An arrogant reporter exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to revitalize his career.
Dave Bannion és un policia honest que investiga el suïcidi d'un company. Bertha, la vídua, explica a Bannion que al seu marit li havien diagnosticat una greu malaltia. Però Lucy, l'amant del difunt, li explica que, en realitat, el policia havia descobert un complex entramat de corrupció al seu departament. Quan Lucy apareix brutalment assassinada, Bannion decideix acusar Lagana, el major mafiós de la ciutat. Al cap de poc temps, el cotxe de Bannion explota i mata la seva dona, fet que el portarà a iniciar una venjança salvatge.
A sexagenarian South Korean woman enrolls in a poetry class as she grapples with her faltering memory and her grandson's appalling wrongdoing.
Bart Tare is an ex-Army man who has a lifelong fixation with guns, he meets a kindred spirit in sharpshooter Annie Starr and goes to work at a carnival. After upsetting the carnival owner who lusts after Starr, they both get fired. Soon, on Starr's behest, they embark on a crime spree for cash.
Un grup de monges occidentals obre un hospital a un antiquíssim temple de l'Himàlaia. A les dificultats econòmiques i a l'hostilitat dels nadius, aviat se sumen les tensions entre les monges mateixes. Un agent britànic intentarà intervenir entre elles per solucionar els seus problemes, però la seva presència acabarà despertant, amb conseqüències fatals, la sexualitat reprimida d'algunes germanes.
A young boy takes interest in piano while his family begins to disintegrate around him after his father loses his job.
Després de provar fortuna a Nova York i no tenir èxit, Susan Applegate decideix tornar al seu poble a Iowa. Preveient aquesta situació havia reservat 27,50 $ per al tren, però com que la tarifa ha augmentat decideix disfressar-se de nena de 12 anys per pagar la meitat. Els revisors del tren dubten que en realitat sigui una nena i per escapar-se'n entra a la cabina d'un militar, el Major del títol, i és on comencen els embolics.
An innocent man turns fugitive as he reconstructs events that implicate him for a murder and robbery he did not commit.
A struggling actress tries to help a friend prove his innocence when he's accused of murdering the husband of a high-society entertainer.
A newsman works with a blind puzzle-solver to uncover a deadly conspiracy linked to a genetic research facility.
The Xbox Originals documentary that chronicles the fall of the Atari Corporation through the lens of one of the biggest mysteries of all time, dubbed “The Great Video Game Burial of 1983.” Rumor claims that millions of returned and unsold E.T. cartridges were buried in the desert, but what really happened there?
Harry viu a San Francisco i com a representant comercial ha de viatjar molt. Està casat amb Eve i tots dos estan intentant adoptar un nadó. Mr. Jordan, director de l'agència d'adopció, comença a fer una sèrie d'esbrinaments i sospita de Harry, el qual guarda un secret. Aviat descobreix que aquest té a Los Angeles una segona esposa i un nadó.
A pair of divorced actors are brought together to participate in a musical version of The Taming of the Shrew. Of course, the couple seem to act a great deal like the characters they play, and they must work together when mistaken identities get them mixed up with the mafia.
Tres adolescents britàniques se’n van de vacances per celebrar els típics ritus d’iniciació: beure, sortir de festa i lligar, en el que hauria de ser el millor estiu de les seves vides.
Two dimwitted buddies hatch a money-making scheme after discovering an overgrown fly in the boot of a car.
George Sanders stars in this engrossing melodrama about a very domineering sister who holds a tight grip on her brother -- especially when he shows signs of falling in love.
Victoria is a thirty-something divorced lawyer who's struggling to raise her two daughters. She is canny and cynical but on the verge of an emotional breakdown. At a friend's wedding she reconnects with Vincent, an old friend, and Sam, an old client. Her life is about to take a new turn.
Accompany PJ Harvey and Seamus Murphy on a journey through the creative process behind PJ Harvey's new album, conceived by their travels around the globe.
Sarah returns with her father and uncle to fix up the family's longtime summerhouse after it was violated by squatters in the off-season. As they work in the dark, Sarah begins to hear sounds from within the walls of the boarded-up building. Although she barely remembers the place, Sarah senses the past may still haunt the home.
This menacing monster yarn stars James Van Der Beek as government scientist Dan Leland, who's sent to investigate reported sightings of a giant squidlike beast that's put the entire population of a fishing village on edge. Though Leland starts his journey confident that this sea creature with an insatiable appetite is the stuff of old legends, a string of horrific occurrences soon begins to change his mind.