Looking for a baby-sitter for the night, Marc Schaudel entrusts his son Remy to the care of his employee Franck, a straight man. But the thing that Marc doesn't know, is that Franck is getting 30 years old this weekend and that his son Remy is a very capricious child. The next day, Marc and his wife Claire are awakened by a call from the police. Remy and Franck are missing, and the house is totally devastated. The police finds a camera in the leftovers. Marc, Claire and the police start watching the video that has been recorded the day before during the night and find out what happened to Franck and Remy.

En ung senegalesisk-fransk mand fra beskedne kår sætter sig for at bestige Mount Everest for at imponere den kvinde, han elsker. Langsomt bliver det en mediebegivenhed.

After closing his agency Alibi.com and promising Flo that he would never lie to her again, Greg's new life became quiet, too quiet... Not for long! When he decides to propose to Flo, Greg is up against the wall and has to introduce his family. But with his crooked father and his ex-charm actress mother, this could ruin his future union. He has no choice but to reopen his agency with his former accomplices for an ultimate Alibi and to find more presentable fake parents.

Nicky Larson is tasked to recover the perfume of Cupid, a perfume that would make anyone who uses it irresistible.

A light hearted romantic-road comedy produced by Big Band Story in association with the French TV network TF1. The film had its world premiere in Festival de la Fiction TV, La Rochelle. The film stars popular French TV stars Rayane Bensetti, Lucie Lucas, Cécile Rebboah & Xavier Robic.

Tamara, 15, complexed with her curves, decided its entry into second to get rid of the label of "big". To shut up the gossip, she made a bet with her best friend to go out with the first boy who pass the classroom door. No luck, the boy turns out to be Diego, the most handsome guy of high school. The bet is complicated for Tamara .... Between the dirty tricks of the mean girls of high school, a mother hen, boards "drag" his little sister, Tamara is a memorable year!

Franck, Sonia, Sam, Ernest Estelle og Alex fløj til Brasilien. De går på ferie på Hotel Alain, far til Sonia. Franck vil nyde denne tur med venner til at foreslå hende. På hotellet, bliver de mødt af Alain og Yolande, den vrissen bedstemor Sonia. Drengene organisere en tur ind i junglen med en erfaren guide. Alain siger deres Yolande lest det forstyrrer processen med at vende tilbage til "miljømærke VWF". Om aftenen havde drengene ikke tilbage. De forsvandt med bedstemor og vejledning. Den næste morgen, er GoPro kamera med, som de var parter fundet ...

Yassine asks his best friend Fred to marry him in order to avoid deportation...

Boston, 1978. Tolv mænd og en kvinde mødes i et forladt pakhus, hvor en våbenhandel skal finde sted. Men luften er tyk af mistro og nervøsitet, og der går ikke mange minutter, før situationen løber løbsk og udarter til alles kamp mod alle. For både de irske købere og de amerikanske sælgere har kløe i aftrækkerfingrene, tilsyneladende uendelige mængder ammunition og total mangel på moralske skrupler.

Two years have passed. After missing their separation, the Leroy seem perfectly successful in their divorce. But the appearance of two new lovers in the life of Vincent and Florence will set fire to the powders. The match between the former spouses resumes.

Florence and Vincent Leroy are a model couple. They have great jobs, a perfect marriage and delightful children. And now they want their divorce to be an equal success. But when they are both simultaneously promoted to their dream jobs, their relationship becomes a nightmare. From that moment on, the gloves are off, the two exes declare war and will do everything in their power to NOT have custody of their children.

Da det fransk-afrikanske par Paul og Sali opdager, at det barn, de har ventet på at adoptere, er hvidt, opstår der kaos og konfrontationer i familien.

Maya is living the ultimate fashionistas dream: she is working as a stylist for one of the French trend setters, in the capital of haute-couture: Paris. One of the IT girls of fashion, shes following her dreams until one night, when her life takes a sudden turn: shes being deported back to Morocco, after being stopped for over speeding, because her Visa expired some time ago. So in no more than 24 hours, shes deported back to her family and original country. The strong cultural shock and the judgmental differences are pushing the woman to obtain back her place in the city of dreams and her dreams, no matter the costs. But that doesn't mean she will have to return alone, as she finds other things also among her way back to the city.

A wife finds out her husband has a mistress. She decides to propose her to share her life with her husband, alternating every two weeks.

The story of a woman who dreams to join an intervention group in the police department called RAID. Unfortunately, she is rather clumsy and both her family (and soon to be family-in-law) and a veteran of the RAID do not approve. However, Johanna is determined to prove them wrong.

Even at the age of 40, Juliette is used to other people making decisions for her. When she meets two guys she likes, she has to finally make her own decision.

Forestil dig, at du vågner op en morgen, og byen er mennesketom - alle dine nærmeste er også væk. Netop det er scenariet i den franske sci fi 'Alone'. Her vågner den 16-årige Sofia op en morgen og konstaterer, at hele byen er stille og øde. Alle mennesker - inklusiv hendes familie - synes at være forsvundet sporløst, men så møder hun alligevel fire andre unge med samme problem. Sammen prøver de at finde ud af, hvad der er sket, og om de vitterlig er helt alene tilbage på Jorden. 'Lonely' er baseret på bogserien 'Seuls' og er instrueret af David Moreau, der slog igemme med gyseren 'Them'.

Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...

Guillaume Canet is told by a young co-star that he's no longer Rock'n' Roll and can't sell films anymore. He then tries to prove her wrong and gets help from his girlfriend, Marion Cotillard.

Two buddies visit a friends couple-urban sophisticate, inhibited parents. While they meet with the baby in his room, the two buddies start on bad jokes about his physique. But they ignore that in the kitchen, everyone hears them through the baby monitor !