The story of John, a show biz dog, and his partner/fiancee Mary. We see him about to jump off a bridge when he stops and explains why he is doing it.

A religious organization interferes with the life of a terminally ill girl.

After being involved in a traumatic incident, 17-year-old Gong-ju is forced to change schools. Uncared for by her parents, her previous teacher arranges for her to hide away at his mother's place. It takes time for her past to catch up with her, but when it does the revelation is devastating.

A man trying to get home to his dog gets stuck in a time loop that forces him to relive a deadly run-in with a cop.

Malcolm is carefully surviving life in a tough neighborhood in Los Angeles while juggling college applications, academic interviews, and the SAT. A chance invitation to an underground party leads him into an adventure that could allow him to go from being a geek, to being dope, to ultimately being himself.

The events of the war in 1944, from the Blue Hills to Sõrve Peninsula. Shown through the eyes of Estonian soldiers who had to pick sides and fight against fellow brothers. Choices have to be made, not only by the soldiers, but also by their loved ones.

La Bernarda, una monja nouvinguda, vol salvar el campament amb la seva cançó, "Viviremos firmes en la fe". La germana Milagros, una jove amb dubtes, recorda com li agradava Presuntos Implicados. I la Maria i la Susanna, dues adolescents castigades, tenen un grup que es diu Suma Latina. Però des que Déu se li apareix a la Maria una nit, tot canvia. I és que a Déu li encanta Whitney Houston

A shady cop finds himself in over his head when he gets caught between Internal Affairs and the city’s corrupt mayor.

Three cousins travel to the village where they spent summer vacations as kids.

Quiet Jose woos cafe worker Ana, but she is unaware he has intentions other than the purely romantic.

A finals del segle XIX, a la colònia espanyola de Filipines, un destacament espanyol va ser assetjat al poble de Baler, a l'illa filipina de Luzón, per insurrectes filipins revolucionaris, durant 337 dies. Al desembre de 1898, amb la signatura del Tractat de París entre Espanya i els Estats Units, es posava fi formalment a la guerra entre ambdós països i Espanya cedia la sobirania sobre les Filipines als Estats Units. A causa d'això, els assetjats a Baler són coneguts com "els últims de les Filipines".

A Valldemossa, un petit poble de l'interior de Mallorca, l'Anna i la Marina, dues germanes separades en l'adolescència, es retroben per vendre un antic forn de pa que han heretat d'una dona misteriosa a la que creuen no conèixer. Les germanes son dues dones amb vides molt diferents. L'Anna gairebé no ha sortit de l'illa i segueix casada amb un home a qui ja no estima. En canvi, la Marina viatja pel món treballant com a doctora per una ONG. Mentre intenten descobrir els secrets que amaga l'enigmàtica herència, l'Anna i la Marina hauran de fer front a conflictes familiars del passat i recuperar els anys perduts.

Story about two brothers and their wives, and the interactions between them and their two high school age children. When the kids get into serious trouble together, how will the parents relationships change with and among each other? Will the parents protect the kids or force them to face the consequences of their actions?

L'acalde de la ciutat de Lió (França), Paul Théraneau, es troba un punt decisiu i dràstic a la seva carrera política. Després de 30 anys d'ofici, és incapaç de plantejar una solució als problemes de la seva comunitat i d'atreure vots, causant una gran frustració. Decideix portar sang jove al partit, Alice Heinmann, una brillant filòsofa, que aconsellarà Théraneau. Entre tots dos es forja una relació i un diàleg que farà que tots dos es plantegin la manera d'entendre el món.

Gloria is a porn artist that performs live-sex. When his mate gets sick he brings her a young substitute, Manu. The boy works surprisingly well and then Gloria decides to go into business with him. Things get complicated when Gloria discovers that Manu is in trouble because of his gambling debts.

Maggie, professora i dona decidida, està preparada per ser mare. Els seus amants no duren més de sis mesos, però té un donant ideal. Amb la mostra a la mà, se li declara un company casat...

The film follows the exploits of Jacques, a car-mechanic turned pro-thief, and his Jewish co-conspirator Simon as their robberies, beginning well before the Second World War, take on a political coloration under the occupation.

A famous drug kingpin escapes from prison. The mexican president wants him back in jail whereas the U.S. government wants him dead.

On their last night together, four longtime flatmates' lives are suddenly upended when a secret is revealed during the course of an evening celebration.