"Fantasy: Mariah Carey at Madison Square Garden" is Mariah Carey's fourth DVD/home video release. It presents Carey performing live at the Madison Square Garden on October 10, 1995. The home video was originally released in early 1996, and the DVD was released in late 2004. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures.

La recerca desesperada de la immortalitat del Rei Lluís XIV el porta a capturar una sirena per robar-li la seva energia vital, fet que es complica encara més quan la seva filla il·legítima descobreix la criatura.

Crisi dels míssils de Cuba. L'octubre de 1962 fotografies aèries de Cuba, obtingudes per l'exèrcit nord-americà, revelen que els soviètics estan instal·lant a l'illa armes nuclears que podrien arribar a gran part dels Estats Units. Per obligar la Unió Soviètica a desmantellar els míssils, el president John F. Kennedy i els seus col·laboradors decideixen el bloqueig de Cuba

A friendship with a top-secret robot turns a lonely girl's life into a thrilling adventure as they take on bullies, evil bots and a scheming madman.

A romantic comedy set on Christmas Eve in Warsaw and centered around a series of characters.

La Faith Corvatch va ser sempre un noia romàntica. Als 11 anys, durant una sessió d'espiritisme, li va ser revelat el nom del que estava destinat ser l'amor de la seva vida: Damon Bradley, de qui ella no n'havia sentit parlar mai. Han passat els anys,ara la Faith és una dona atractiva, té parella, treball fix, un pis bonic però no ha oblidat aquell nom. Deu dies abans de casar-se, rep la trucada d'un antic company de la seva parella que es disculpa per no poder assistir a la boda. El nom d'aquest vell amic és: Damon Bradley.

On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invades Poland, unleashing World War II. On September 17th, the Soviet Red Army crosses the border. The Polish army, unable to fight on two fronts, is defeated. Thousands of Polish men, both military and government officials, are captured by the invaders. Their fate will only be known several years later.

Jack Cunningham és una antiga estrella del bàsquet, separat i enmig del terrible món de l'alcohol, tracta de tornar al camí correcte com a entrenador d'un equip d'institut.

A graduate student and martial-arts expert rents a room in a house owned by a single mother who lives there with her son. A local street gang is trying to recruit the son, but the new tenant tries to help the boy's mother keep him out of the gang. When they learn of this, they target both the mother and her new tenant.

Every day at 6 pm a serial killer kills another person. Police officer Helena Rus thinks the killings are done by one man only and decides to reveal the killer's identity by getting back in 18th century history of the city.

An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, they seek the most desperate and greedy to become fake criminals to take the fall for the rich and powerful's crimes in a process known as `Criminal Audition'.

When Clara’s mother leaves her a mysterious gift, she embarks on a journey to four secret realms—where she discovers her greatest strength could change the world.

An ex-marine enforcer must battle his conscience and code of honor when he is forced to do things for the mob.

A scientist becomes obsessed with returning his family to normalcy after a terrible accident.

The story of the Polish fliers who found themselves fighting for the freedom of their own country in foreign skies. Seen through the eyes of a Polish fighter ace and adventurer, it tells how the Poles—driven across Europe by the German war machine—finally make their last stand. Flying Hurricanes for the RAF over Britain, they became a key component in the legend of ‘The Few’. Up against the might of the Luftwaffe they hoped that, by saving Great Britain from Nazi invasion, they were keeping the dream of a free Poland alive.

Seqüela de "Els barrufets", adaptació del còmic homònim realitzat el 2011 per Tall Gosnell. En aquesta seqüela, el cruel i malvat Gargamel torna amb més força que mai per poder robar als Barrufets la més pura essència de la seva màgia i per a això, fabrica dos petits Barrufets falsos anomenats Naughties. Però Gargamel, no trigarà a adonar-se que no servirà de res perquè la màgia que ell anhela, només la hi pot proporcionar un Barrufet veritable, per això decideix segrestar a la Barrufeta i traslladar-la a París, on s'ha guanyat l'admiració de milers de persones com el millor mag del món. Ara tot queda en mans del Gran barrufet i els seus camarades, els qui hauran de tornar al món dels humans per salvar a la Barrufeta.

Los Angeles S.W.A.T. officer, Lt. Paul Cutler, is sent to train the Detroit S.W.A.T. team on new anti-terrorism and homeland security techniques. Cutler has a hard time settling into his assignment as he locks horns with his new captain and encounters resistance from the team he must lead. Cutler begins to adjust to his new assignment, starting a budding romance with police psychologist Kim Byers along the way. Unexpectedly, a routine hostage call turns deadly, and a relentless ex-government agent named Walter Hatch vows revenge on Cutler and the entire S.W.A.T. team for killing the woman he loves. Cutler must use his considerable S.W.A.T. training and knowledge to save his teammates and defeat a trained killer.

Calvin Barr és un llegendari veterà de guerra. Després de dècades a l'exèrcit estatunidenc i de servir en la Segona Guerra Mundial (i matar al mateix Adolf Hitler), Barr és reclutat per la que potser és la seva última missió: La caça del mític Bigfoot al Canadà.

Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after exiling himself in the Yukon since the end of the Cold War. The children of the former Hydra head, Baron Von Stucker, have taken charge of the terrorist organization. Under the lead of his vicious daughter, Viper, Hydra has seized a deadly virus and threatens the destruction of America.