En el seu tercer any a Hogwarts en Harry te un nou professor de defensa contra les arts fosques, que es troba en problemes.

When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.

En Harry Potter és seleccionat gairebé sense desitjar-ho per a participar en una competició perillosa de bruixots de vàries escoles.

Harry ha de trobar i destruir els horricreus, set objectes màgics que emmagatzemen un fragment de l’ànima de Voldemort i en garanteixen la immortalitat. El jove aprenent de mag Harry Potter acompanyat pels seus amics Ron Weasley i Hermione Granger viatgen per la Gran Bretanya per trobar els horricreus. La tasca no serà fàcil ja que els cavallers de la mort cada cop cobren més poder i totes les lleialtats són posades a prova.

Harry es fa el sord davant el avisos de que no torni a Hogwarts, i quan hi arriba troba que ha sofert una sèrie de misteriosos atacs.

Les avorrides vacances a casa dels seus oncles encara no han acabat i Harry es troba més inquiet que mai. Tot just ha tingut notícies de Ron i Hermione, i pressent que una cosa una mica estranya està succeint en Hogwarts. En efecte, quan per fi comença altre curs en el famós col·legi de màgia i bruixeria els seus temors es tornen realitat. El Ministeri de Màgia nega que Voldemort hagi regressat, iniciant una campanya de desprestigi contra Harry i Dumbledore, per a això ha assignat a l'horrible professora Dolors Umbridge la tasca de vigilar tots els seus moviments. Així doncs, a més de sentir-se sol i incomprès, Harry sospita que Voldemort pugues endevinar els seus pensaments, i intueix que el temible mag tracta d'apoderar-se d'un objecte secret que li permetria recuperar el seu poder destructiu...

Covered in ice and snow, Elior Forest is the home to dangerous magical beasts and 50 elves frozen in ice. One day, the great spirit Puck helps a young girl break out of her ice prison. Her name is Emilia, a half-elf born with silver hair, long ears, and amethyst eyes—features that resemble the evil Witch who destroyed half the world long ago. Shunned by society because of her appearance, Emilia dwells in the forest with Puck as her sole companion and family. Burdened with a sin of destruction she does not remember committing, she spends her days trying to find a way to help her frozen kin. But when the great spirit Melakuera, the Arbitrator of the world, finds Emilia, her right to stay alive is brought into question. Will the bonds of ice she formed with Puck prove to be the warm thread that defies fate?

El totpoderós Kong i el temible Godzilla s'enfrontaran contra una amenaça colossal i desconeguda amagada dins el nostre món. En aquesta pel·lícula coneixeràs les històries d'aquests titans, els seus orígens i els misteris de l'Illa Calavera i del més enllà, i també la batalla mítica que va ajudar a forjar aquests éssers extraordinaris i els va unir a la humanitat per sempre.

Tori is a blonde princess who is bored of living her royal life, and has dreams of becoming a popstar. Keira, on the other hand, is a brunette popstar who dreams of being a princess. When the two meet, they magically trade places, but after realising it is best to be themselves.

A 17-year old Missouri teen discovers she has gotten pregnant, a development that threatens to end her dreams of matriculating at an Ivy League college, and the career that could follow.

Una mèdium cega i venedora de curiositats segueix plorant la mort de la seva germana bessona un any abans. Un maniquí de fusta del seu gabinet de curiositats es converteix en un element crucial per descobrir la veritat sobre l'assassinat de la seva germana.

Reunited witch twins Camryn and Alex adjust to their new life as supernatural beings while at the same time trying to maintain a normal existence in this sequel to the magical Disney Channel original movie Twitches. But they soon find themselves going head to head with the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy their world. Luckily, their birth mother, the powerful Miranda, is on hand to help out.

A la Lee Harker, una nova i talentosa agent de l'FBI, li assignen un cas sense resoldre un assassí en sèrie. A mesura que la investigació es complica i es descobreixen proves ocultistes, la Harker s'adona que hi ha un vincle personal amb l'assassí despietat i ha d'actuar amb rapidesa per evitar un altre assassinat familiar.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

A medical school dropout loses his fiancée in a tragic lawnmower incident and decides to bring her back to life. Unfortunately, he was only able to save her head, so he goes to the red light district in the city and lures prostitutes into a hotel room so he can collect body parts to reassemble her.

After a successful deployment of the RoboCop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the RoboCop 2 project, a living God.

A group of friends take refuge in a deserted sanatorium after they are left stranded in a snowstorm. Later, the place becomes a death trap when man-eating cannibals surround them.

Ten stories from horror's top directors. Ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and the devil delight in terrorizing unsuspecting residents of a suburban neighborhood on Halloween night. This creepy anthology combines classic Halloween tales with the stuff of nightmares.

After being recruited by a group of unconventional thieves, renowned criminal Richard Pace finds himself caught up in an elaborate gold heist that promises to have far-reaching implications on his life and the lives of countless others.

A giant thirty-five-foot shark becomes trapped in a SeaWorld theme park and it's up to the sons of police chief Brody to rescue everyone.