Novembre del 1919. Dos supervivents de la Gran Guerra, un magnífic il·lustrador i un modest comptable, organitzen una estafa amb els monuments als morts del conflicte bèl·lic. A la França dels anys vint, el projecte esdevé tant perillós com espectacular.

Paris, in the early 1990s: a group of young activists is desperately tied to finding the cure against an unknown lethal disease. They target the pharmaceutical labs that are retaining potential cures, and multiply direct actions, with the hope of saving their lives as well as the ones of future generations.

Film ambientat durant els disturbis racials que van sacsejar la ciutat de Detroit, a l'estat de Michigan, al juliol de 1967. Tot va començar amb una batuda de la policia en un bar nocturn sense llicència.

En Max, el propietari d'un restaurant d'èxit, i la Véro, la seva dona ecologista, conviden, com cada any, un grup d'amics a la casa de la platja per celebrar el començament de les vacances. Però aquest any, just quan abandonen París, un amic comú, el carismàtic Ludo, pateix un gravíssim accident.

Neïla Salah és una jove de l'extraradi parisenc que somia en ser advocada. S'ha matriculat a la facultat de Dret més important de París, però el primer dia de classe té un enfrontament amb Pierre Mazard, un professor una mica conflictiu.

A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit.

François Foucault, de quaranta anys, és professor de literatura en el prestigiós institut de París, Henri IV. Una sèrie de circumstàncies l’obliguen a deixar el seu lloc i a acceptar una plaça en un institut de l'extraradi de la ciutat.

By a little bay near Marseille lies a picturesque villa owned by an old man. His three children have gathered by his side for his last days. It’s time for them to weigh up what they have inherited of their father’s ideals and the community spirit he created in this magical place. The arrival, at a nearby cove, of a group of boat people will throw these moments of reflection into turmoil.

Famille : Groupe de personnes réunies par des liens de parenté et un fort sentiment de solidarité morale et matérielle. Quand Alain a épousé Nathalie, il ne savait pas qu'il épouserait aussi sa famille. Ce samedi, comme toutes les semaines, ils sont invités à dîner chez son beau-frère, Jean-Pierre à Créteil. C'est vrai, Alain en a marre de ces dîners familiaux, mais il ne sait pas encore ce qui l'attend véritablement ce soir-là... Ni les jours qui suivent

La història del famós guitarrista i compositor Django Reinhardt i la seua fugida de París el 1943 a causa de l'ocupació alemanya. La família del músic de jazz va ser perseguida i assetjada pels nazis a causa del seu origen gitano.

Fa deu anys que en Samba va arribar a França des del Senegal i des de llavors ha passat per diverses feines humils. L'Alice és una executiva que està passant una mala època. Tots dos lluiten per sortir del seu particular laberint. El destí farà que els seus camins es trobin.

After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…

Christmas is on its way and with it disaster. The 92,000 responsible for manufacturing children's toys all become sick at the same time! It's a tough moment for Santa, better known as Father Christmas. He's left no choice: he must make an emergency trip to Earth with his reindeer to search for a remedy. When he arrives, he must find some allies to save the magic of Christmas.

Yassine asks his best friend Fred to marry him in order to avoid deportation...

A brilliant and determined female engineer is approached by a network of powerful women with an offer to help become the head of a CAC 40 firm. The conguest, which was at first thrilling, turns to complete war with the men who still dominate.

Jean-Pierre Costa is a football manager upon whom fate appears not to be smiling. First, a friend, Annabelle, dumps a pet Labrador named Didier on him whilst she goes off to make a report in Los Angeles. Next, one of his star players is injured, leaving him one player short for a crucial match. As if things could not get any worse, Costa wakes up one morning to find that that Didier has been transformed into a man...

Under the pressure of his boss, a music producer decides to set up a group consisting of a rabbi, a priest and an imam to make them sing the living together. But the religious he recruits are far from being saints ...

When a pandemic strikes the world, Victor and his family get stuck within a hippie community.

After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.

La vida de l'actor i premiat director de cinema Guillaume Canet no pot ser millor. Té tot el que un home pot desitjar: èxit professional, diners i una dona espectacular amb la qual comparteix un fill.