Després d'eliminar alguns dels membres de la banda que va intentar assassinar-la el dia del seu casament, "Mamba Negra" prossegueix la venjança i intenta acabar amb la resta de la banda, especialment amb el seu antic cap, Bill, que la va donar per morta deixant-la en coma.
In a rural French village, an old man and his only remaining relative cast their covetous eyes on an adjoining vacant property. They need its spring water for growing their flowers, and are dismayed to hear that the man who has inherited it is moving in. They block up the spring and watch as their new neighbour tries to keep his crops watered from wells far afield through the hot summer. Though they see his desperate efforts are breaking his health and his wife and daughter's hearts, they think only of getting the water.
El llegendari assassí John Wick (Keanu Reeves) es veu obligat a sortir de la jubilació per un ex-associat que planeja obtenir el control d'un misteriós grup internacional d'assassins. Obligat a ajudar-lo per un jurament de sang, John emprèn un viatge a Roma ple d'adrenalina estremidora per lluitar contra els assassins més perillosos del món.
Noves peripècies personals i esportives del boxejador Rocky Balboa, aquesta vegada enfrontant-se a un dur i fred boxejador soviètic: l'Ivan Drago.
Fresh off ripping space-time a new one at the end of "Bender's Big Score," the Planet Express crew is back to mend the tear in reality, or (hopefully) at least not make it worse. Beyond the tear, though, lurks a being of inconceivable...tentacularity. What will become of Earth, and indeed, our universe, when faced with the Beast with a Billion Backs?
On their home planet of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons are involved in an explosive battle over the coveted AllSpark. With the fate of the universe at stake, the Autobots send it far from the reaches of the ruthless Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. But there are even more surprises in store when it crash-lands on Earth.
El detectiu Roger Murtaugh, que està a punt de jubilar-se, i el seu impulsiu company Martin Riggs, investiguen la desaparició d'una partida d'armes de foc il·legals que es van robar d'un dipòsit policial i que han aparegut a Los Angeles en mans d'unes bandes de joves delinqüents. Després de les primeres indagacions arriben a la conclusió que l'expolicia Jack Travis està implicat en l'afer. Però el Departament d'Afers Interns també investiga el cas per mitjà de la detectiva Lorna Cole, que, com Riggs, prefereix els mètodes expeditius.
La parella de policies formada per Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh torna a enfrontar-se amb una perillosa missió contra el món del crim organitzat. Aquest cop es tracta de la màfia asiàtica establerta a Los Angeles. Un policia jove, Lee Butters, ajudarà els dos companys en la investigació i, a més, embolicarà la troca ja que surt amb la filla de Murtaugh i la deixa embarassada. Per la seva banda, Riggs i la seva companya Lorna també esperen un fill.
Rhode Island State Trooper Charlie Baileygates has a multiple personality disorder. One personality is crazy and aggressive, while the other is more friendly and laid back. Both of these personalities fall in love with the same woman named Irene after Charlie loses his medication.
Un extraterrestre assassina al jove Agent K l'any 1969, alterant la línia espai-temps i posant en perill el planeta Terra. El veterà Agent J haurà de tornar fins a aquell any, hores abans del crim, per salvar l'agent, l'Agència, la Terra i, de retruc, tota l'Humanitat. Mentrestant, l'actual Agent K espera nerviós que l'assumpte es resolgui favorablement, perquè ell seria el primer damnificat.
Gràcies a les Boles de Drac i el seu assistent el Dr Kochin, el malvat Dr Wheel ha estat alliberat de la seva tomba de gel. Ara, aquests científics bojos volen dominar el món amb la seva temible biotecnologia ... Només hi ha una pega. El cos del Dr Wheel va morir, i ara el seu cervell està vivint en un pot de vidre! Dr Wheel busca al més fort, el cos més sa del món per ser la nova llar del seu magnífic cervell. Per fer-ho possible el Dr Kochin i els seus guerrers androides segrestaran a Cor Petit i al Mestre Roshi tractant de trobar al lluitador més fort del món. Goku, Gohan i Krillin van a rescatar al seu amic, però els sequaços del Dr Wheel són increïblement forts! Per empitjorar les coses, sembla que el Dr Wheel no només vol tenir el cos de Goku, sinó que ja controla el de Cor Petit!
A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.
Young Dee Renjie arrives in the empire's capital to join the Supreme Court as police judge of his region. He wants to become a prosecutor. Empress Wu, who is at the beginning of her reign, has commissioned the fierce detective Yuchi to investigate a sea monster that stalks the city at night and makes it unsafe.
A cabdriver and a cop race to Paris to rescue a love interest and the Japanese minister of defense from kidnappers.
The decade of the hippies is at an end and the 80's are approaching fast. Carl and Robert are two doped out guys who lives in harmony with the world around them and let life pass by in an eternal hash high. They have been peddling hashish for a decade, hitting an all time high with this last batch: 45 Kilos of pure, high grade Nepalese Hashish. Following the delivery, the police are on their tail.
After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.
Determined to win the Miss American Miss pageant, Mona is ready to sacrifice anything and everything to guarantee herself the crown including her own daughter! She manages to persuade her best bud to raise the kid as her own (Miss AM can't be a mom), but just when this beauty-queen wannabe thinks her prize is in sight, she's surprised by a come-from-behind competitor. Love.
La ciutat de Gotham està novament amenaçada. Aquesta vegada, és una maligna parella composta per Dos Caras i Enigma, que procuraran alterar la pau dels seus conciutadans i del món sencer per sempre. Per aquest motiu, Bruce Wayne haurà d'enfundar-se una altra vegada el vestit de Batman i lluitar-hi; però aquesta vegada no estarà sol, ja que serà acompanyat pel jove Robin.
Ten years after the first American Pie movie, three new hapless virgins discover the Bible hidden in the school library at East Great Falls High. Unfortunately for them, the book is ruined, and with incomplete advice, the Bible leads them on a hilarious journey to lose their virginity.