Paris 1930. Paul has only ever had one and the same horizon: the high walls of the orphanage, an austere building in the Parisian working class suburbs. Entrusted to a joyful country woman, Célestine, and her husband, Borel, the rather stiff gamekeeper of a vast estate in Sologne, the city child, recalcitrant and stubborn, arrives in a mysterious and disturbing world, that of a sovereign and wild region. The huge forest, misty ponds, heaths, and fields all belong to the Count de la Fresnaye, an elderly taciturn man who lives alone in his manor.

A family fired by a company owned by LVMH (Group owned by French billionaire, Bernard Arnault) seeks reparation from their previous employer with the help of the movie director.

Fed up with the hectic, senseless world he lives in, Teddy decides to settle down alone in Siberia, in the midst of winter, in a hut by the shore of Lake Baikal. After an initial period of elation in front of the splendor and magic of unspoiled nature, Teddy soon finds himself confronted with the less glossy side of things : solitude, extreme cold, the necessity to find food, danger... One night Teddy gets lost in a blizzard and would be doomed to a certain death, were it not for Aleksei, a Russian convict living hidden away in the forest nearby, who rescues him in extremis. Friendship soon blossoms between the two men...

A street dog is taken in by a young couple, and the family pit becomes an instant accomplice as he adjusts to his new, loving home.

"I am ugly, I am alone, I am bored". In three seconds, everything will change...

Greg founded a company called that creates any type of alibi. With his associate, Augustin, and Medhi his new employee, they devise unstoppable stratagems and stagings to cover their clients. But meeting Flo, a pretty blonde who hates men who lie, will complicate Greg's life, which begins by hiding the true nature of his activity. During the presentation to parents, Greg understands that Gérard, the father of Flo, is also one of their clients.

Two friends, one a musician the other constantly depressed wander around Greece and France till they get to Paris without a penny to their name. Here they spend nights in the underground, and squat in houses with the African immigrants. One day they both fall in love with Mathilde a blond dancer and follow her to New York.

Following the breakdown of his marriage, a self-involved man begins to embrace fatherhood.

Marco, Tato, Serena, and Leo are nine years old, and they are inseparable friends, ready to defend each other from their schoolmates’ bullying. On the evening of Marco's birthday, all four find themselves together to blow out the candles and unknowingly make the same wish: become adults. In one night's time, they find themselves magically the same age as their parents, but with the same behaviour and thoughts they have as kids.

Maximes liv er lige så strømlinet og perfekt som de luksusbiler, han lever af at sælge. Men alt ændrer sig, da hans forretningspartner bliver myrdet af en finsk gangsterbande. Banden truer Maxime med de forfærdeligste ting, hvis han ikke betaler sin partners enorme gæld. Maxime beder sine brødre om hjælp, men deres plan slår fejl, og snart har Maxime for alvor ryggen mod muren.

Efter en alvorlig ulykke prøver Lucie at genfinde sig selv som danser og møder Vincent, en talentfuld breakdancer, der kæmper med sin egen usikkerhed.

A few days before the baccalaureate, a high school student decides to settle accounts with the most cowardly teacher in the school.

Lea opens an agency where anybody can rent her to play the part the clients need: a daughter, a girlfriend, a customer, you name it...

Antoine Peyralout is baker Mouillefarine's tricycle delivery man. Comical and stuttering, Antoine shows more interest in the local soccer team than in professional integrity. A wedding cake pays the price for it and the young man is dismissed. Not dispirited in the least, Antoine decides to go to Nice, where his favorite team will play the final of the Cup. On his merry (and eventful) way, he has the opportunity to save a pretty camper, Popeline, with whom he falls in love. Once in Nice, he discovers that Dabek, the brilliant goal-keeper is not up to his task following bad news...

The king of underground comedy takes the stage in Jacksonville with unflinching riffs on American politics and the raunchy perils of getting old.

The strong friendship between three friends is to be tested at the moment they learn that an old childhood companion has died and has left them his entire estate. To get it they must participate in a pre-planned wager devised by the deceased. This results in a mad spiral of competitiveness that will make the lives of the protagonists transformed forever.

After an accident, Pierre, a sixty years old grumpy man, ends up stuck on an hospital bed with a cast. While Pierre dreams of silence and solitude with his strong character, the whole world seems to invite himself to his hospital bed. Powerless, he has to support the daily visits of doctors,nurse and hospital staff then his closes including his brother Herve. Visits after visits, funny or touching, Pierre starts to reconsider some people and reexamine his environment. And after all, his stay becomes a second chance ...

Vi er i en nær fremtid. Planetens energiproblemer er muligvis på nippet til at blive løst, da firmaet Alterplex Corporation starter deres nye energikilde 'the tower', der skal suge energi fra en parallel verden ind i vores. Det går naturligvis ikke helt efter hensigten, og det bliver op til den tidligere NASA pilot Will Porter (Dan Stevens) at tage på en hemmelig mission til den alternative verden for at løse problemet. Store dele af filmen ses fra hans synspunkt i klassiske computerspil POV stil.

A comedy about a band of voyeuristic students who take their jobs at the school paper to extremes, deciding to uncover the real lives of their teachers.

Da Joe og Averell, henholdsvis den ældste og yngste af de fire Dalton-brødre - det Vilde Vestens største fæhoveder - beslutter sig for at plyndre en bank for at glæde deres mor, går det grueligt galt for dem. Det lykkes dog brødrene at flygte fra fængslet og krydse grænsen til Mexico i jagten på en magisk hat, der kunne blive enden på alle deres trængsler. Men farerne lurer overalt, og Lucky Lucky ånder dem i nakken.