William Ferris writes...: I was never sure how or why I was allowed into Parchman's "Camp B," and I never asked. Set apart from the main complex of Parchman, the camp is located several miles to the north east of the town of Lambert, Mississippi. On my first visit, I thought that I might have been mistaken for another visitor who was coming on an official visit. In both cases, however, I explained that I was writing "a book" on music and wanted to record prison work chants. The officials accepted this explanation for my visit and allowed me total access to the inmates. During my first visit in the late sixties, I recorded and filmed work chants outside the prison buildings and a sermon by a white evangelical preacher in the dining hall that was followed by a capella gospel singing led by an inmate nicknamed "Flat Top" who sang with a beautiful high pitched tenor voice."

"This is a kid who just said it. I'm the greatest - and he said it with poetry. And I don't mean just the poems that he wrote but with the poetic energy, the poetic spirit" - James Earl Jones. Through the eys of the world is a unique account of one of the great icons of the 20th century, told by family, friends and fans from all over the world.

A family (mother, daughter and son) tries to survive their loneliness and obsessions by going through different sexual experiences and relationships with a new neighbour, a prostitute.

A mother is taken to a hospital and the town council wants to split up her children and put them in foster homes, but the children have a diffrent plan. They set out on a epic journey down thru Sweden, from Lappland down to Stockholm in search of their father. They encounter many people on their journey and make new friends while trying too elude the police.

As lead singer of 1980s British indie band Felt, Lawrence acquired a cult following. In the '90s he went on to form Denim and later Go Kart Mozart. Paul Kelly's intimate documentary film follows Lawrence between Go Kart Mozart albums. He appears as, perhaps, he always has: a man out of time and a confused, confusing genius.

The filming of the like-named tale of K. Chukovsky about the Boldly Buzzing Fly who buys a samovar and celebrates her name day. A spider kidnaps the fly. A mosquito defeats the spider, saves the fly and marries her.

Television adaptation of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

The story or two men who fall in love and move in together.

Marc Hill is the attorney for Emmet Devrey, a real estate developer with a past, who is being blackmailed by his former partner Sam Baggett. When Sam's unfaithful wife Marge cooks up a scheme with her used car salesman lover Jeff Calder to bilk both Devrey and her alcoholic husband, Sam is killed and Devrey is accused of the crime. Mark is called to prove his employers innocence.

Angry at his wife and defeated in battle, the king of Judea is taken prisoner. After being spared by the Romans, King Herod comes to believe he's been a victim of court plotting.

In the Stockholm archipelago in the 1880s, Carlsson move out to an isolated farmstead to help the widow Flood with the farm. Carlsson has big plans for the island, including having paying guests in the summer but Gusten, the son of the widow, is negative. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.

Would-be PR man, ladies' man and adventurer Misha Vorobyov is on the verge of another zigzag of fate that does not promise him anything good. They were fired from a solid company, there is no money, and the prospects are more than vague. But Misha does not have time to get used to the sad status of a loser: fate once again presents an unexpected surprise in the form of a rather unusual offer from a former boss. It turns out that he has a son, Seryozha, a young man who is not exactly closed and complexed, but clearly does not meet his father's ideas about the image of a "real man". Realizing the futility of his attempts to guide his son "on the right path," Pavel Petrovich finds, as it seems to him, the only right way out of the situation.

Charles Hilary is in love with Kathy Forrester, a beautiful television personality, but is married to Louise, an alcoholic with as many lovers as whisky bottles. His pleas for a divorce are met with threats and abuse. "You'll have to murder me first", Louise tells him and three hours later she is found dead, shot with her husband's pistol. When Charles is arrested, Kathy desperately sets to work to prove his innocence.

Meet Doctor Spine, a meek chiropractor with a very dark past that comes back to haunt him. Watch, as a life spent helping others spirals downward into a miasma of madness. Directed by John Wesley Norton.

This film refracts Donegan's earlier performance work through the lens of a studio art practice. The artist subverts the tradition of studio painting by using a computer to make simple line drawings. Later, the computer is transformed into a canvas through the regressive act of directly marking the monitor. Painting is related to scatology as a correlation is made between art making and infantile fantasy.

Stooge is a feature documentary about Robert Pargiter, Iggy Pop's No1 fan. It covers the three years leading up to his 50th birthday when he tries to track his hero down in a final absolution. His journey has taken him all over the world in search of redemption after years of struggling with addiction, of coping with depression, and of celebrating the communal lust that is Rock'n Roll.

Features Major League players and managers and cast and crew discussing the themes of the film, the performances, baseball, family, the film's lasting impact, and more.

The Tisza has meandered through the Great Plain for thousands of years. Ever since man first appeared on its banks, he has been trying to put the blonde river at his service. He has drunk its water, irrigated it, cut it up and levelled it. And 50 years ago he stopped it to turn it into a big reservoir. Little did he know then that his work would conjure up the world of the ancient Tisza. Thanks to the river’s waters, a unique ecosystem has been created. Man built it, nature built it. Thus was created a man-made paradise: the Tisza Lake. The narrator of the film, Dimitry Ljasuk, takes the viewer by the hand and shows, through all 4 seasons, what this special place has become over the decades. Millions of special birds and fish have settled here, and the dense vegetation has painted the banks of the blonde river green. Today, wild meanders, black-water inland lakes, labyrinths of reeds and thousands of islands are reminiscent of the ancient Tisza.