Jean-Louis, un enginyer catòlic de trenta anys, descobreix un dia a la sortida de missa Françoise, una dona rossa, i pressenteix que algun dia es casarà amb ella, però la perd entre la multitud. D'altra banda, el seu vell amic Vidal, marxista convençut, el porta a casa de la Maud, una bella divorciada.

Starting immediately after the first siege of Vienna took place in the previous century narrates the conflicts that preceded the events of September 11, 1683, known as the Battle of Vienna. The film shows the circumstances of the second siege of Vienna and the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks led by Kara Mustafa against the Habsburg Monarchy: the massive attack was stopped by King John III of Poland, who managed to reduce the Ottoman expansion in the Old Continent.

Spin doctors spread misinformation and confusion among American citizens to delay progress on such important issues as global climate change.

A cheerful parking attendant considers it his job to do more than validate parking. He wants to validate the customers themselves, delivering compliments about their appearances and the inner qualities behind them. Everyone who comes up to him with a ticket walks away validated as a worthwhile human being. Soon, the parking attendant becomes so popular that people line up for validation...

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.

Finals dels anys trenta. Els millors jugadors de pòquer competeixen per la supremacia a Nova Orleans. McQueen és un jove jugador, recentment incorporat al selecte cercle de tafurs que es proposen derrotar el rei "Robinson". Una pel·lícula mítica sobre el popular joc de cartes, amb partides plenes de suspens.

L'Arthur i l'Eve fa molts anys que estan casats i han tingut tres filles, la Flyn, la Joey i la Renata. La mare és una decoradora d'interiors obsessiva i mentalment inestable que pateix una greu depressió. Un matí, inesperadament, l'Arthur anuncia a la família que vol separar-se temporalment i viure un temps sol. En el transcurs d'un viatge a Grècia, s’enamora d'una altra dona i desitja casar-s’hi. Quan el pare presenta la seva nova companya a les seves tres filles, provoca un drama familiar de conseqüències tràgiques.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

In a California memorabilia shop in 2010, collector Randy Guijarro bought a tintype that looked to be a familiar figure, Billy the Kid - playing croquet with his gang known as The Regulators. As the gravity of the discovery began to set in, Guijarro initiated a chain of events that would lead him on a painstaking journey to verify the photograph's authenticity.

Movement within a painting, which begins with the savagery of a battle and comes to a halt in a rendition of a masterpiece of the 15th century – The Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello.

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

In an attempt at greater efficiency, the chef and waiter of a fancy oceanside restaurant wreak havoc in the establishment. Adding to the complications is the arrival of a robber.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

In Russia, the attitude to death is paradoxically irrational – we all seem to live forever. Entrepreneur Sergey Yakushin is the only reasonable "madman" who conducted a funeral "revolution" in his native Novosibirsk. Yakushin himself turned around to face death after being diagnosed with late-stage cancer 15 years ago. And they gave me a year of life.

Abstract art film made for gallery exhibition.

Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.

"Maintenance by any Means" is about two maintenance men vying for the position of maintenance supervisor in an apartment complex. The maintenance men must compete with each other in order to get the job left open by the former Maintenance Supervisor. They need evaluations by the people who live at the apartments for every work order they finish. The problem is the renters themselves. Each one they run into has their own set of interesting problems. The maintenance men soon discover that a positive review may be hard to come by. Fixing broken down items in the apartments is the least of their worries. Finally one of the maintenance men must win the contest, by any means.