Elle Marja, 14, is a reindeer-breeding Sami girl. Exposed to the racism of the 1930s and phrenological examinations at her boarding school, she starts dreaming of another life. To achieve this other life she has to become someone else and break all ties with her family and culture.
Stockholm, in the 1950s. Erik is expelled from the local school for getting into one brawl too many. To protect Erik from his violent stepfather’s reaction to his expulsion, Erik's mother arranges for Erik to spend a year at Stjärnsberg Boarding School, the only school willing to accept him. This is Erik's last chance to graduate to Upper School and he promises his mother, for his and her sake, to do all he can to stay out of trouble.
Nick is the director of a low-budget indie film. He tries to keep everything together as his production is plagued with an insecure actress, a megalomaniac star, a pretentious, beret-wearing director of photography, and lousy catering.
Recently deceased, a white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to console his bereft wife, only to find that in his spectral state he has become unstuck in time, forced to watch passively as the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly slip away.
Mélanie, 16 years old, lives with her mother. She likes going to school, her friends, playing the cello, and she wants to change the world. But when she meets a boy on the Internet and falls in love with him, her world changes as she is gradually recruited by Daesh. Sonia is 17 years old, and she almost did something irrevocable to “guarantee” her family a place in paradise. These teenage girls might be called Anaïs, Manon or Leila, and one day they all might go some way down the recruitment process. But can they ever come back from it?
When Krisha returns to her estranged family for Thanksgiving dinner, past demons threaten to ruin the festivities.
Després de presenciar un assassinat en un bar, els membres d'una banda de música punk són tancats en una habitació del local pels autors de l'homicidi: una colla esfereïdora de neonazis que reivindiquen la supremacia blanca. El seu líder és el propietari del bar (Patrick Stewart), un paio que no vol deixar testimonis del que ha passat.
After having narrowly escaped an attempt on his life at the hands of a psychopath, detective inspector Takakura quits active service in the police force and takes up a position as a university lecturer in criminal psychology. But his desire to get to the bottom of criminals’ motives remains, and he does not hesitate long when former colleague Nogami asks him to reopen an old case.
Imaginem un temps actual alternatiu en el qual per fi s'ha instaurat la pau. No obstant això, perquè aquesta situació sigui sostenible, és necessari que es desenvolupi una guerra que pot ser contemplada com un espectacle per televisió. Els pilots que lluiten en aquest cru muntatge són nens que responen al nom de Kildren. Paràbola sobre el món modern, en el qual la joventut ha perdut tot tipus d'esperances, amb un fort i necessari discurs polític, "The Sky Crawlers" està basada en la reeixida novel·la homònima de Hiroshi Mori, que compta amb 5 volums.
A con man and a would-be filmmaking crew force themselves into the lives of two grief-scarred young women. But nothing is as it seems.
Justin i Aaron són dos germans que van abandonar una secta destructiva fa deu anys. Tenen records contradictoris d'aquell temps: per en Justin, el més gran, es van salvar d'un suïcidi col·lectiu gairebé assegurat i l'Aaron, en canvi, ho recorda com una experiència sana i natural. De sobte, reben una cinta de vídeo dels seus antics companys i Aaron insisteix al seu germà per anar a visitar-los un dia. A contracor, en Justin accepta. Quan arriben a la petita comunitat, tot sembla molt normal. De mica en mica s'adonaran que algunes coses no encaixen i que una presència misteriosa els envolta.
Samuel, un nen que viu amb la seva mare Elena a Villa dei Laghi, una finca aïllada envoltada de boscos, se sent atrapat per la rutina familiar, creixent aparentment protegit, però insatisfet i inquiet.
Un grup de 83 nord-americans que treballen en un edifici a la ciutat de Bogotà són tancats a les seves oficines on, obligats per una veu desconeguda, hauran de participar en un joc que consisteix a matar-se els uns als altres.
L'èxit com a cantant d'Esther Hoffman és paral·lel al procés d'autodestrucció del seu marit John Norman, una estrella del rock en decadència i addicte a les drogues.
Two young women at a prestigious prep school are assailed by an evil, invisible power when they're stranded over winter break.
A daredevil designs and operates his own theme park with his friends.
La Laura, l'Eve, l'Anouch i la Yaël són quatre cosines molt diferents amb una cosa en comú: menteixen sempre per amor. Per això, quan les tres primeres descobreixen abans del casament de la quarta que el seu aparentment perfecte promès l'enganya, decideixen no dir-li.
Arlen is sent to a fenced-off wasteland where undesirables are exiled to when she is kidnapped by a group of cannibals. She escapes and ends up on a journey to reunite a missing girl with her father.
Two teens battle their way through a religious apocalypse on a mission to defeat the Antichrist.
A British Special Boat Service commando tracks down an international terrorist cell.