At night, the streets of Harlem are haunted by lost souls. Bodies that drift around in the darkness and bear the weight of the past on their shoulders. The Haitian man Frenchie is one of them, and his accentuated stutter bears witness to exile and years of abuse. But he is more than just that in Khalik Allah's new, hypnotic film opus, which turns the American tradition of social realist street photography into its own art form.

Living Distance is a fantasy and a mission, in which a wisdom tooth is sent to outer space and back down to Earth again. Propelled by a crystalline robotic sculpture called EBIFA, the tooth becomes a newborn entity in outer space. Its performance is about death, body, and home, in a world where our science exploration and spiritual journeys are diverging.

Steve Hillage in concert. Filmed and recorded in concertat Ott-Hahn-Schule, Bensberg, Germany 20th March 1977.

Raised by a single mother, a bullied 17 year-old girl seeks guidance from her best friend and the girl's older sister.

A young policeman hunts down the men who caused the accident that put his politician father into a coma.

Friends and co-workers recall the life of Hollywood screen star Clark Gable.

Travel around the globe with Action Sports icon Shaun White from the SuperPipe in Alts Bandai to the black tops of Rwanda. It is time to see how he prepares for competition, copes with pressure and rises above the rest to be the best.

It's hard to look after yourself in the playground when you're different. Set in 1970s New Zealand, The Six Dollar Fifty Man follows Andy, a gutsy eight year-old boy who lives in a make-believe superhero world where his imagination allows him to perform extraordinary physical feats, to deal with playground bullies. But when Andy gets in trouble with the headmaster, he realises that to save himself & his only friend Mary, he must face up to the real world.

A documentary overview of the career of silent cinema pioneer Edwin S. Porter.

Laura en Micha reizen door het Deense platteland met hun eigenzinnige cabaretvoorstelling. Hun persoonlijke leven lijdt onder hun toewijding aan hun vak, maar de chaos die daaruit voortvloeit wordt het koren op hun revue.

The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.

A thriller/love story set in a perfect world. The film opens a brief window into the relationship between two lovers. Tension builds and their dark secret is exposed but, however twisted or shocking, 'Perfect' uncovers the very human drama of what it is to love and be loved.

Sten Stensson Stéen has been challenged by a professor of law in a TV-game-show. Stensson, always fighting against immorality, comes to Stockholm a few days before the the broadcast to teach the young generation how to behave. A gang of crooks mistakes him for a famous dynamiter that they've been waiting for.