L'Oskar és un noi de 12 anys que pateix contínuament l'assetjament dels seus companys més forts. El seu desig de tenir un amic sembla que es fa realitat quan coneix a l'Eli, una noia de la seva edat que acaba de traslladar-se a la casa del costat. Però l'Eli és una noia misteriosa: és molt seriosa, està molt pàl·lida, només surt a la nit i aparentment no li afecten les temperatures més gèlides. A més, una sèrie de desaparicions i inexplicables assassinats semblen coincidir amb l'arribada de la noia.

When an earthquake hits a Korean village housing a run-down nuclear power plant, a man risks his life to save the country from imminent disaster.

Having defeated the best fighters of the Imperial Japanese army in occupied Shanghai, Ip Man and his family settle in post-war Hong Kong. Struggling to make a living, Master Ip opens a kung fu school to bring his celebrated art of Wing Chun to the troubled youth of Hong Kong. His growing reputation soon brings challenges from powerful enemies, including pre-eminent Hung Gar master, Hung Quan.

After trying to cover up a car accident that left a man dead, a crooked homicide detective is stalked by a mysterious man claiming to have witnessed the event.

L'any 1953, Stan Laurel i Oliver Hardy, els dos comediants que anys enrere havien tingut un gran èxit arreu del món amb les seves pel·lícules, s'embarquen en una gira per teatres de varietats a la Gran Bretanya de postguerra. Ja grans, i havent deixat enrere la seva època daurada com a reis de la comèdia de Hollywood, s'enfronten a un futur incert. Al principi, actuen en teatres mig buits, però van connectant cada vegada més amb el públic i acaben omplint un gran teatre de Londres. La gira acaba convertint-se en un èxit, però arriba un moment que els greuges del passat, enterrats durant molt de temps, juntament amb la mala salut de l'Oliver, comencen a amenaçar la seva col·laboració i la seva amistat.

When Adolf Hitler reawakens at the site of his former bunker in present-day Berlin, he is mistaken for a comedian and quickly becomes a media phenomenon.

Butch Fenton, major of American army, comes for Villa's head and he's gonna get it. The "Punitive Expedition" proved to be the last major campaign of the U.S. Cavalry. Mexican revolution is the first social movement of the century.

Un assassí en sèrie que duu una màscara amb forma de granota té aterrida la ciutat de Tòquio amb els seus crims, alhora cruels i elaborats. L’inspector Sawamura, encarregat del cas, intentarà desxifrar què mou el psicòpata, sense sospitar que aquest li té preparada una desagradable sorpresa.

In the future, a strange fungus has changed nearly everyone into thoughtless, flesh-eating monsters. When a scientist and a teacher find a girl who seems to be immune to the fungus, they all begin a journey to save humanity.

Martin was a normal teenage boy before the country collapsed in an empty pit of economic and political disaster. A vampire epidemic has swept across what is left of the nation's abandoned towns and cities, and it's up to Mister, a death dealing, rogue vampire hunter, to get Martin safely north to Canada, the continent's New Eden.

When paleontologist Kate Lloyd travels to an isolated outpost in Antarctica for the expedition of a lifetime, she joins an international team that unearths a remarkable discovery. Their elation quickly turns to fear as they realize that their experiment has freed a mysterious being from its frozen prison. Paranoia spreads like an epidemic as a creature that can mimic anything it touches will pit human against human as it tries to survive and flourish in this spine-tingling thriller.

After the disappearance of a young scientist on a business trip, his son and wife struggle to cope, only to make a bizarre discovery years later - one that may bring him home.

Frank és un assassí en sèrie que treballa en una botiga de maniquins antics i que busca a les seves víctimes a través d'Internet. A més, pateix d'al·lucinacions que li fan recordar quan la seva mare abusava d'ell, de tal manera que amb cada mort sent que es venja de la seva progenitora.

Private eye Rafe Guttman is hired by repressed, born-again Katherine to find her missing bad-boy brother. The trail leads him to a whorehouse run by a thousand-year-old vampire and secretly backed by Katherine's boss, televangelist Jimmy Current.

Paul és un pare de família que viu amb la Sarah i el seu fill adolescent Travis en una desolada casa de fusta, on se senten segurs de l'amenaça que terroritza el món exterior. L'ordre que ha establert a la llar es veurà afectat quan una altra família desesperada arribi a la casa cercant refugi.

L’any 1206 Noruega és en plena Guerra Civil. El fill petit del rei, que la meitat del regne vol mort, és protegit en secret per dos homes.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.

Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" in a remote town for Halloween weekend. There, they play the game rumored to have caused the deaths of seven teenagers decades earlier, Truth or Dare. What starts out as vodka induced fun, quickly turns serious when the dares become sickeningly dangerous and the truths threaten to tear the group apart. When players attempt to refuse the increasingly challenging tasks, they're met with deadly consequences, quickly discovering: you must do the dare, or the dare does you. As the death toll mounts, the remaining players must race against the clock to outrun, outsmart and outlast the simple game of Truth or Dare.

LA homicide detective Gene Handsome's knack for solving mysteries is matched only by his inability to make sense of his own problems.

The night before their high school graduation, Jessie and her friends are guided by a 'Find My iPhone' app to recover her lost device from a house whose demented tenants are hell bent on making her a flesh and blood member of the family.