The myths of the sixties are satirized in 20 episodes.

Year 1998. Isabel, a journalism student, is forced to do her internship in the newspaper of a small Galician coastal town in order to finish her degree. When she arrives, she wants to start investigating as soon as possible, to demonstrate everything she has learned in order to become a real journalist. But the position she is assigned is the last one she expected: the writing and management of the obituaries that reach the newsroom. But this, which might seem boring at first, becomes the door to an investigation that will take her through different parts of the Spanish geography in search of an impossible love story.

Join Barbie, Chelsea, and her puppy Honey as they swim through rainbow rivers with beautiful mermaids and fly through cotton candy clouds with fairies.

In 1992 – 500 years after the beginning of Spain's global empire with the discovery of America – Spain proudly presented itself to the international community as a modern, developed, dynamic country through the Olympic Games in Barcelona and the Expo in Seville. But for filmmaker Luis López Carrasco (1981, Murcia), 1992 was also the year in which the regional parliament building in Cartagena was razed during furious protests against the threatened closure of various local industries. El año del descubrimiento revives this almost forgotten history in a typical Spanish bar in Cartagena, where different generations come together to drink, eat, smoke and talk. Stories from witnesses, demonstrators and strikers from back then and discussions among younger café visitors on themes such as class consciousness, the economic crisis and the role of unions percolate to the surface amidst talk of other life issues.

Three young martial arts masters emerge from the back streets of Hong Kong to help the powerless fight injustice.

A finals del segle XIX, a la colònia espanyola de Filipines, un destacament espanyol va ser assetjat al poble de Baler, a l'illa filipina de Luzón, per insurrectes filipins revolucionaris, durant 337 dies. Al desembre de 1898, amb la signatura del Tractat de París entre Espanya i els Estats Units, es posava fi formalment a la guerra entre ambdós països i Espanya cedia la sobirania sobre les Filipines als Estats Units. A causa d'això, els assetjats a Baler són coneguts com "els últims de les Filipines".

Two siblings who discover their seemingly normal mom is a former thief in witness protection. Mom is forced to pull one last job, and the kids team up to rescue her over the course of an action-packed night.

Buenos Aires, Argentina. A luxurious van is parked on the sidewalk. A man enters with the purpose of stealing whatever he can find, but when he wants to leave, he cannot. The doors do not open, the control panel does not respond: the van has become an armored box and he is trapped like a mouse.

A young woman struggles to defend her Sámi heritage in a world where xenophobia is on the rise, climate change is threatening reindeer herding, and young people choose suicide in the face of collective desperation.

A native-American lacrosse team makes its way through a prep school league tournament.

Slastan, a Karadjistan man, is willing to blow himself up aboard a Moscow plane bound for Madrid, but his plan is complicated when, due to a snowstorm, the flight is delayed. Staying in a hotel, the terrorist will have to live with the 332 people who he will kill until the storm ceases, which prevents him from continuing his mission. Slastan knows, speaks and relates to his future victims and begins to wonder if suicide and ending the lives of all these innocent people is really right.

England, 1897. Abraham Van Helsing receives a letter from his former student Dr John Seward requesting his urgent assistance in the northern town of Whitby, where his fiancée Lucy is showing all the signs of vampirism. Van Helsing follows the bloody trail to the coffin of Count Dracula himself. Van Helsing is a fresh take on the legend of Dracula through the eyes of his greatest enemy.

Charles Ingvar Jönsson gathers three criminals to take vengeance upon the people who killed his uncle.

After having a chance encounter with a mysterious character, Wendy, a young working class mother, discovers that she has super powers.

An ex-MI6 agent is thrown back into the world of espionage and high stakes to uncover the shocking truth about operations conducted by unknown secret services.

Lucía (Belén Rueda) is a woman for whom leading a model life and taking control of her life is the most important thing. Since she got married, she has focused all of her efforts on caring for her family, until achieving what for her is a perfect family. However, her entire world begins to collapse with the arrival of Sara (Carolina Yuste), the girlfriend of her son; a young girl with great freedom and without mincing words who has a very different family from what Lucia always dreamed of as a political family. Now, Lucia must accept that the perfect family was not exactly what she thought.

Q és un periodista reconvertit en escriptor de novel·la negra. En dos dels seus llibres publicats, ambientats sempre a la seva València natal, Q explica assassinats sagnants fent servir com a teló de fons la corrupció política i les misèries de l'ànima humana. L'únic problema és que els crims que tenen lloc en les seves novel·les no són tan ficticis com semblen.

Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.