Relació entre el famós astrofísic Stephen Hawking i la seva primera dona, Jane Wilde, des que tots dos es van conèixer quan estudiaven a la Universitat de Cambridge al començament dels anys 60. Als 21 anys Hawking rep una notícia esfereïdora: pateix esclerosi lateral amiotròfica, més coneguda com a ELA. Amb la Jane lluitant incansablement al seu costat, Hawking desafia totes les probabilitats i obre nous camins en la ciència.
Després de la Segona Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), els soldats supervivents, alguns amb tares físiques, tornen als Estats Units. Encara que al principi se'ls tracta com a herois, poc temps després es comencen a veure marginats.
El 1948 Clément Mathieu, professor de música aturat, accepta un lloc com a professor vigilant en un internat de reeducació de menors. El sistema repressiu aplicat pel director commociona Mathieu. Ensenyant música i cant coral a aquests nens tan difícils, Mathieu transformarà les seves vides quotidianes.
Aimless young Alexandre juggles his relationships with his girlfriend, Marie, and a casual lover named Veronika. Marie becomes increasingly jealous of Alexandre's fling with Veronika and as the trio continues their unsustainable affair, the emotional stakes get higher, leading to conflict and unhappiness.
Match Point narra la història de Chris, un modest i ambiciós instructor de tennis que es debat entre dues dones, les quals l'acaben portant a un carreró sense sortida: el seu matrimoni li proporciona estatus i prestigi en la societat, però la seva passió el porta als braços de la seva futura cunyada.
Al juny del 1940, els alemanys ocupen mitja França. El poble de Bussy s'omple de refugiats que han fugit de París i de militars ocupants. Els oficials s'allotgen a les millors cases del poble i el tinent Von Falk va a parar a la de la senyora Angellier i la seva jove, la Lucile, que té el marit a la guerra. Entre el tinent alemany i la Lucile neix una atracció mútua que es va fent més intensa.
Released from prison under a New Year amnesty, a criminal tries to pick up the threads of a life changed not only by his daring plan to rob a jewelry store in out-of-season Cannes, but also by a very special someone he met there.
Una parella americana que no està passant pel seu millor moment acudeix amb uns amics al Midsommar, un festival d'estiu que se celebra cada 90 anys en un remot llogaret de Suècia. El que comencen sent unes vacances de somni en un lloc en el qual el sol no es posa mai, a poc a poc es converteix en un obscur malson quan els misteriosos vilatans els conviden a participar en les seves pertorbadores activitats festives
La Lara de 15 anys és una prometedora ballarina adolescent que s'inscriu a una prestigiosa escola de ballet mentre lluita amb la seva disfòria de gènere.
British agent Alec Leamas refuses to come in from the Cold War during the 1960s, choosing to face another mission, which may prove to be his final one.
Six people travel by train overnight from Marseilles to Paris. When the train arrives at its destination, one of the passengers, a girl, is found dead in a sleeping berth. The police led by Inspector Grazzi investigate the other five passengers, suspecting that one of them was responsible. However, as the investigation is stepped up, the other passengers start turning up dead. It is then up to the last remaining two to solve the case, before they become the next victims.
Set in France at the end of World War II Albert Dehousse finds out his father wasn't a war hero and his mother is a collaborator.
At the end of the 15th century, a man and a woman, posing as traveling minstrels, are sent by the Devil to a castle to seduce its inhabitants.
Earl Stone sempre ha anteposat la feina a la família. Ara, ja octogenari ia punt que el seu negoci de floricultura sigui embargat, li sorgeix una oportunitat de tirar endavant amb una feina aparentment fàcil: només cal conduir.
Although theorised, no one is really ready when a mountain pass above the scenic and narrow Geiranger fjord in Norway collapses and creates a tsunami over 300 feet high. A geologist is one of those caught in the middle of it.
Newlyweds Edward & Caroline are preparing for an important evening when a quarrel over Caroline's dress sets off a series of domestic brouhahas.
Juliet, a beautiful doctor, has found the perfect New York apartment to start a new life after separating from her husband. It's got spacious rooms, a spectacular view, and a handy, handsome landlord. But there are secrets behind every wall and terror in every room as Juliet gets the unnerving feeling that she is not alone.
Jean has been the conservative mayor of a small town for several years. He intends to run for another term. Edith, his wife, is the paragon of the traditional devoted housewife and mother. So it comes as quite a shock when she tells her husband of forty years that deep down, she has always been... A MAN! Totally blindsided, Jean didn't see this coming. For a politician campaigning on family values, this is too much! But Edith, still the loving wife, make a deal with him: she will postpone her transition and stay a woman until after the elections. But as we know, campaigns are all about digging up dirt to keep the rumor mill turning
Lucie, a young French woman passionate about perfume, sets out on a research trip abroad. Her tragic destiny crosses paths with Younes, a penniless taxi driver who delivers her into the hands of Islamist kidnappers, and with Abou, a jihadist also from France.