Paris, in the early 1990s: a group of young activists is desperately tied to finding the cure against an unknown lethal disease. They target the pharmaceutical labs that are retaining potential cures, and multiply direct actions, with the hope of saving their lives as well as the ones of future generations.

La història real de l'editor de la revista 'Elle France', Jean-Dominique Bauby, que l'any 1995, quan tenia 43 anys, va patir un ictus que li va paralitzar tot el cos, excepte l'ull esquerre. Utilitzant l'ull per parpellejar, Bauby descriu eloqüentment els aspectes del seu món interior, des del turment psicològic de quedar atrapat dins del cos fins a les històries imaginades de terres que només ha visitat mentalment.

An ensemble comedy, where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. It's about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that wanted control of popular culture via the British Broadcasting Corporation. Loosely based on the events in Britain in the 60's when the Labour government of Harold Wilson, wanted to bring the pirate radio stations under control, enough to see the passage of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act on 15 August 1967. Also known as "Pirate Radio".

The film tells the story of Malony and his education as he grows from a six-year-old into an 18-year-old. A minors’ judge and a caseworker work tirelessly to try to save the young offender.

Felicia és una nena que, després de perdre als seus pares, viu en un orfenat. La seva passió és la dansa i somia amb convertir-se en una ballarina professional.

Basada en l'atemptat terrorista que va tenir lloc a la marató de Boston l'any 2013. El sergent Tommy Saunders, sancionat per haver agredit un altre policia, és enviat com a càstig a cobrir l'arribada de la marató de Boston. El que sembla que serà un dia avorrit es transforma en un remolí de confusió quan dues bombes esclaten prop de la meta. Hi ha tres morts i nombrosos ferits. A l'agent especial de l'FBI Richard Deslauriers li assignen la investigació del cas. Aviat es demostra que l'atac és un atemptat terrorista i comença una recerca intensa d'imatges que puguin oferir alguna pista de qui en podria ser l'autor. Per això demanen la col·laboració de la població de Boston.

És l'última nit de l'estiu del 1962, i els joves de Modesto, Califòrnia, volen divertir-se abans que arribin les seves responsabilitats com a adults. Així, tots els adolescents del poble surten aquella nit per beure, lligar, passejar-se amb el cotxe, anar a la bolera o ballar una estona...

Jacques and Martine, an ordinary bourgeois couple, invite to dinner a friend whom they have not seen the last ten years. Since then he has become a media star and everything has to go just right at dinner.

A Beirut les vides de cinc dones es creuen. El saló de bellesa és un microcosmos acolorit i sensual on comparteixen i es confien les seves esperances, temors i expectatives.

When Ilan Halimi is kidnapped for ransom because Jewish and supposedly rich, his family and the police start a race against time to save him from the tortures of the "gang of barbarians".

Louise, ballerina at the Garnier Opera in 1895, rushes home after a show but is stopped by a friend asking for money. Louise knows what to do in order to repay her.

Denis struggles to raise his boisterous daughters Janine and Mercredi on his own while holding down two jobs. Everything goes sour when Denis forgets Mercredi one too many times at the school gates. Séverine, a cheerful social worker, is appointed to scrutinize the family’s daily lives.

A look at the life of French designer Yves Saint Laurent from the beginning of his career in 1958 when he met his lover and business partner, Pierre Berge.

Ma’ Rosa has four children. She owns a small convenience store in a poor section of Manila where everybody knows her. To make ends meet, Rosa and her husband, Nestor, resell small amounts of narcotics on the side. One day, they get arrested. Rosa’s children are ready to do anything to buy their parents’ freedom from the corrupt police.

1920. Jean Rezeau and his elder brother were living happily in their family estate in Brittany, until the death of their grandmother. The return of their mother, a worthy descendant of fairytales' witches, brings an all new atmosphere to their home.

Una nit, després de tancar el seu consultori, Jenny, una jove doctora, escolta el timbre, però decideix no obrir. L´endemà s’assabenta per la policia que han trobat, no molt lluny d'allà, a una jove morta, sense identitat

The day his bank refuses to finance him, Georges will do everything he can to save his shipyard and his employees.

El cos del monjo Yves és trobat penjant de cap per avall en una creu al cementeri de Montjoyer, prop de l'Abadia de Fresange, al sud de França. Qui va poder matar el monjo i per quin motiu? Els investigadors Alicia Tirard i Alex Lazzari descobreixen que la clau per a desxifrar el misteri és la fórmula secreta d'un licor de plantes que els monjos de Fresange fabriquen des de l'edat mitjana.

A middle-class house in the middle of nowhere. A council estate in Sète. A mother and daughter. Two childhood friends. A vanishing. Blackmail. A clash between two worlds.

Jean, a forty-year-old struggling, out-of-work actor has hit rock bottom. Although open to any kind of work, he can't get a break. At the unemployment office, his counselor has a rather odd proposal: he can get a job helping the police reconstruct crime scenes, by standing in for the dead victim. Jean's obsession for detail impresses the detectives, allowing him to take a leading role in a sensitive investigation in Megève ski resort, during low season, after a series of murders