This revealing portrait of Cuba follows the lives of Fidel Castro and three Cuban families affected by his policies over the last four decades.

A la Galícia rural del 1936, en vigília de la guerra d'Espanya, en Moncho arriba tard a l'escola, després d'uns quants anys de malaltia. Don Gregorio, el mestre del poble, a les portes de la jubilació, l'acull amb afecte, dedicació i paciència, i es guanya la simpatia i la gratitud dels seus pares. Però l'esclat de la guerra farà que la por esquinci d'una manera sobtada, injusta i cruel aquella preciosa sintonia.

Peppino is an aging taxidermist constantly ridiculed for being short and somewhat creepy. He meets Valerio, a handsome young man fascinated by Peppino's work. Peppino, in turn, becomes entranced by Valerio and offers him a large salary to come work as his assistant. But when Valerio meets Deborah, their fledgling romance is threatened by an insanely jealous third wheel.

48 hours in the life of the Neugebauer family. The May weekend with a small family celebration, which was planned as peaceful and contemplative, turns out to be a kind of Rocky Horror Picture Show in Vienna's municipal housing estate. Just like the other residents, the Neugebauers are preparing for the impending Mother's Day.

It's July 1976, and two Nova Scotian teens, Kit and Alice, are hitting the road with their sights on Sydney and their minds on the future. With them is Kit's new imaginary friend, who looks conspicuously like Andy Warhol, but who assures Kit that he is a spirit animal. Kit and Alice have big dreams, but do they really want the same things?

A Nova York, la petita Maisie, amb sis anys, es veu involucrada en l'amarg divorci dels seus pares, una estrella del rock i un marxant d'art.

Al començament de la Segona Guerra Mundial, amb el Regne Unit arribant a la desesperació, Churchill ordena a la seva nova agència d'espionatge que recluti i entreni a dones espia.

In a secluded house in a small seaside town live four unrelated men and the woman who tends to the house and their needs. All former priests, they have been sent to this quiet exile to purge the sins of their pasts, the separation from their communities the worst form of punishment by the Church. They keep to a strict daily schedule devoid of all temptation and spontaneity, each moment a deliberate effort to atone for their wrongdoings.

After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related to a revolutionary advance in steam power.

Jorge is a writer for a left-leaning Buenos Aires magazine that's at odds with the country's military dictatorship. He meets lovely and intelligent actress Laura and begins an on-and-off romance that will continue for the next two decades. Fearful of commitment, Jorge initially moves on from her and his fortunes suffer, but the situation changes when he and Laura renew their acquaintance. Meanwhile, the country undergoes a political transformation.

Berlin in June of 1940. While Nazi propaganda celebrates the regime’s victory over France, a kitchen-cum-living room in Prenzlauer Berg is filled with grief. Anna and Otto Quangel’s son has been killed at the front. This working class couple had long believed in the ‘Führer’ and followed him willingly, but now they realise that his promises are nothing but lies and deceit. They begin writing postcards as a form of resistance and in a bid to raise awareness: Stop the war machine! Kill Hitler! Putting their lives at risk, they distribute these cards in the entrances of tenement buildings and in stairwells. But the SS and the Gestapo are soon onto them, and even their neighbours pose a threat.

La Gabrielle és una noia que viu en un poble de la Provença, al sud de França. Poc després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, comença a expressar els seus sentiments i emocions de manera apassionada, fins al punt que els seus pares la prenen per boja. Per tenir-la controlada, li proposen que es casi amb en José, un jornaler espanyol que treballa als camps de la família. La Gabrielle s'hi casa a contracor, sota l'amenaça d'ingressar en un centre psiquiàtric, i li diu que no l'estimarà mai. Els càlculs renals que pateix la Gabrielle l'obliguen a fer una cura termal en un balneari, on coneix l'André Sauvage, un militar que ha tornat malalt de la guerra a la Indoxina, amb qui viurà una apassionada història d'amor.

Quiet Jose woos cafe worker Ana, but she is unaware he has intentions other than the purely romantic.

Three women. One same age. Three ways to face it.

Colonia Helena, Argentina. The mysterious Tomás Kóblic, a former Navy pilot, works as a fumigator while dealing with his dark past and the intrigues of the corrupt police commissioner…

Un psicoanalista freudià que viu amb la seva exdona es veu obligat a practicar esport a causa del seu estat de salut. D’aquesta manera coneix la Clàudia, una entrenadora personal que el farà veure la vida d’una forma diferent.

Jonathan McQuarry és un comptable de vida gris, però el seu nou amic Wyatt, un advocat poderós i atractiu, l'introdueix en un misteriós club sexual conegut com "La llista". En una de les trobades, en Jonathan coneix la dona dels seus somnis, però ben aviat es converteix en sospitós d'un seguit de fets molt greus.

Enrico Giusti works for a big corporation: his job is to save dying companies by persuading young scions to sell. However, his latest assignment is proving more difficult than anticipated, since it concerns two teens whose parents just died in a car accident.

Moscou, 1959. En plena guerra freda, la jove Kàtia, que de petita va perdre els seus pares executats a mans del brutal règim estalinista, que els acusava de dissidents, fa veure que és una ciutadana comunista modèlica, però en realitat ella i el seu amic Misha fan d'espies per passar informació als nord-americans. En Misha també és amic d'en Sasha, un jove polític comunista idealista que ocupa un càrrec important al Ministeri d'Afers Estrangers i que està convençut que la política pot servir per millorar les coses per a tota la societat. A petició d'en Misha, la Kàtia es comença a veure amb en Sasha per obtenir-ne informació útil per passar-la als nord-americans, però de seguida se n'enamora i ha de triar entre l'amor i les seves conviccions.

40-year-old foreman Vital is chosen by Alix (25) as a guinea pig in the anonymous study she is carrying out in her father's factory. The boss's daughter soon finds herself falling under the spell of this reserved, enigmatic worker as he begins to open up to her, revealing his dreams of another life.