Joe Gillis és un jove escriptor de segona fila que, assetjat pels seus creditors, es refugia casualment a la mansió de Norma Desmond, antiga estrella del cinema mut, que viu fora de la realitat, acompanyada únicament del seu fidel criat Max. A partir d'aquell moment, l'actriu pretén que Joe corregeixi un guió que ella ha escrit i que significarà el seu retorn al cine.
After years spent working as a prostitute in her Italian village, middle-aged Mamma Roma has saved enough money to buy herself a fruit stand so that she can have a respectable middle-class life and reestablish contact with the 16-year-old son she abandoned when he was an infant. But her former pimp threatens to expose her sordid past, and her troubled son seems destined to fall into a life of crime and violence.
Salvatore "Sal" Fragione is the Italian owner of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. A neighborhood local, Buggin' Out, becomes upset when he sees that the pizzeria's Wall of Fame exhibits only Italian actors. Buggin' Out believes a pizzeria in a black neighborhood should showcase black actors, but Sal disagrees. The wall becomes a symbol of racism and hate to Buggin' Out and to other people in the neighborhood, and tensions rise.
Malcolm Little (1925–1965) va néixer a Omaha (Nebraska). El seu pare, ministre baptista, va morir sent ell nen, i la seva mare va acabar en un psiquiàtric quan el Ku Klux Klan va incendiar casa seva. Després de ser rebutjat per l'exèrcit, va caure a la delinqüència i va anar a parar a la presó. Allí es va convertir a l'Islam i va canviar radicalment la seva vida, aviat es va convertir en un carismàtic líder del moviment d'alliberament de la comunitat negra nord-americana.
En Jack, un ancià centenari, rememora la seva vida extraordinària per completar el treball d'un historiador. Quan tenia deu anys, els indis xeienes el van adoptar i educar com un d'ells amb el nom de "Petit Gran Home". Rescatat per la cavalleria, en el món dels blancs passa per diversos oficis sense pena ni glòria: des d'ajudant d'un xarlatà ambulant fins a pistoler poruc. Després de viure alternativament entre blancs i indis, coneixerà el petulant general Custer i serà l'únic supervivent de raça blanca de la famosa batalla de Little Big Horn.
A principis de la Guerra de Secessió, l'exèrcit del nord es mostrava reticent a donar armes als negres. L'heroic comportament del regiment de Massachusetts, format per soldats afroamericans i oficials blancs, va resultar decisiu perquè la Unió obrís les portes a 180.000 soldats negres.
Seth Brundle, un excèntric i solitari científic que crea un dels invents més revolucionaris de la història: la cabina de teletransportació. En un intent per posar-la a prova alhora que ignora tot indici de prudència, decideix usar-se a si mateix com a conillet d'Índies a la primera teletransportació aplicada a un humà, amb la mala sort que una mosca s'introdueix juntament amb ell a l'artefacte. A partir d'allà començarà per a Brundle una gradual però definitiva transformació, una inquietant metamorfosi que el consumirà a poc a poc, posant-li en perill a ell i als que l'envolten.
Un grup de delinqüents organitzen un pla per robar una valuosa col·lecció de diamants a la joieria Hatton Gardens de Londres. Entre elles hi ha l'encantadora Wanda, que intentarà un doble joc per quedar-se ella amb el botí. El pitjor és que només George, el cap de la banda, sap on estan amagades les joies, però ha estat empresonat.
Three 1960s California surfers fool around, drift apart and reunite years later to ride epic waves.
Simon Birch and Joe Wenteworth are boys who have a reputation for being oddballs. Joe never knew his father, and his mother, Rebecca, is keeping her lips sealed no matter how much he protests. Simon, meanwhile, is an 11-year-old dwarf whose outsize personality belies his small stature. Indeed, he often assails the local reverend with thorny theological questions and joins Joe on his quest to find his biological father.
The story of Nola Darling's simultaneous sexual relationships with three different men is told by her and by her partners and other friends. All three men wanted her to commit solely to them; Nola resists being "owned" by a single partner.
A gangster, Nino, is in the Cash Money Brothers, making a million dollars every week selling crack. A cop, Scotty, discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself.
Several Black men take a cross-country bus trip to attend the Million Man March in Washington, DC in 1995. On the bus are an eclectic set of characters including a laid-off aircraft worker, a man whose at-risk son is handcuffed to him, a black Republican, a former gangsta, a Hollywood actor, a cop who is of mixed racial background, and a white bus driver. All make the trek discussing issues surrounding the march, including manhood, religion, politics, and race.
A US Army officer, who made a "friendly fire" mistake that was covered up, has been reassigned to a desk job. He is tasked to investigate a female chopper commander's worthiness to be awarded the Medal of Honor. At first all seems in order. But then he begins to notice inconsistencies between the testimonies of the witnesses...
A successful and married black man contemplates having an affair with a white girl from work. He's quite rightly worried that the racial difference would make an already taboo relationship even worse.
After thirty years in the big corporation, Ugo Fantozzi retires. Suddenly, he needs things to do in everyday life and he tries a number of activities: helping Pina shopping; babysitting grand-daughter Uga; a trip to Venice; learning golf. He then fakes documents to get a new job, but in the end he becomes a hypochondriac and doesn't even take a long-awaited chance with Miss Silvani.
Urban horticulturalist Brontë Mitchell has her eye on a gorgeous apartment, but the building's board will rent it only to a married couple. Georges Fauré, a waiter from France whose visa is expiring, needs to marry an American woman to stay in the country. Their marriage of convenience turns into a burden when they must live together to allay the suspicions of the immigration service, as the polar opposites grate on each other's nerves.
Per salvar París d'un bany de sang internacional, una científica en dol es veu obligada a enfrontar-se al seu passat tràgic quan un tauró gegant apareix al Sena.
Jack Moony és un policia que sent una especial animadversió cap a les persones de color, pel fet que Stone, un atractiu i adinerat advocat negre li va treure a la seva núvia. Un dia pateix un infart i li trasplanten el cor d'un home que acaba de morir en un accident de trànsit. L'atzar fa que el donant sigui Stone.
Emperor Spengo sees Marge Nelson and using a giant magnet, kidnaps her and her husband Dick, hoping to make Marge his before blowing up the Earth. The Emperor and other inhabitants of his planet are somewhat less than bright, and Dick begins reliving episodes of Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers in order to rescue Marge, save the Earth, and restore the rightful emperor to the throne.