Tony Vallelonga, conegut amb el malnom de Tony Lip, és un rústec italoamericà del Bronx que treballa de goril·la al club Copacabana de Nova York, però que es veu obligat a buscar una feina temporal durant dos mesos quan el club tanca per reformes. És aleshores que li surt l'oportunitat de fer de xòfer i guardaespatlles per a Don Shirley, un virtuós pianista afroamericà que ha de fer una gira amb el seu trio que el portarà fins al sud profund dels Estats Units. Per fer la seva feina, Tony tindrà com a guia el "Llibre verd del conductor negre", una relació dels hotels i restaurants on accepten negres al sud dels Estats Units dels anys 60.

Arthur Fleck és un home ignorat per la societat, la motivació de la qual a la vida és fer riure. Però una sèrie de tràgics esdeveniments us portaran a veure el món d'una altra manera. Pel·lícula basada en Joker, el popular personatge de DC Comics i arxivillà de Batman, però que en aquest film pren un caire més realista i fosc.

Un autor de novel·les de misteri molt famós apareix mort a la seva mansió just després de celebrar amb la família el seu 85è aniversari. Aparentment, s'ha suïcidat tallant-se el coll, però la policia té certs dubtes. També apareix a la mansió un detectiu privat que diu que l'ha contractat una persona anònima perquè investigui les causes de la mort. La gran fortuna de l'escriptor i el seu testament deixen els fills com a principals sospitosos, però no són els únics: també hi ha implicada una altra persona amb un possible mòbil: la infermera personal de l'escriptor.

A hijacker threatens to bring down a passenger plane to a crowded football stadium. Fighter pilot Lars Koch decides to shoot down the machine. The court of Berlin should decide whether Lars Koch is a hero or a murderer. The viewers become jurors, and their decision determines the outcome of the film.

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean.

Things go from bad to worse when four co-workers decide to enjoy the extended holiday at a beach house with their families.

Despite agreeing to an arranged marriage to a childhood friend, a successful businessman tries to track down a beautiful woman that he met at a Halloween party.

During a shaky 24-hour holiday truce amid the Battle of the Bulge, American Captain John Myers and a Belgian farm girl, Alina, fall in love. Forced to separate when fighting resumes, the couple vows to reunite, under a bell tower, the first Christmas Eve after the war ends, if each is alive and eager.

On the eve of his 25th birthday, the day he’s set to receive money from his trust fund, Rocco parties, gets drunk and loses all his money on a poker match. His dilemma: He has to produce the amount, otherwise he will lose the client he needs to defeat his father’s TV commercial production company. Meanwhile, Rocky also needs money to pay the rent, otherwise her family will be homeless. There’s only one way for Rocco to be able to get money from his trust fund: Fulfill the conditions set by his grandmother and that is to get married. Rocky agrees to act as Rocco’s pseudo wife in exchange for a “talent fee.” They seal the deal. As they live like a married couple, Rocco and Rocky face one problem after another, forcing them with no alternative but to reconcile their differences and work with each other. Complication arises when they start to feel for each other, with their bond getting closer.

Tom Jacobs is Mr Christmas! He's built an entire business around helping clients find the perfect gift. But what happens when he falls for one lucky recipient?

When Anna Parisi, an unemployed fine arts painter, is unable to make ends meet, she is hired to become a personal Christmas shopper for Marc, an uptight corporate exec. As they begin working together, Marc learns that Christmas giving has less to do with the amount of money spent and more to do with the importance of the gift, while Anna discovers she might find success as an artist in a way she never expected. The best gift of all of course is the love they discover with one another.

Jessica is one of the most famous actresses in the world, leading a glamorous – if tabloid worthy – life. But all that is thrown for a loop when she goes on location to shoot a holiday themed film in the Christmas-obsessed town of Homestead, Iowa. While a romance brews between her and Matt, a local inn keeper who is a single dad, she also gets a taste of small-town life and rediscovers the true meaning of Christmas.

Brie Traverston is up for partner at her firm if she can successfully coordinate a Christmas wedding reshoot and ignore all the feelings that come with working with the one-that-got-away Eddie Chapman and his possibly new girlfriend Isabella.

Frankie and Nate are now a couple and are gearing up for Summer Fest, the town's largest event. They can't wait to reveal their new wine and put the vineyard on the map. But when an issue with the wine puts things in jeopardy, both the relationship and the partnership will be put to the test.

Al cor fosc d'una ciutat anònima, Terminal segueix les recargolades històries de dos assassins que duen a terme una missió sinistra, un mestre que lluita contra una malaltia mortal, un enigmàtic conserge i una cambrera curiosa que porta una doble vida perillosa. Els assassinats es desenvolupen a la foscor de la nit, ja que les seves vides s'entrellacen per ordre d'un misteriós cervell criminal entestat a la venjança.

The film focuses on the tumultuous romance in the lives of four women in The Hague. Teenage daughter Eva, her mother Judith, aunt Barbara and older sister Anna make it under one roof Hague together a nice game of. They are beautiful, courageous and sensible, but sometimes they just do not know in a world full of tender love, serial dating, slaked lust, affairs, children's desires and indestructible old loves.

Piper Jansen is a slick public relations genius and owner of her own company "Piper's Picks." After creating countless successful campaigns, she decides to use her grandmother's holiday recipes to write and launch a book of her own but, suddenly finds herself in the middle of a very public scandal that threatens the launch of the book as well as her business.

A young man comes to possess a supernatural notebook, the Death Note, that grants him the power to kill any person simply by writing down their name on the pages. He then decides to use the notebook to kill criminals and change the world, but an enigmatic detective attempts to track him down and end his reign of terror.