elizabeth Eastlake. Després de cinc anys atrapats en un matrimoni sense amor, Effie desafiarà les regles de la societat...

Nia Vardalos (Els meus grans casaments grec - "My Big Fat Greek Wedding") i Toni Collette (El casament de Muriel - "Muriel's Wedding") són Connie i Carla, dos cantants d'un teatre que accidentalment són testimonis d'un crim de la màfia i es veuen obligades a fugir per salvar les seves vides i amagar-se... fent-se passar per drag queens (dones vestides com a homes que es vesteixen com a dones). El cas és que l'assumpte es complica quan a Los Angeles coneixen l'èxit i la Connie s'enamora de David Duchovny, un home que busca l'amor... d'una noia. Així, amb la màfia perseguint-los els talons, les dues dones hauran de seguir perseguint els seus somnis, evitar els matons i mai, mai subestimar el poder de transformació dels productes de cosmètica.

Something has gone wrong with the landing gear of a plane en route from Madrid to Mexico City. The group of eccentric travelers on the flight, defenseless in the face of danger, indulge in colourful confessionals, while the outlandish crew attempts to find ways to entertain them.

Umberto, Lucia and Corrado discover that their co-worker and friend Umberto is terminally ill, but they can't bring themselves to tell him. They decide instead to organize him an unforgettable holiday trip to the South.

En plena Segona Guerra Mundial, quatre soldats nord-americans queden atrapats i perduts darrere de les línies enemigues quan el seu avió s’estavella. Desesperats per sortir d’aquí, decideixen planejar una ruta de fuita a través del riu, però en el camí es troben amb oficials enemics.

It's Christmas Eve and Tori just wants to get drunk and party, but when a robotic Santa Claus at a nearby toy store goes haywire and begins a rampant killing spree through her small town, she's forced into a battle for survival.

Randy Daytona was a child ping pong prodigy who lost his chance at Olympic gold when his father is murdered by the mysterious Feng over a gambling debt. 15yrs later he's down on his luck and scraping a living doing seedy back room shows in Vegas; when the FBI turn up and ask for his help to take down Feng... who just happens to love Ping Pong.