Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.
A nameless ronin, or samurai with no master, enters a small village in feudal Japan where two rival businessmen are struggling for control of the local gambling trade. Taking the name Sanjuro Kuwabatake, the ronin convinces both silk merchant Tazaemon and sake merchant Tokuemon to hire him as a personal bodyguard, then artfully sets in motion a full-scale gang war between the two ambitious and unscrupulous men.
La radiació d'un satèl·lit causa el despertar dels morts, que surten de les seves tombes i ataquen els éssers vius per alimentar-se. L'acció se situa al camp de Pennsilvània, on Bàrbara és inicialment atacada al cementiri per un mort vivent i fuig cap a una granja. Allí es troba amb Ben, i ambdós construiran barricades per sobreviure a la temorosa nit, ja que a fora hi ha una multitud de despietats zombis que només poden ser vençuts amb un cop al cap.
En Harold és un jove adinerat que viu amb la seva dominant mare una existència ociosa i insulsa. Obsessionat amb la mort, els seus passatemps favorits són experimentar les múltiples maneres de suïcidar-se i l'assistència a funerals de persones desconegudes. En una d'aquestes cerimònies troba la Maude, una anciana excèntrica que li descobrirà una nova manera de veure el món i l'ajudarà a viure la vida al màxim. Mentrestant, la mare d'en Harold decideix redreçar la conducta del seu fill i li organitzarà una sèrie de trobades amb noies de la seva edat.
La primera missió de l'agent britànic James Bond com a agent 007 el porta fins a Le Chiffre, banquer dels terroristes de tot el món. Per aturar-lo i desmantellar la xarxa terrorista, Bond ha de derrotar-lo en una arriscada partida de pòquer al Casino Royale. Al principi a Bond li disgusta Vesper Lynd, la bella oficial del Tresor que ha de vigilar els diners del govern. Però, a mesura que Bond i Vesper es veuen obligats a defensar-se junts dels mortals atacs de Le Chiffre i els seus sequaços, neix entre ells una atracció mútua.
Tres joves (Odile, Arthur i Franz) es coneixen a classe d'anglès i immediatament es fan amics. Tots tres comparteixen el seu interès per la literatura criminal.
Antoine Marechal pateix un accident amb el seu cotxe just quan es passaria les vacances a Itàlia, el culpable, l'empresari Leopold Saroyan li promet reemplaçar-li el cotxe perquè no perdi les vacances, i així aprofitar el pobre Antoine perquè faci de "mula" " conduint un cadillac fins a Itàlia per passar per la frontera un carregament d'heroïna, or i diamants, sense que aquest ho sàpiga...
In a small Turkish town, two young tuberculous poets try to survive while publishing their poems. As they both fall in love, their life would never be the same.
A group of people are standing along the platform of a railway station in La Ciotat, waiting for a train. One is seen coming, at some distance, and eventually stops at the platform. Doors of the railway-cars open and attendants help passengers off and on. Popular legend has it that, when this film was shown, the first-night audience fled the café in terror, fearing being run over by the "approaching" train. This legend has since been identified as promotional embellishment, though there is evidence to suggest that people were astounded at the capabilities of the Lumières' cinématographe.
Prakash Rathod, a retired police commissioner recounts the most memorable case of his career wherein he was informed about a bomb scare in Mumbai by an ordinary commoner.
James “Brick” Davis, a struggling attorney, owes his education to a mobster, but always has refused to get involved with the underworld. When a friend of his is gunned down by a notorious criminal, Brick decides to abandon the exercise of the law and join the Department of Justice to capture the murderer.
Flint ja ha aconseguit el que perseguia des de sempre: ser un reconegut investigador admirat per tots. Després de crear la seva màquina que creava menjar a partir d'aigua ('Pluja de mandonguilles 1'), el director de la prestigiosa companyia The Live Corp Company i gran investigador, Chester V, ha contractat a Flint perquè formi part del seu equip, format pels millors investigadors de l'món. El protagonista és ple d'alegria, però molt a desgrat descobrirà que l'invent que va crear està donant resultats inesperats i altament perillosos. A partir de les restes de menjar que queien de el cel s'han creat bèsties mutants de tota mena (cocodrils, aranyes, chimpacés ...) que posen en perill la seguretat dels humans. Flint comptarà amb l'ajuda de tots els seus amics per posar fi a aquest malson.
For five men, the opportunity to share a penthouse in the city -- in which to carry on extramarital affairs -- is a dream come true, until the dead body of an unknown woman turns up. Realizing that her killer must be one of their group, the men are gripped by paranoia as each one suspects another. Friendships are tested, loyalties are questioned, and marriages crumble while fear and suspicion run rampant.
On New Year's Eve, inside a police station that's about to be closed for good, officer Jake Roenick must cobble together a force made up cops and criminals to save themselves from a mob looking to kill mobster Marion Bishop.
Muriel Bayen, a divorced beautician and mother of two, loves to tell stories. She is a huge fan of this singer Vincent Lacroix, in fact she is a dedicated fan. One day Vincent knock on her door and ask for her help.
A sweeping multigenerational story set against the backdrop of the raw, roaring New York City of the late 1980s; adoption, teen pregnancy, drugs, hardcore punk rock, the unbridled optimism and reckless stupidity of the young—and old—are all major elements in this heart-aching tale of the son of diehard hippies and his strange odyssey through the extremes of late 20th century youth culture.
With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.
The family is pleasantly surprised and puzzled when Beethoven suddenly becomes obedient. Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.