Forty years after the release of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller,’ the best-selling album of all-time, director Nelson George takes fans back in time to the making of a pop masterpiece, featuring never-before-seen footage and candid interviews.

A 9 year old boy experiences God's power in a supernatural way.

A single father has a fractious relationship with his rebellious teenage daughter. When a lost letter written to the daughter from her dying mother is miraculously found, everything starts to turn around.

Global, dynamic, and eye-opening, this is story of the most daring cyber heist of all time, the Bangladeshi Central Bank theft, tracing the origins of cyber-crime from basic credit card fraud to the wildly complex criminal organisations in existence today, supported by commentary and fascinating insight from highly regarded cyber security experts.

Catalina is a young, beautiful girl living in extreme poverty with her brother Bayron and her mother Hilda. She becomes obsessed with getting breast implants to get social status and money. She leaves her boyfriend Albeira and becomes a prostitute for drug dealers. In this way she will enjoy all the luxuries that she lacks. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend Albeira and her mother Hilda begin a relationship behind her back.

When a single mother her teenage daughter becomes ensnared in a deadly crime, find an unexpected ally in their neighbor, a simple, doting but genius teacher math teacher comes to aid, while a tenacious cop digs into the case.

Krigskorrespondenten Marie Colvin er en stærk og aldeles frygtløs kvinde. Fast besluttet på at vise verden, at krigens største ofre altid er de civile, rejser hun til de farligste steder i verden. Men de mange års reportager fra konfliktområder tager hårdt på Marie, og hun har svært ved at finde sig tilrette i sit civile liv. Og selvom hun ved, det kan koste hende livet, insisterer hun på at tage én sidste rejse til konfliktens kerne.

Multiple stories about the oscillating world of couple relationships and how difficult it can be to separate sex from love.

I 3 Generations spiller hun pigen Ray, der har indset, at hun er en dreng, fanget i en pigekrop. Ray ønsker at gennemgå en kønsskifteoperation, men det kræver, at hendes enlige mor Maggie får opsporet Rays biologiske far. Imens må Rays bedstemor Dolly kæmpe med at acceptere, at hendes barnebarn nu ikke vil være den søde, lille pige, hun blev født som.

While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to free herself and stay sane as time goes by and her captors try to break and condition her to a new life of servitude.

King is a young man, but he's already a veteran of life on the streets of Los Angeles. The de facto leader of a group of teenage runaways, King acts as a mentor to troubled kids such as gay hustler Little J and junkie Greg. When Heather, a beautiful girl from Chicago, starts hanging out with King and his crew, it changes the dynamic of the gang. However, it seems as though nothing will alter their dangerous lifestyle.

Ken Park focuses on several teenagers and their tormented home lives. Shawn seems to be the most conventional. Tate is brimming with psychotic rage; Claude is habitually harassed by his brutish father and coddled, rather uncomfortably, by his enormously pregnant mother. Peaches looks after her devoutly religious father, but yearns for freedom. They're all rather tight, or so they claim.

Teenageren Lee (Tequan Richmond) er blevet forladt af sin familie og vandrer formålsløst rundt på Antigua, en ø i Caribien. Her møder han John (Isaiah Washington), en amerikaner, der lever i skjul sammen med sine børn, som han har kidnappet fra ekskonen. John bliver nærmest en faderfigur for Lee, og de to tager sammen til USA for at løse forældremyndighedssagen. Men John er ikke rask. Han er fuld af had og påvirker Lee i meget negativ retning. Så negativ, at de to ender med at køre ud i Johns blå Chevrolet Caprice og begynder at skyde tilfældig folk med en riffel. Baseret på de såkaldte Beltway sniper angreb i 2002.

I 2050 er jorden slidt ned i en grad, der snart vil gøre den uegnet til beboelse. Derfor har man iværksat et storstilet projekt for at terraforme Mars, så den store planet kan blive beboelig for mennesker. Men et eller andet går galt på den røde planet og en redningsaktion bliver iværksat. Desværre styrter redningsholdet ned på Mars og skal nu både opklare mysteriet og rede sig selv.

An old school dad is as tough on his sons as his father is on him. On this night, however, one of the boys slips dad a dose of special, hallucinogenic ecstasy in order "to give him a new perspective."

Eight horror-loving friends fight for their lives when a killer clown who seems to know the grim secret they share begins to pick them off, one by one.

While on Christmas break, college student Michael journeys to Quebec City to spend time with his attractive girlfriend, Gabriella. Not long after he arrives, Gabriella breaks up with him, but her two equally gorgeous sisters waste no time showing romantic interest. In the meantime, Michael is left to deal with Gabriella's eccentric grandmother and offbeat father, an academic who spends most of his time naked.

John Stockwells gyser Turistas handler ganske vist om en slags turister, men der er ingen palmetræsromantik over filmen. Efter en busulykke strander en gruppe ferierende i en lille brasiliansk landsby, hvor der er noget ravruskende galt i miljøet omkring dem. Selv om mange af de ankomne udgør en hård kerne af erfarne rejsende, så må de alle snart indse, at fantasien til at forestille sig, hvad der foregår på dette sted, slet ikke står mål med virkeligheden.

Tiffany "Rex" Simpson har altid drømt om at tage til rummet, og hendes "doktorerede" ansøgning lander hende i NASAs ultra-konkurrencedygtige astronauttræningsprogram. Over hovedet, kan denne Florida-pige stole på sin hurtige forstand, sans og beslutsomhed for at komme igennem træningen og ind i kosmos, før hun blæser dækslet?

All of the Doctor's incarnations are in crisis when The Rani creates a time-loop in the East-end of London in this 30th Anniversary Special.