STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

A group of Serbian socialists prepares for the war in a surreal underground filled by parties, tragedies, love and hate.

Guy treballa com a caixer d'un banc, i és un paio alegre i solitari a qui no l'amarga res el dia. Fins i tot si l'utilitzen com a ostatge durant un atracament al seu banc, ell segueix somrient com si res. Però un dia s'adona que Free City no és exactament la ciutat que creia. Guy descobrirà que en realitat és un personatge no jugable dins un brutal joc vídeo.

In 1968, art students Storm Thorgerson and Aubrey “Po” Powell made a trippy photo collage for their musician friends Syd, David and Roger. The resulting album and album cover, A Saucerful of Secrets, helped launch two careers: that of Pink Floyd, one of the 70s megabands, and of Hipgnosis, which, over the course of the next 25 years, designed a stream of iconic album covers.

James Bond està gaudint d'unes merescudes vacances a Jamaica. Tot i això, la seva pau acaba quan el seu amic de la CIA, Felix Leiter, el busca per a una nova missió que implica rescatar un important científic que ha estat segrestat.

Per a les millors amigues Becky i Hunter, la vida tracta de superar les teves pors i empènyer els teus límits. Tot i això, després de pujar fins al cim d'una torre de comunicacions abandonada, es troben atrapades i sense forma de baixar. A 600 metres del terra i totalment allunyades de la civilització, les noies posaran a prova les seves habilitats d'escaladores expertes i lluitaran desesperadament per sobreviure encara que ho tinguin tot en contra. Ho aconseguiran?

Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

The story of Rudy Ray Moore, who created the iconic big screen pimp character Dolemite in the 1970s.

Chile, early 20th century. José Menéndez, a wealthy landowner, hires three horsemen to mark out the perimeter of his extensive property and open a route to the Atlantic Ocean across vast Patagonia.

Un ranxer a la frontera d'Arizona es converteix en l'improbable defensor d'un jove mexicà que fuig desesperadament dels assassins del cartell que l'han perseguit fins als Estats Units.

When their regal matriarch falls ill, the troubled Vuillard family come together for a hesitant Christmastime reunion. Among them is rebellious ne'er-do-well Henri and the uptight Elizabeth. Together under the same roof for the first time in many years, their intricate, long denied resentments and yearnings emerge again.

Jean-Claude is a loud-mouthed, know-it-all and full time boor who is best friends with Stef, a self-styled lady killer who would do better with the fairer sex if he could work up the ambition to wake up in the morning. Stef has decided that he may need some help in finding the woman of his dreams, and embracing loyalty rather than logic he turns to Jean-Claude for advice.

Two years after a Super Bowl win when NFL head coach Sean Payton is suspended, he goes back to his hometown and finds himself reconnecting with his 12-year-old son by coaching his Pop Warner football team.

Una professora creu reconéixer en una nova alumna la seua filla, la qual va donar en adopció quan va nàixer, però és incapaç de confessar-ho al seu marit. A causa dels problemes de la jove amb algunes assignatures, la professora i possible mare biològica, accedeix a donar-li classes particulars a domicili.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.

Durant la pandèmia de COVID-19 a Seattle, una treballadora tecnològica agorafòbica descobreix evidència d'un crim violent mentre revisa un flux de dades, i es troba amb resistència i burocràcia quan intenta informar-ho a la seva empresa. Per involucrar-se, s'adona que ha d'enfrontar la por més gran i aventurar-se a sortir del seu apartament i endinsar-se als carrers de la ciutat, que són plens de manifestants després que l'ajuntament aprovés una llei que restringeix els moviments de la població sense llar.

Smith, a typical young college student who likes partying and engaging in acts of random sex and debauchery, has been having some interesting dreams revolving around two gorgeous women -- and is shocked when he meets the dream girls in real life. Lorelei looks just like his fantasy brunette, while a mysterious red-haired girl being chased by assassins draws him into an international conspiracy. Or is it all just a drug-induced hallucination?

Set in the future, the city of Shanghai battle to defend itself against an ongoing attack by an alien force that has attacked and laid siege to numerous cities around the globe in it's quest to harvest a hidden energy only found on earth.

Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.