Set in Fascist Italy before the outbreak of World War II, the story centers on Tunin, a farmer turned anarchist who stays in a brothel while preparing to kill Benito Mussolini.

Gabriel Iglesias is one of the fastest-rising comics today! With his unique brand of humor, lovable stage presence and wide range of voices and impressions, it's no wonder that he already has a huge fan following. Now you can see Comedy Central's "Comic of the Year" in his sold-out performance at the historic Fox Theatre in Bakersfield, California!

Nasser Ali Khan és un virtuós del violí que decideix deixar-se morir després que la seva dona trenqui l'estimat instrument durant una baralla conjugal. Però els veritables motius de la seva decisió són molt més complexos...

Ludovic is waiting for a miracle. With six-year-old certainty, she believes she was meant to be a little girl -- and that the mistake will soon be corrected. But where she expects the miraculous, Ludo finds only rejection, isolation and guilt -- as the intense reactions of family, friends, and neighbors strip away every innocent lace and bauble. As suburban prejudices close around them, family loves and loyalties are tested in the ever-escalating dramatic turns of Alain Berliner's critically acclaimed first feature. Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film and a favorite at festivals around the world, this unique film experience delivers magic of the rarest sort through a story of difference, rejection, and childlike faith in miracles.

Wyoming (1901-1903). Tom Horn és una llegenda viva; es diu que va ser ell qui va capturar el famós cap apatxe Gerónimo. Quan arriba a Hagerville a la recerca d'una feina d'acord amb la seva habilitat i experiència com a rastrejador, el contracta una associació de ramaders perquè acabi amb els quarters; però arriba un moment en què algú li tendeix un parany.

The story of a farmer who realizes that his life has been influenced to an unhealthy extent by his aging father.

Ronny is a rebellious man, who falls in love with Sia but circumstances separate them. Years later, Ronny learns that Sia is abducted by a martial arts champion, Raghav.

Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) tours the Middle East to discuss the war on terror with Arabic people.

El doctor Brace i la doctora Reynolds estan a punt de culminar un projecte: una màquina gravadora que, unida a uns sofisticats sensors d'ones cerebrals, pot llegir i gravar totes les sensacions físiques i emocionals de l'individu. Y per acabar, volen aconseguir que aquesta suma de sensacions, gravades en una cinta de deu centímetres, pugui ser reexperimentada per una altra persona diferent.

Miracle at St. Anna chronicles the story of four American soldiers who are members of the all-black 92nd "Buffalo Soldier" Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II.

Single mother Adele August is bad with money, and even worse when it comes to making decisions. Her straight-laced daughter, Ann, is a successful high school student with Ivy League aspirations. When Adele decides to pack up and move the two of them from the Midwest to Beverly Hills, Calif., to pursue her dreams of Hollywood success, Ann grows frustrated with her mother's irresponsible and impulsive ways.

A successful veterinarian and radio show host with low self-esteem asks her model friend to impersonate her when a handsome man wants to see her.

After standing in as best man for his longtime friend Carl Petersen, Randy Dupree loses his job, becomes a barfly and attaches himself to the newlywed couple almost permanently -- as their houseguest. But the longer Dupree camps out on their couch, the closer he gets to Carl's bride, Molly, leaving the frustrated groom wondering when his pal will be moving out.

A young man moves from Montana to Florida with his family, where he's compelled to engage in a fight to protect a population of endangered owls.

Disenchanted with the movie industry, Chili Palmer tries the music industry, meeting and romancing a widow of a music executive along the way.

Jack Lawrence en un prestigiós advocat de Los Angeles. Té una bona feina, una dona encantadora, una casa agradable i un cotxe envejable. Dale, en canvi, és un aspirant a escriptor que porta amb prou feines una existència precària a San Francisco, és un manat de nervis a punt d'esclatar. No obstant això, des de l'aparició d'una ex-núvia, que explica a cadascun d'ells que podria ser el pare del seu fill adolescent que s'ha fugat, les seves vides es creuaran i junts buscaran aquest fill que cadascú creu que podria ser seu.

Pericle Caruso lives in Naples, and is in a wheelchair because of a bad surgery in hospital. Pericle intends to sue the rich owner of the clinic: a stingy and cruel baron, and so he falls on purpose of his wife ...

Imagine your life is somewhat complete with a house, job, and wife but then your best friend from college comes knocking at your door at 2 AM. During a pot-induced hedonistic party, a plan is hatched between the two friends to create an Art Film of “two really straight men having sex.” If they only knew how much this would affect all of their lives.

En un món futurístic, una plaga ha delmat la població convertint els malalts en vampirs. Els que no han estat infectats es defensen com poden de la mateixa per l'expeditiu sistema de liquidar els infectats. Ara ells contraataquen...

With the government agents on their trail, journalist Eric Fox and archaeologist Brook Calvin race against time to save the world after they find an artefact that predicts an impending doomsday.