Un nen de 10 anys, que ha nascut amb una malformació a la cara, s’esforça per encaixar en el seu primer dia d’escola. Demostrar que és un nen com els altres serà el seu repte i l’acceptació dels companys de classe, el seu guany.

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

Mario, un lampista de Brooklyn, viatja pel Regne dels Bolets amb la princesa Peach i el bolet antropomòrfic Toad per trobar Luigi (el germà de Mario) i per salvar el món del despietat Bowser.

Charts the troubled teenage years of students Yūichi Hasumi and Shūsuke Hoshino, exploring the shifting and complex power dynamics of their relationship against the backdrop of Yūichi's love for the dreamy and abstract music of pop star Lily Chou-Chou.

In 1919, Hungarian Communists aid the Bolsheviks' defeat of Czarists, the Whites. Near the Volga, a monastery and a field hospital are held by one side and then the other.

A mischievous snake who assumes human form interferes with the romance between her reptilian sister and a hapless man.

Thelma, together with her husband Dado and teenage sons Gerald and Yuri, are a poor urban family hired by a local foster care facility to provide temporary home and care to abandoned babies pending the latter's formal adoption.

Josh, la seva dona Reani i els seus tres fills acaben de mudar-se a una casa vella. Quan el fill petit pateixi un accident i caigui en coma, començaran a produir-se estranys fenòmens i la família es veurà assetjada per una cosa que no sembla d'aquest món. Decidits a crear el Poltergeist del nou mil·lenni, els arxiconeguts creadors de la saga Saw, James Wan i Leigh Whannell, han escrutat el cinema de terror a consciència per aconseguir combinar ingredients tan clàssics com la casa encantada i les entitats sobrenaturals sense que en cap moment tinguem sensació de "déjà vu". No es confiïn, la sorpresa més terrorífica saltarà quan menys s'ho esperin.

La Dra. en literatura Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton) sembla estar feliç amb la seva vida encara que s'enfronta al món amb cert escepticisme. De sobte, es troba amb un geni (Idris Elba) que ofereix concedir-li tres desitjos a canvi de la llibertat. Al principi, Alithea es nega a acceptar l'oferta ja que sap que tots els contes sobre concedir desitjos acaben malament. El geni defensa la seva posició explicant diverses històries fantàstiques del seu passat. Finalment, ella es deixa persuadir i demanarà un desig que sorprendrà tots dos.

Nishi is an advertising executive for a caramel company that is planning to launch a new product, in fierce competition with two other companies.

After a mysterious prisoner with only a few weeks left on his sentence breaks out of prison in Central City, the Elric brothers attempt to track him down. The search leads them to Table City in the southwestern country of Creta, where Alphonse rescues a young alchemist named Julia from the very man they are trying to capture. In the thick of the fight, they literally tumble into Julia's home turf, the slums of Milos Valley, and are embroiled in the grassroots rebellion of her people.

One man's struggle to contain the curse he hides within... and his last-ditch attempt to free himself with the love of family. But when it looks as if he is losing his battle, and endangering all he holds most dear, the family dog, Thor, is the last hope for his family's survival... and the end to his Werewolf curse.

Three key events during three different time periods, in three seasons, and on three nights culminate to change the life of Zhang Dong Ling.

Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.

Though he has come from a rough background on the streets, Muraki quickly rises through the ranks by means of his well-honed blackmailing instincts. Desperate to keep rolling with his freewheeling lifestyle, Muraki sees his luck begin to crumble when he sets his sights on the business partners of a powerful gang boss.

After getting into a serious car accident, a TV director discovers an underground sub-culture of scarred, omnisexual car-crash victims, and he begins to use car accidents and the raw sexual energy they produce to try to rejuvenate his sex life with his wife.

Dee, the detective serving Chinese empress Wu Zetian, is called upon to investigate a series of strange events in Loyang, including the appearance of mysterious warriors wearing Chiyou ghost masks, foxes that speak human language and the pillar sculptures in the palace coming alive.

Rick Pang, an IPSC champion who is also a gun expert who tinkers with his pistols to perfect his technique known as 'double tap' which is the terminology where a shooter can place two exact shots in the same spot to maximize marksmanship.

El seu nom veritable: William Bonney. El seu nom llegendari: Billy El Niño, el famós i esmunyedís pistoler d'El Zurdo. No s'havia vist mai al llunyà Oest algú com el noi de Brooklyn, el problemàtic adolescent que va escriure el seu nom amb sang als anals de la història...

Set in a post apocalyptic Yokohama where the population is kept under rigid control by a homosexual megalomaniac mayor. The citizens are administered drugs to suppress heterosexual urges. Officer Takeshi Honda is a hard boiled cop enforcing the mayor's agenda, and Ryō is a mellowed out drifter that hooks up with a gang of rebels. When the gang kidnap Takeshi's son, it begins a series of events leading to an inevitable showdown.