An English woman (Ali MacGraw) returns to her homeland after losing her fortune in America, and is stalked by a serial killer.

El ric industrial Henrik Vanger contracta a un periodista, Mikael Blomqvist, per saber què va ser de la seva neboda, desapareguda fa ni més ni menys que quaranta anys. Aquell 29 de setembre de 1966, la jove de setze anys Harriet Vanger va desaparèixer sense deixar rastre...

Kris Kringle, seemingly the embodiment of Santa Claus, is asked to portray the jolly old fellow at Macy's following his performance in the Thanksgiving Day parade. His portrayal is so complete that many begin to question if he truly is Santa Claus, while others question his sanity.

It's Christmastime, and the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration. But things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen, and their two kids. Clark's continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests, but he manages to keep going, knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon.

Un jove agent de l'FBI investiga uns robatoris comesos per una peculiar banda d'assaltants. Per seguir les seves indagacions s'infiltra en un grup de surfistes el líder dels quals és una mena de místic.

Anton és un idealista mèdic danès que treballa a un camp de refugiats d'un país africà que està en guerra. La seva dona i el seu fill Elia viuen sols a Dinamarca. El nen és maltractat a l'escola pels seus companys i se sent aïllat. Però quan arriba al col·legi Christian, un nen orfe de mare que expressa el seu dolor per mitjà de la violència, ell i Elia simpatitzen i es fan amics. El problema és que aquesta amistat es converteix en un perillós joc de venjança i ràbia que, a més de pertorbar la vida de les seves famílies, porta Anton a qüestionar-se els seus ideals.

A down and out young punk gets a job working with a seasoned repo man, but what awaits him in his new career is a series of outlandish adventures revolving around aliens, the CIA, and a most wanted '64 Chevy.

A nuclear warhead launched by Soviet insurgents protesting the waning Cold War destroys the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The destruction sets off a race between American and Soviet politicians to prevent a nuclear holocaust. While the U.S. president feverishly works to keep the military and political machine from going into overdrive, various subordinates panic. When the president is believed to be killed in a helicopter crash, zealous advisers take over.

Bill Lo és una superestrella del cinema d'acció coaccionat per un sindicat del crim xinès que volen que treballi per ells. Lo s'hi nega i els mafiosos decideixen eliminar-lo fent que el disparin en ple rodatge d'una pel·lícula amb una arma que havia de ser de fogueig. La mort de Lo commociona el món sencer, però en realitat ell ha sobreviscut i planeja la seva revenja. Lo s'enfronta a diferents adversaris, l'un rere l'altre, amb diferents estils de lluita fins a trobar-se amb el seu enemic final.

While on a grand world tour, The Muppets find themselves wrapped into an European jewel-heist caper headed by a Kermit the Frog look-alike and his dastardly sidekick.

Scott Turner és un detectiu meticulós que està investigant un difícil cas d'homicidi. Un dia troba al carrer un gos esquinçat, vulgar i amb molt males maneres, a qui decideix adoptar. El gos es converteix en el millor ajudant que mai no ha tingut.

Som a l'any 10191. L'emperador del Món conegut Padishah Shaddam IV, ha entregat el planeta Arrakis a la casa Atreides desposseint-lo de la casa Harkonnen. Com que aixó pot posar en perill la producció d'espècia, la droga geriàtrica, un navegant de tercer nivell és enviat a donar ordres a l'emperador.

After building his dream house, architect Newton Davis proposes marriage to his girlfriend, only to be summarily rejected. He seeks solace in a one-night stand with a waitress, never imagining that a woman he slept with once would end up posing as his wife. Gwen's ruse is so effective that by the time Newton learns of his "marriage," the entire town feels like they know him.

A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sports. A remake of the 1991 film, "Point Break".

Former SWAT leader David Hendrix and hard-partying movie star Brody Walker must cut their ride-along short when a police training facility is attacked by a team of mercenaries.

The owner of a factory that produces flavor extracts, Joel Reynold seems to have it all, but really doesn't. What's missing is sexual attention from his wife, Suzie. Joel hatches a convoluted plan to get Suzie to cheat on him, thereby clearing the way for Joel to have an affair with Cindy, an employee. But what Joel doesn't know is that Cindy is a sociopathic con artist, and a freak workplace accident clears the way for her to ruin Joel forever.

Set in a futuristic world where the only sport that has survived in a wasted society is the brutal game known as jugging. Sallow, the leader of a rag-tag team, has played in the main Leagues before, but was cast out because of indiscretions with a lady. However now joined by a talented newcomer, Kidda, an ambitious young peasant girl he and his team find they have one last chance for glory

In the old days it was called hypochrondria, or black melancholia. Now, apparently, it's termed the Asthenic Syndrome. Whatever it is, Nikolai, a teacher of epicly indifferent pupils, has got it, and it's not much fun.

Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other half, and determines to get the brothers' half and have a complete medallion so he can gain absolute power.

Survivors of an interstellar transport ship crash band together to fight the monstrous hosts on the inhospitable planet they now find themselves on.