Elise thought she had the perfect life: an ideal boyfriend and a promising career as a ballet dancer. It all falls apart the day she catches him cheating on her with her stage backup; and after she suffers an injury on stage, it seems like she might not be able to dance ever again.

La construcció d'un túnel està a punt de finalitzar, però una sèrie de desastres geològics causats pel canvi climàtic causen terratrèmols, despreniments i allaus de terra. La regió està amenaçada, però un pare i un fill intentaran, a la desesperada, salvar un petit poble.

Un noi es retroba casualment amb una amiga de la infància. Ell s'enamora però ella marxa de viatge i, quan torna, ho fa acompanyada d'un noi adinerat i enigmàtic.

The story of Usnavi, a bodega owner who has mixed feelings about closing his store and retiring to the Dominican Republic or staying in Washington Heights.

Un boxejador fracassat descobreix un secret familiar que el porta a un torneig místic anomenat Mortal Kombat on es troba amb un grup de guerrers que lluiten fins a la mort per salvar els regnes del malvat bruixot Shang Tsung.

A group of women in an isolated religious colony struggle to reconcile their faith with a series of sexual assaults committed by the colony's men.

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.

Police summoned to an apartment building make a horrifying discovery.

An ex-fireman with PTSD goes on the run when accused of a crime he doesn't even remember committing, leading him down a rabbit hole of conspiracy to the highest degree.

A man will become a criminal to save his family.

Quan no era res més que una nena, Anna (Maggie Q) va ser recollida per Moody (Samuel L. Jackson), un llegendari assassí, el seu mentor i figura paterna. 20 anys després, l'Anna s'ha convertit en una de les assassines a sou més hàbils del planeta. Quan Moody és brutalment assassinat, Anna jura venjança i, per això, s'alia amb Rembrandt (Michael Keaton), un enigmàtic assassí. A mesura que creix l'acostament entre tots dos, la confrontació es torna més i més perillosa.

Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened.

Detective Chief Inspector Sörensen is anxious. More precisely, he suffers from a chronic anxiety disorder that makes life difficult for him. That is why he is moving from Hamburg to the Frisian village of Katenbüll, where he hopes for a more peaceful working life. But that is not how the cookie crumbles. The place is grey and bleak, it rains continuously, and the locals are not very enthusiastic in welcoming him. He also finds his new colleagues, Jenni Holstenbeck and Malte Schuster, somewhat suspect. And then things go from bad to worse. Mayor Hinrichs is found dead in his stables. Sörensen quickly realises that there is a lot of bad blood hidden behind the small town's tranquil facade and some well-founded reasons for anxiety...

Després de tota una trajectòria com a alcaldessa d'una ciutat a prop de París, Clémence (Isabelle Huppert) afronta el seu major repte: presentar-se a ministra. Valent i decidida, sempre s'ha bolcat amb els més desfavorits per salvar la ciutat de la pobresa i l'atur juntament amb l'ajuda de la seva fidel mà dreta Yazid (Reda Kateb), però ara, aquest nou càrrec li despertarà una ambició desconeguda. Serà capaç de mantenir el seu compromís amb els ciutadans i la seva integritat política o acabarà sucumbint al poder?

Following a zombie outbreak in Las Vegas, a group of mercenaries take the ultimate gamble: venturing into the quarantine zone to pull off the greatest heist ever attempted.

The dark secrets of a seemingly peaceful island threaten to swallow up an orphaned student when he grows close to a mysterious new teacher.

Dos mil·lennistes de Los Angeles d'orígens dispars s'enamoren i fan front a la prova definitiva: conèixer els seus pares respectius. El xoc cultural està servit!

Stéphane defers his frustration at not having had a son on his sons-in-law. So when her younger daughter decides to leave a rugby player than the idolatrous father for a doctor he can not stand, he will do everything to get his son-in-law back. His daughter will not let it go.

A socially awkward woman with a fondness for arts and crafts, horses, and supernatural crime shows finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life.

Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.