Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect the precious cargo he carries: his infant daughter.

Aboard a hijacked Engineer vessel, Dr. Shaw repairs David as they make their way to the home-world of the Engineers, whom Shaw believes are humanity’s creators. 'The Crossing' is an official prologue short to 'Alien: Covenant', revealing what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David after the events of 'Prometheus'.

Mary må opleve at se sin søn dø af malaria under et ophold i Mocambique. Hjemme i USA møder hun en engelsk husmor, hvis søn har lidt samme skæbne under frivillig tjeneste i et u-land. De to kvinder er begge chokerede over sygdommens høje dødsrate og beslutter sig for at råbe den amerikanske regering op.

Basque Country, Spain, 1843. A police constable arrives at a small village in Álava to investigate a mysterious blacksmith who lives alone deep in the woods.

Within Brooklyn’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, a widower battles for custody of his son.

An Italian doctor starts a new life in Kenya to escape the city, but life catches up with him when an old friend offers his assistance along with his wife, who happens to be an old lover.

After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…

Jake Taylor has everything. He has a beautiful girl, he's the champion in basketball and beer pong, and everyone loves him. Then, an old childhood friend of his commits suicide. Jake wonders what he could've done to save his friend's life. A youth minister tells him that Jake needs God. So Jake becomes a Christian. However, things begin to spin out of control. Jake is going to realize just what it means to be a Christian and how, to save a life.

A group of friends on a climbing vacation ignore warnings that the mountains are closed and start their ascent anyway. Collapsing bridges, bear traps and other dangers threaten to splinter the group… when the real hell begins and an unseen villain begins picking them off one by one.

A blind musician hears a murder committed in the apartment upstairs from hers that sends her down a dark path into London's gritty criminal underworld.

Forfatteren Bill Oakland mister både sin kone og sit syn i en voldsom bilulykke. Fem år senere bliver Suzanne Dutchman dømt til at læse højt for Bill tre gange om ugen, efter at have været en del af hendes mands insiderhandel. Bill og Suzanne indleder en passioneret kærlighedsaffære, men da Suzanne's mand bliver løsladt, bliver hun tvunget til at vælge mellem manden, hun elsker, og manden, hun har bygget sit liv op med.

A climax of brutality and violence after a young man hits some cars in a rush.

Den unge kvinde Emily Meyer slutter sig til en gruppe tyske immigranter på vej til det guldmineområde, som kort forinden blev opdaget i Dawson City. Men deres landkort viser sig at være utroværdige, hestevognene med proviant er snarere en hæmsko end nogen hjælp og deres pakheste er knap i stand til at gøre den lange vandring, og mellem gruppens forskellige personligheder opstår snart konflikter. Drevet af deres drømme om et bedre liv, kæmper de sig frem mod et mål, der synes at svinde mere og mere i horisonten. En meget smuk og usædvanlig western med en stærk, kvindelig hovedperson.

In 2013 a psychiatric clinic which served for more than 50 years caring for patients in Mexico City was demolished. A few months before its demolition, four young men came to investigate the clinic, determined to discover the truth about rumors of strange and paranormal events, recording everything with which they encounter. Today, the whereabouts of these four young men are unknown, remaining only fragments of their recordings.

Den hårdtarbejdende tøjdesigner Senna Berges har opgivet håbet om at finde sin soulmate her i livet. Trods ihærdige forsøg på at få hende til at falde lidt til ro og satse på kærlighedslivet fremfor karrieren fra både familie og venner, fortsætter Senna ufortrødent med at tage uansvarlige beslutninger og indlede tilfældige affærer med yngre mænd. Men så møder hun pludselig advokaten Adam.

Anthology of famous, scary urban legends done with a modern twist.

Over-imaginative 12 year-old Sam heads off to the woods to summer scout camp with his pack convinced that he will encounter a monster...

After NASA picks up a trio of mysterious signals from within our own solar system, astronaut Roger Nelson is dispatched on a multi-year solo mission aboard the Magellan spacecraft to investigate the sources.

Vi er i en nær fremtid. Planetens energiproblemer er muligvis på nippet til at blive løst, da firmaet Alterplex Corporation starter deres nye energikilde 'the tower', der skal suge energi fra en parallel verden ind i vores. Det går naturligvis ikke helt efter hensigten, og det bliver op til den tidligere NASA pilot Will Porter (Dan Stevens) at tage på en hemmelig mission til den alternative verden for at løse problemet. Store dele af filmen ses fra hans synspunkt i klassiske computerspil POV stil.

A group of high-school kids set out to play a Halloween prank at an abandoned house, but once they enter they become victims of a demonic witch who has set her wrath upon them.