Dans ce spectacle, mis en scène par sa soeur Judith Elmaleh, il parle de son enfance, de son fils et de son père ; 750 000 places seront vendus.

Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.

In 1980 the black Falashas in Ethiopia are recognised as genuine Jews and are secretly carried to Israel. The day before the transport the son of a Jewish mother dies. In his place and with his name (Schlomo) she takes a Christian 9-year-old boy.

In 1941, the inhabitants of a small Jewish village in Central Europe organize a fake deportation train so that they can escape the Nazis and flee to Palestine.

The incredible true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen medic who personally saved over sixty men. Thirty-two years later, Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman investigates a Congressional Medal of Honor request for Pitsenbarger and uncovers a high-level conspiracy behind the decades-long denial of the medal, prompting Huffman to put his own career on the line to seek justice for the fallen airman.

El jove fiscal Johann Radmann troba uns documents que li permeten engegar un procés judicial contra alguns membres de les SS que van servir a Auschwitz. Però els horrors del passat i l'hostilitat cap al seu treball el porten prop del col·lapse, doncs li resulta gairebé impossible obrir-se pas a través d'un laberint en el que tothom sembla estar implicat o ser culpable.

A true sports story that utterly defies the odds, Duguay’s film captures the wild ups and downs of the Olympics-bound career of legendary equine star Jappeloup and his troubled rider, locked in a tense relationship with his horseman father and forever uncertain of his own skills as an equestrian

After promising 1100 employees that they would protect their jobs, the managers of a factory decide to suddenly close up shop. Laurent takes the lead in a fight against this decision.

Curar un cor trencat no és fàcil. De vegades pot portar tota una vida, o fins i tot dues. És una història d’amor sobre unes persones separades pel temps i la distància que, no obstant això, estan connectades de forma profunda i misteriosa. Són les relacions paral·leles de Jacqueline, mare d'un nen en els anys seixanta a París, i d'Antoine, un DJ d'èxit recentment divorciat en el Montreal actual.

Segona Guerra Mundial. Corre l'any 1941 i els jueus d'Europa Oriental són massacrats a milers. A la Bielorússia ocupada, tres germans aconsegueixen escapar d'una mort segura i es refugien als densos boscos del voltant de casa seva, que coneixen des de la seva infància. Allí inicien la seva desesperada lluita contra els nazis. La seva lluita es convertirà en una cosa molt més important, una manera de venjar les morts dels seus éssers estimats en salvar milers de persones.

After hiding his loot and getting thrown in jail, brooding outlaw Ruby befriends Quentin, a dim-witted and garrulous giant. After Quentin botches a solo escape attempt, they make a break together. Unable to shake the clumsy Quentin, Ruby is forced to take him along as he pursues his former partners in crime to avenge the death of the woman he loved and get to the money.

In 1815, young Jacquou lives an idyllic peasant life with his parents in the Périgord region of France. But one day, his childhood happiness is cruelly ended when his father is arrested, after a dispute with the arrogant Count de Nansac. With both his parents dead, Jacquou is adopted by Bonal, a kind priest, under whose influence he grows into an assured, morally upright young man. Now an adult, Jacquou has one desire. To repay the Count de Nansac for the evil he once inflicted on his parents...

Després del brutal assassinat dels seus pares, la Justine s'ha convertit en una presència gairebé invisible, tractant de passar completament desapercebuda per la resta de la societat. Però la propera posada en llibertat de l'assassí, l'obligarà de nou a sortir a la llum, removent en ella sentiments de por, dolor i venjança. La Justine tractarà de trobar ajuda i consol en el policia Louis Schneider.

Eric and Ramzy are working as window washers at the Montparnasse skyscraper in Paris. Thinking that he has a date set up with beautiful executive Marie-Joelle (who in reality hates his guts), Ramzy stays at work late while Eric hangs around with him. As a result, the pair witness a gang of terrorists seize the tower and take its late-night occupants (including Marie- Joelle) hostage. Knowing that only they can save the day, Eric and Ramzy swing into action.

Sam wakes up, gets ready and goes to do his daily job. And then the unexpected happens. A bomb explodes in the center of the shopping mall where he works. He drags himself towards the entrance to save the victims. One by one he pulls them out, until something terrible takes place. In complete hysteria he runs off till he falls down from exhaustion. A woman's voice makes him raise his head. She's one of the victims he saved. She wants to know why the suicide bomber did it. This encounter projects him back in history and even in a surreal world. Thereafter he runs into everyone he saved and feels that their defeat shows many parallels with his own. Even his confrontation with the wrongdoer isn't that straightforward as he thought it would be and confronts him with the fact that guilt and innocence can be pretty much alike.

Un home, cansat que la seva dona el consideri un garrepa, decideix ser generós i sorprendre-la comprant una casa al camp. Però com que no pot estalviar tot el necessari, decideix posar-se en mans d'una agència immobiliària i d'uns contractistes gens recomanables, al qual s'afegirà els problemes de la remodelació...

Marilou and Philippe prepare for their future retirement in Portugal. But their daughter separates and a whole procession of solicitations falls on them.

In 1950s France, a young boy is taken in by a couple after spending a few months in the care of social service.

When Florence, his companion of five years, shocks him with the news that she's leaving him, moving to Miami and marrying another man, Arthur loses it. He follows Florence to all the way to Florida with plans to stop the wedding, which is set to take place in just a few days. Along the way, he crosses paths with Emilie, who is also heading to Miami, but unlike Arthur, is wanted by the police. As a result, Arthur gets stuck on an adventure he definitely never expected.

Richard Dacier owns a tour agency specialized on organizing safaris for European tourists eager to confront the African wild life. Actually, he took the job after his father and never went into the savanna by himself. As he owes big money to some mobster, he is compelled to convey a fake tourist, with a suspicious suitcase, toward Mozambic. To avoid suspicion from the authorities, he is supposed to tour a group of tourists as usual. The only problem - he is completely unexperienced as a guide!