Eight iconic performers of the first generation of Brazilian transvestite artists go on stage to celebrate their 50th career jubilee. The film depicts the human, personal dimension behind these icons, deconstructing gender stereotypes.

On July 19–21, 2001, over 200,000 people took to the streets of Genoa to protest against the ongoing G8 summit. Anti-globalization activists clashed with the police, with 23-year-old protester Carlo Giuliani shot dead after confronting a police vehicle. In the aftermath, the police organized a night raid on the Diaz high school, where around a hundred people between unarmed protesters—mostly students—and independent reporters who documented the police brutality during the protests had took shelter. What happened next was called by Amnesty International "the most serious breach of civil liberties in a democratic Western country since World War II."

A prosperous young Indian man falls in love with his servant, a widow with the dream of becoming a fashion designer.

Una antiga presó del segle XIX, ubicada en una zona inaccessible i indeterminada del territori italià, està sent abandonada. Per problemes burocràtics, els trasllats estan bloquejats, i queden al voltant d'una dotzena de presos, amb pocs agents, tot esperant noves destinacions. En aquesta atmosfera estranya, a poc a poc, les regles semblen tenir cada cop menys sentit, els protocols es relaxen i s'entreveuen noves formes de relació entre els homes que hi queden.

The story of the Black Panthers is often told in a scatter of repackaged parts, often depicting tragic, mythic accounts of violence and criminal activity; but this is an essential story, vibrant, human; a living and breathing chronicle of a pivotal movement that birthed a new revolutionary culture in America.

A conflicted youth confesses to crimes he didn't commit while a man and woman aroused by death become obsessed with each other.

A gangster ends up making a mistake that causes every gun on both sides of the law to point at him. While on the run, he comes across a mysterious woman who might get him out of trouble or make things worse.

Quiet Jose woos cafe worker Ana, but she is unaware he has intentions other than the purely romantic.

The intersecting lives of teens on a surfing trip, a woman with a weak heart and two teams of doctors and medical experts.

Three amateur dirt-bike racers each fall in love with a young woman who, with her brother, sells French fries and hotdogs at the races. Everyone is looking for a better life: she wants out of the business and away from her brother; and the motocross racers want to make their marks as professionals in their sport.

Dj Steph is a young radio deejay on the rise, who gained a lot of popularity on social media and every evening hosts a radio show with a large following, during which he receives calls from his fans. One evening, a call chills him to the bone: a cold-blooded stranger announces on live radio that he plans to take his own life, making himself explode in the middle of the city.

A 27-year-old suburban slacker entertains daily conversations bordering on paradoxical with his conscience, which manifests itself in the form of a human-sized armadillo. Based on the best-selling graphic novel by Zerocalcare.

Chloé, a fragile young woman, falls in love with her psychoanalyst, Paul. A few months later she moves in with him, but soon discovers that her lover is concealing a part of his identity.

Any 1991: l'antiga URSS es desintegra i Cuba entra en una gran crisi econòmica. Sergio, radioaficionat i professor de marxisme, no sap què fer per reorientar la seva vida i tirar endavant la seva família. Per la seva banda, en Serguéi, l'últim cosmonauta soviètic, es troba quasi oblidat a l'avariada estació orbital Mir. Gràcies als seus equips de ràdio, Sergio i Serguéi es comuniquen i entre ells neix una amistat que els ajudarà a enfrontar-se als dramàtics canvis que transformaran els seus respectius països.

Teachers in a rural school, happy couple Fiona and Dom have a common passion: Latin Dancing. One night, after a glorious dance competition, they have a car accident and see their lives turn upside down. Rumba or how optimism and humour can overcome fatality!

Samir, a lanky crane operator in Montreuil, falls madly for Agathe. As master swimmer at the pool Thorez he decides to take swimming lessons with her. But the lie does not last three lessons - Agathe hate liars. Chosen to represent the Seine-Saint-Denis, Agathe flies to Iceland for the 10th Congress of the International Masters Swimming. Samir has no choice but to fly in turn also.

La Mado és una dona de prop de cinquanta anys que "encara" viu amb la seva filla. L'Avril, la filla, ha de mantenir el seu marit, que encara està redactant la tesi doctoral, i la seva mare, que és com una mena d'adolescent madura. La relació entre les dues dones és la típica entre una mare i la seva filla adolescent, però al revés. I el dia que les dues queden embarassades la cosa no fa més que complicar-se.

The classic story of Emma Bovary, the beautiful wife of a small-town doctor in 19th century France, who engages in extra marital affairs in an attempt to advance her social status.

The story of a Finnish rap artist Cheek and his brother.