Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

A son pieces together his father’s revolutionary past from the diary he’s found, painting a portrait of fathers and sons who were revolutionaries during the 1970s. Most interestingly, the film sheds light on the contrast between the lives of men who ached to change the world vs the men who now seek to just get by.

The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!

Capità Amèrica, Vídua Negra i un nou aliat, Falcon, s'enfronten a un enemic inesperat mentre intenten treure a la llum una conspiració que posa en risc el món.

After Martha Jones parts company with the Doctor, his TARDIS collides with another, and he comes face to face with one of his previous incarnations.

Una poderosa raça alienígena contracta els Guardians perquè protegeixin les seves valuoses bateries d'energia, però, quan Rocket les roba, els alienígenes envien les seves tropes de combat a venjar-se'n. Mentre intenten escapar amb vida, intenten resoldre el misteri dels veritables orígens de Peter Quill.

Quan el desastre copeja el Titànic, el Doctor descobreix una amenaça a la raça humana sencera. Lluitat al costat dels passatgers, sabotejadors, Àngels robot i una nova amiga l'Astrid, podrà parar el Nadal infernal?

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

El Howard és un publicista reputat a qui somriu la vida, però la mort de la seva filla de sis anys l'enfonsa en un pou del que no pot sortir. Els seus amics i socis, preocupats per la salut del Howard i el futur de l'agència publicitària decideixen prendre mesures dràstiques per demostrar que està incapacitat per portar les regnes del negoci. Per aconseguir-ho contracten tres actors que faran els papers de l'Amor, el Temps i la Mort davant del Howard.

Abans de ser Wonder Woman era la Diana, princesa de les Amazones, entrenada per ser una guerrera invencible. La Diana va créixer en una illa paradisíaca protegida. Un dia, però, un pilot nord-americà té un accident i va a parar a les seves platges. Li parla d'una gran guerra i la Diana decideix abandonar l'illa convençuda que pot aturar la terrible amenaça. Mentre lluita al costat dels homes en la guerra que ha de posar fi a totes les guerres, la Diana descobreix tots els seus poders i el seu veritable destí.

Filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it.

Pel·lícula basada en l'autobiografia del President de Sud-àfrica Nelson Mandela, que fa la crònica dels seus primers anys en un poble rural, la joventut a ciutat, ja advocat, la vida sota el segregacionisme i els 27 anys de presó fins al seu alliberament i l'arribada a la presidència, amb els esforços per reconstruir el país. Sota el sistema de l'apartheid, Mandela va ser considerat un terrorista i va patir pena de presó a Robben Island acusat de liderar l'aleshores il·legalitzat Congrés Nacional Africà. Defensor de la lluita pacífica i convençut que la força s'aconsegueix amb la unió del poble, finalment, va rebre el reconeixement internacional.

Les peripècies d’un funcionari italià que viu tranquil i feliç amb el seu treball. Però la seva felicitat s’acaba quan l’Estat decideix aplicar retallades, i es veu forçat a escollir entre la indemnització o el trasllat.

When an aspiring rapper goes viral for the wrong reasons, he thinks his career is sunk. But a wild party gives him one more chance to make it right.

The bitter fight for supremacy between the three most popular girls at North Gateway High takes an unexpected turn when their classmate, Tanner, is outed and becomes the school’s first openly gay student. The trio races to bag the big trend in fashion accessories, the Gay Best Friend, while Tanner must decide whether his skyrocketing popularity is more important than the friendships he is leaving behind.

On a tiny exotic island, Tuesday, an outgoing parrot lives with his quirky animal friends in paradise. However, Tuesday can't stop dreaming about discovering the world. After a violent storm, Tuesday and his friends wake up to find a strange creature on the beach: Robinson Crusoe. Tuesday immediately views Crusoe as his ticket off the island to explore new lands. Likewise, Crusoe soon realizes that the key to surviving on the island is through the help of Tuesday and the other animals. It isn't always easy at first, as the animals don't speak "human." Slowly but surely, they all start living together in harmony, until one day, when their comfortable life is overturned by two savage cats, who wish to take control of the island. A battle ensues between the cats and the group of friends but Crusoe and the animals soon discover the true power of friendship up against all odds (even savage cats).

Incitada pel seu xicot, Emily convenç la seva mare per anar a un viatge juntes a l'Equador. Però un cop allà les dues dones són segrestades, començant una aventura salvatge en què el seu vincle com a mare i filla s'enfortirà mentre intenten escapar.

A man tries to cure his friend of his video-game obsession by using a virtual reality machine. When the device traps his friend in a virtual world, he goes in to help him fight for his life.