Des de fa quaranta anys, el fotògraf Sebastião Salgado recorre els continents captant la mutació de la humanitat. Testimoni de grans esdeveniments que han marcat la nostra història recent: conflictes internacionals, fam, èxodes, etc.

After a chaotic night of rioting in a marginal suburb of Paris, three young friends, Vinz, Hubert and Saïd, wander around unoccupied waiting for news about the state of health of a mutual friend who has been seriously injured when confronting the police.

This romantic drama by Michelangelo Antonioni follows the love life of Vittoria, a beautiful literary translator living in Rome. After splitting from her writer boyfriend, Riccardo, Vittoria meets Piero, a lively stockbroker, on the hectic floor of the Roman stock exchange. Though Vittoria and Piero begin a relationship, it is not one without difficulties, and their commitment to one another is tested during an eclipse.

Un noi i una noia de dotze anys que s'enamoren s'escapen cap a un lloc aïllat. La vida a l’illa on viuen amagats es trasbalsa quan, mentre els busquen per fer-los tornar, es desferma una violenta tempesta.

A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter.

1900. Els germans Hubbard, Ben, Oscar i Regina, una família benestant del profund Sud dels Estats Units, tenen l'oportunitat d'engegar una fàbrica de cotó que els farà immensament rics amb un soci de Chicago. Per formalitzar el tracte necessiten una important suma de diners que ha d'aportar Horace, banquer local de salut delicada i marit de Regina. La cobejosa i egoista Regina no tindrà escrúpols en utilitzar la manipulació i el xantatge contra els dubtes del marit i l'ambició dels altres germans. De mica en mica, la innocent filla d'Horace i Regina prendrà consciència de l'enviliment de la seva família.

Un grup de monges occidentals obre un hospital a un antiquíssim temple de l'Himàlaia. A les dificultats econòmiques i a l'hostilitat dels nadius, aviat se sumen les tensions entre les monges mateixes. Un agent britànic intentarà intervenir entre elles per solucionar els seus problemes, però la seva presència acabarà despertant, amb conseqüències fatals, la sexualitat reprimida d'algunes germanes.

Benigni, alone on stage, speaks freely about politics, sex and religion.

David Locke is a world-weary American journalist who has been sent to cover a conflict in northern Africa, but he makes little progress with the story. When he discovers the body of a stranger who looks similar to him, Locke assumes the dead man's identity. However, he soon finds out that the man was an arms dealer, leading Locke into dangerous situations. Aided by a beautiful woman, Locke attempts to avoid both the police and criminals out to get him.

Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.

Peppino is an aging taxidermist constantly ridiculed for being short and somewhat creepy. He meets Valerio, a handsome young man fascinated by Peppino's work. Peppino, in turn, becomes entranced by Valerio and offers him a large salary to come work as his assistant. But when Valerio meets Deborah, their fledgling romance is threatened by an insanely jealous third wheel.

An investigation of "disaster capitalism", based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.

A principis dels 70, entre les escorrialles del moviment hippy i el naixement del punk, esclatà al Regne Unit el glam rock, caracteritzat per músics rebels que lluïen una estètica andrògina, marcada per vestits brillants i maquillatge espectacular. Entre ells va destacar per damunt de tots Brian Slade, que es va esfumar sobtadament de la vida pública després de simular un atemptat al cim de la seva carrera. Deu anys després d'aquella estranya desaparició...

A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit.

Rachel Singer is a former Mossad agent who tried to capture a notorious Nazi war criminal – the Surgeon of Birkenau – in a secret Israeli mission that ended with his death on the streets of East Berlin. Now, 30 years later, a man claiming to be the doctor has surfaced, and Rachel must return to Eastern Europe to uncover the truth. Overwhelmed by haunting memories of her younger self and her two fellow agents, the still-celebrated heroine must relive the trauma of those events and confront the debt she has incurred.

Pietro is a young bourgeois lawyer who married Giuliana, a pretty girl who was a little unscrewed, and met at a party of artists. Despite the premises, everything between the two seems to work best.

Yukio Haruyama is an elementary school student. He has an uncle that teaches philosophy part-time at an university. His uncle leeches off his family. The uncle then goes on a blind date and falls in love with beautiful Eri Inaba. She is a fourth generation Japanese living in Hawaii. Sometime later, Eri goes back to Hawaii to take over a coffee farm left behind by her recently deceased grandmother. Yukio and his uncle travel to Hawaii to see Eri.

While on a Mediterranean vacation, a seemingly happy boyfriend and girlfriend find their connection to one another tested as they bond with another couple.

Júpiter Jones és una noia humil que es guanya la vida netejant cases. Un dia descobreix que és l’hereva d’una poderosa família noble intergalàctica i ha de lluitar per salvar els habitants de la Terra d’una indústria antiga i destructiva. Per això comptarà amb l’ajuda de Caine Wise, un exmilitar genèticament modificat.

For three days at the Copacabana Palace in Rio de Janeiro, amorous cross-fertilizations are intertwined with petty tricks against the backdrop of the famous carnival festivities. Three (sympathetic) accomplices are beaten to a punch in the hotel vault; three charming stewardesses are looking for entertainment, but their three Carioca host, musicians Tom Jobim, Luiz Bonfá, and João Gilberto, are married; a man, separated from his wife, wants to catch her in the act of adultery.