Durant un projecte setmanal, el professor Rainer Wenger ensenya als estudiants de la seva classe el tema de la forma de govern. Els estudiants es mostren escèptics davant de la idea que pogués tornar una dictadura com la del tercer reich a l'Alemanya dels nostres dies i que ja no hi ha perill que el nacionalsocialisme torni a fer-se amb el poder. El professor decideix començar un experiment amb els seus alumnes per demostrar com és de fàcil manipular les masses.

Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!

The Bellas are back, and they are better than ever. After being humiliated in front of none other than the President of the United States of America, the Bellas are taken out of the Aca-Circuit. In order to clear their name, and regain their status, the Bellas take on a seemingly impossible task: winning an international competition no American team has ever won. In order to accomplish this monumental task, they need to strengthen the bonds of friendship and sisterhood and blow away the competition with their amazing aca-magic! With all new friends and old rivals tagging along for the trip, the Bellas can hopefully accomplish their dreams.

When characters from the movie musical “Wet Side Story” get stuck in the real world, teens Brady and Mack must find a way to return them home.

Tobi i Achim són amics des de fa anys. Un és timoner, l'altre remer en un equip de rem. Han celebrat nombroses victòries en el passat i esperen amb impaciència disputar la gran regata de la regió. Però ja no és un campament d'estiu i han deixat de ser nens. Quan es torna seriós el flirteig d'Achim amb Sandra, Tobi s'adona que els seus sentiments per a Achim són molt més profunds del que vol admetre. Se sent confús, incòmode, i cada cop més exclòs. En lloc de l'equip femení berlinès tan esperat, hi arriba un equip de joves homosexuals que fan gala de la seva condició. De cop i volta, Tobi i els seus companys es veuen obligats a replantejar-se els seus prejudicis, les seves pors, i qui sap si els seus desitjos més secrets. A mesura que puja la tensió, la confrontació entre els nois sembla tan inevitable com la violenta tempesta que amenaça de deslligar-se sobre el llac.

Kenai finds his childhood human friend Nita and the two embark on a journey to burn the amulet he gave to her before he was a bear, much to Koda's dismay.

Four runaway cons take shelter in a bungalow owned by an old blind couple.

When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.

As the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel has only a single remaining vacancy - posing a rooming predicament for two fresh arrivals - Sonny pursues his expansionist dream of opening a second hotel.

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

With high school a distant memory, Jim and Michelle are getting married — and in a hurry, since Jim's grandmother is sick and wants to see him walk down the aisle — prompting Stifler to throw the ultimate bachelor party. And Jim's dad is reliable as ever, doling out advice no one wants to hear.

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.

Estranged twins Lizzie and Shane are chosen for a Survivor-like popular game show with college scholarships as the prize.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Will Keane és el propietari d´un dels restaurants més famosos i prestigiosos de Nova York. El seu carisma i seguretat el converteixen en un imant per a les dones, amb qui es relaciona sense comprometre's. Quan coneix la jove Charlotte Fielding, la seva passió per la vida l'encanteri immediatament. Charlotte és una noia independent i vital que polvoritza els prejudicis de Will sobre l'amor i la vida. Sabedora que ha de viure la vida al màxim, Charlotte mostra a Will una impressionant capacitat d'estimar i li proporciona una visió que va més enllà de la seva edat.

The film, set in 1912, is about the exploits of France's first motorized police brigade.

Following a twinning between the national fire brigade and the special forces of the Canadian firefighters, Captain Carter arrives in Rome.

College coeds in New York City, Al, the son of a celebrity chef, and Imogen, a talented artist, become smitten the second they lay eyes on one another at a bar. However, the road to happiness is not a smooth one. Outside forces, including a predatory porn star who wants to lure Al into her bed, threaten to pull apart the young lovers before their romance has a chance to really flourish.

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...