La Sophie reflexiona sobre l’alegria compartida i la melancolia d’unes vacances que va fer amb el seu pare 20 anys enrere. Els records reals i imaginaris omplen els espais entre les imatges, mentre intenta reconciliar el pare que va conèixer amb l’home que no va conèixer.
Els Hoover són una família desestructurada: l'avi esnifa cocaïna i diu paraulotes, el pare fa cursos sobre l'èxit amb estrepitós fracàs, la mare no dóna l'abast, l'oncle es recupera d'un suïcidi frustrat en ser abandonat pel seu xicot, el fill adolescent llegeix Nietzche i es nega a parlar, i la filla petita, l'Olive, una nena amb ulleres i lleugerament grassoneta, vol participar en concursos de bellesa. Quan un cop de sort porta l'Olive a ser convidada a participar al molt competitiu concurs de 'Petita Miss Sunshine' a Califòrnia, tota la família Hoover es reuneix per anar amb ella. S'apilen en la seva oxidada furgoneta Volkwagen i es dirigeixen cap a l'oest en un tragicòmic periple de tres dies, ple de boges sorpreses que els porta al gran debut de l'Olive, el qual canviarà a aquesta família d'inadaptats d'una forma que mai haguessin imaginat.
Un matí, Jeffrey Beaumont, després de visitar el seu pare a l'hospital, troba entre uns arbustos una orella humana. La guarda en una bossa de paper i la porta a la comissaria de policia, on l'atén el detectiu Williams, que és veí seu. Comença així una misteriosa intriga que desvetllarà estranys successos esdevinguts en una petita localitat de Carolina del Nord.
Una nit tranquil·la, en un bosc de Los Angeles, aterra una nau d'un altre planeta, i els seus ocupants surten a inspeccionar la zona. Però han de marxar de sobte i un dels tripulants es queda a la Terra. L'extraterrestre s'amaga a casa d'Elliot, un nen de deu anys amb qui aviat començarà una forta amistat.
Billy Hayes (Brad Davis), un jove nord-americà, és detingut a l'aeroport d'Istanbul quan es disposa a pujar a un avió amb diversos paquets d'haixix. Acusat d'un dels delictes més greus a Turquia, Billy és condemnat a quatre anys de presó, on patirà terribles penalitats en un sistema penal brutal i inhumà.
Salvador Mallo, a filmmaker in the twilight of his career, remembers his life: his mother, his lovers, the actors he worked with. The sixties in a small village in Valencia, the eighties in Madrid, the present, when he feels an immeasurable emptiness, facing his mortality, the incapability of continuing filming, the impossibility of separating creation from his own life. The need of narrating his past can be his salvation.
A long love story, seen through the memories of one young couple. The journey through the years of two individuals, united, divided, happy, unhappy, deeply in love, or in love with others, in a single stream of emotions and shades of feeling. Over the course of the film, he learns that love can indeed last, while she learns to live with nostalgia.
Un matí d´hivern un home i una noia es troben casualment mentre visiten un pis de lloguer a París. La passió se n'apodera i fan l'amor violentament al pis buit. Quan abandonen l'edifici, es posen d'acord per tornar-hi a trobar, en solitud, sense preguntar-se ni tan sols els noms.
Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behavior generates strong reactions around him exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture.
En Claudio és un obrer de la construcció que treballa en una obra a les afores de Roma. Està molt enamorat de la seva dona, embarassada del seu tercer fill. Un drama inesperat transformarà sobtadament aquesta vida senzilla i feliç. Per sobreviure, Claudio afrontarà amb ràbia la injustícia íntima i social que l'afecta. El suport de la seva família i dels seus amics i l'amor dels seus fills l'ajudaran a superar el desafiament més gran de la seva vida.
A crooked cop, a mob boss and the young girl they abuse are the denizens of a city's criminal underworld. It's a world that ordinary Arthur Poppington doesn't understand and doesn't belong in, but is committed to fighting when he changes into a vigilante super-hero of his own making, Defendor. With no power other than courage Defendor takes to the streets to protect the city's innocents.
Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.
A promising law student from a good family is driven by a cool cardsharper into a downward spiral of criminality, discovering a part of himself he had never known.
Twenty years after tragedy cut their graduation trip short, four friends return to that destination to finish what they started in 1980. However, as they find out, you can't repeat the past.
Michael and Joanna are a young and successful married couple who appear to have it all. But when Michael finds himself alone on a business trip with an attractive new colleague and Joanna encounters the other great love of her life, each is thrust into an evening of temptation.
Prime numbers are divisible only by one and themselves. These numbers are solitary and incomprehensible to others. Alice and Mattia are both "prime", both haunted by the tragedies that have marked them in childhood: a skiing accident for Alice which has caused a defect in her leg, and the loss of his twin sister for Matthew.
Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.
Mamma Stella is on edge. As if she hadn't got enough trouble already with her daughter Rosa Maria, who has left her husband now Costantino, her son, has disrobed. Afraid to be the talk of the village, relegates him to a distant lighthouse belonging to the family. But Costantino does not remain far from the madding crowd for long. It does not take long indeed before all the local (or even distant) outcasts flock together there: Magnolia, a retired escort girl; Arturo, Rosa Maria's estranged husband; Valbona, a lesbian; Rosa Maria herself; and, to crown it all, two eccentric workers accompanied by a little girl... After a period of chaos, this small world gradually discovers that unity makes strength.
Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.