Les cigonyes arriben, com cada any, fins a un pintoresc circ per repartir els bebès a les seves respectives mares. La senyora Dumbo, una elefanta, descobreix que el seu nadó té unes orelles enormes; totes les seves companyes se'n riuen, però la senyora Dumbo ho defensa sempre, fins al punt de ser tancada per enfrontar-se a tot aquell que es mofe del seu fill. El petit Dumbo, maltractat i ridiculitzat per tots els seus companys, només compta amb l'ajuda d'un minúscul ratolí anomenat Timothy, que decideix fer-ne una estrella del circ.

Tells the incredible true story of Amberley Snyder, a nationally ranked rodeo barrel racer who defies the odds after barely surviving a car accident that leaves her paralyzed from the waist down.

Comedian Florence Foresti supersizes her act in an arena show packed with sketches, celebrity impressions, epic dance routines and special guests.

Continua la història de la Rey des del moment de la seva trobada amb Luke Skywalker, el darrer Jedi, i la continuació de la lluita contra el Primer Ordre. Secrets arcaics i revelacions importants seran mostrats.

A young woman inherits a mansion, only to discover that it is haunted by witches and evil spirits.

La parella de policies formada per Martin Riggs i Roger Murtaugh torna a enfrontar-se amb una perillosa missió contra el món del crim organitzat. Aquest cop es tracta de la màfia asiàtica establerta a Los Angeles. Un policia jove, Lee Butters, ajudarà els dos companys en la investigació i, a més, embolicarà la troca ja que surt amb la filla de Murtaugh i la deixa embarassada. Per la seva banda, Riggs i la seva companya Lorna també esperen un fill.

Brian O'Connor, un policia caigut en desgràcia, va ser un addicte a la velocitat i ara n'està pagant un preu. Tal com ho veuen els seus antics caps i els alts comandaments de l'FBI, aquest agent d'incògnit els va fer malbé una de les investigacions més importants que havien emprès.

An 11-year-old aspiring wrestler enters a competition to become the next WWE superstar by using special powers from a magical mask.

Machete és un exfederal mexicà que posseeix habilitats extraordinàries. Després d'enfrontar-se amb Torres, el rei mexicà de la droga, el donen per mort i ell aprofita per fugir a Texas i oblidar el seu passat. Però allí, la corrupció i un intent d'assassinat el converteixen en l'home més buscat. Tot i això, Machete té la determinació de netejar el seu nom i desemmascarar una fosca i enrevessada xarxa criminal.

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

With high school a distant memory, Jim and Michelle are getting married — and in a hurry, since Jim's grandmother is sick and wants to see him walk down the aisle — prompting Stifler to throw the ultimate bachelor party. And Jim's dad is reliable as ever, doling out advice no one wants to hear.

After a year apart - attending different schools, meeting different people - the guys rent a beach house and vow to make this the best summer ever. As it turns out, whether that will happen or not has a lot to do with the girls. Between the wild parties, outrageous revelations and yes, a trip to band camp, they discover that times change and people change, but in the end, it's all about sticking together.

Quan l'avi d'en Dinet emmalalteix, l'única manera dels dinosaures de curar-lo és una flor a la terra prohibida de les boires que conté riscs i perills inesperats.

While Sidney Prescott and her friends visit the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the third film based on the Woodsboro murders, another Ghostface killer rises to terrorize them.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

After the ordeal with Samara, Rachel and Aiden move to a rural town. But soon Rachel learns about the death of a girl in a similar fashion. To save Aiden, she must dig into Samara's past even further.

En un futur, en un joc denominat Slayers, un dels participants pot controlar a milions d’éssers humans a través del sistema multijugador. El cor d’aquest controvertit i hiperviolent joc és el seu creador, el multimilionari Ken Castle (Michael C. Hall). La seva última creació és un joc de tret en primera persona, que permet projectar les fantasies més salvatges de cadascú davant un públic global, utilitzant presoners reals com a avatars que lluiten contra la mort. Però Kable (Gerard Butler), un poderós guerrer controlat pel jove Simon, intentarà alliberar-se a si mateix i a la resta de jugadors del món

Vasily Muravin, 50, a teacher at the Moscow Institute of Management, is experiencing a crisis. At work, the place of the head of the department is replaced by the more pragmatic, but limited person Valentin Romanovsky. At home, his wife Lida, who earns at work more than her husband, habitually reproaches him for indecision. It’s hard for Muravin to come to terms with his established attitude to himself, but he is most worried when his wife shows disrespect for his main hobby - playing the guitar. Once, unable to bear the bullying, Muravin suddenly leaves the family (wife and daughter) and from work.

Lillo (Christian De Sica) married Milena, one of the richest women in Europe. The marriage contract provides that Lillo undertakes to never cheat on her, under penalty of divorce and not even a penny of alimony. But one day he meets Barbara (Sabrina Ferilli) and it's immediately irresistible passion... Filippo Vessato (Fabio De Luigi) is a young surgeon who, to make a career, is forced to suffer the harassment of his head, Professor Benci (Claudio Bisio). Filippo is about to go to New York to get married and Benci does not miss an opportunity to further harass him by asking him to bring a gift to his son, a "model" student at Riverside College.

25-year-old Khalid Belkacem has failed at everything: college education, summer camp instructor's permit, driver's license, and even his BCG. He never expected to become the first "positive discrimination" member of the police force. But as his mother says: "That's France for you! A country where everyone has a chance."