A card shark and his unwillingly-enlisted friends need to make a lot of cash quick after losing a sketchy poker match. To do this they decide to pull a heist on a small-time gang who happen to be operating out of the flat next door.

Drama judicial basat en fets reals que explica la història del poeta i dramaturg italià Aldo Braibanti, que el 1968 va ser condemnat a nou anys de presó perquè mantenia una relació amb un dels seus alumnes. El judici va causar un gran escàndol ja que la condemna es basava en l’aplicació d'un article del Codi Penal introduït durant el feixisme.

Allen, compositor musical, i Jean, decoradora d'interiors, es veuen obligats a compartir temporalment la mateixa línia de telèfon, cosa que dóna lloc a contínues discussions entre ells. Tots dos treballen per al mateix cap, Jonathan, però no es coneixen personalment. Jonathan pretén Jean i vol casar-se amb ella. No obstant, en una festa, Allen reconeix per la veu Jean i entaula conversa amb ella ocultant la seva identitat.

Shirou Emiya finds himself an unwilling participant in a deadly competition where seven Mages summon heroic spirits as servants to duel each other to the death. They compete for the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail, which has the power to grant any wish. Shirou is unskilled as a mage and knows nothing of the Holy Grail War, but he and his servant, Saber, enter into a temporary partnership with another Mage, Rin Tohsaka. However, problems arise between Shirou and Rin's servant, Archer, who seems to seriously despise him.

On a stormy night, the mute servant to an ailing matriarch is stalked by a serial killer.

Nova adaptació de la novel·la homònima de Herman Melville. Ahab, el capità del Pequod, un vaixell balener, viu obsessionat per caçar Moby Dick, la gran balena blanca que li va arrencar una cama i l'omplí d'odi i set de venjança. Per aquesta raó, consagra la seva vida a navegar incansablement pels set mars per tal de capturar la presa.

Lovestruck conservatory student Ariane pretends to be just as much a cosmopolitan lover as the worldly mature Frank Flannagan hoping that l’amour will take hold.

Escaped convicts terrorize a suburban family they're holding hostage.

It's Christmas Eve in Tinseltown and Sin-Dee is back on the block. Upon hearing that her pimp boyfriend hasn't been faithful during the 28 days she was locked up, the working girl and her best friend, Alexandra, embark on a mission to get to the bottom of the scandalous rumor. Their rip-roaring odyssey leads them through various subcultures of Los Angeles, including an Armenian family dealing with their own repercussions of infidelity.

Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.

Russian exiles in Paris plot to collect ten million pounds from the Bank of England by grooming a destitute, suicidal girl to pose as heir to the Russian throne. While Bounin is coaching her, he comes to believe that she is really Anastasia. In the end, the Empress must decide her claim.

Al segle XIX, el capità anglès Horatio Hornblower travessa l'Atlàntic amb el seu vaixell per ajudar un embogit dictador centreamericà.

Riley North (Jennifer Garner) desperta d'un coma i s'assabenta que el marit i la filla han estat brutalment assassinats. Quan anys després el sistema que ha de jutjar els assassins demostra el seu fracàs, Riley decideix prendre's la justícia per la mà.

Joseph "Doc" Frail is a doctor with a past he's trying to outrun. While in Montana, he comes across a mining camp with a hanging tree and rescues a man named Rune from the noose. With Rune as his servant, Frail decides to settle down, and he takes over as town doctor. He meets Elizabeth, who is suffering from shock, and the two soon fall in love. But when Elizabeth is attacked, Frail's attempt to help her lands them both in trouble.

Logan Stewart, el propietari del principal magatzem de mercaderies de Jacksonville és un pròsper home de negocis que vol viure tranquil. No obstant això, no es pot evitar veure's envoltat de problemes: d'una banda, un mató el busca per matar-lo; de l'altra, intenta protegir un amic que és banquer i jugador i que els veïns volen linxar. Finalment, un terrible atac dels indis el deixa completament arruïnat.

On the day of his funeral, a dedicated smalltown doctor is remembered by his neighbors and patients.

While vacationing in St. Moritz, a British couple receive a clue to an imminent assassination attempt, only to learn that their daughter has been kidnapped to keep them quiet.

Dr. Nicomedes Gutiérrez carefully points out to the last detail everything that happens in his life. Doctor in a small village, he is in love with the village teacher, but, before getting married, he decides to treat himself to having his last fling.

A group of career criminals finds itself trapped in a warehouse with the law – and an Attack Dog named DeNiro closing in.

A young rock & roll hopeful is given a shot at the big time by the unscrupulous owner of a small record company.