Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

Un conegut inventor novaiorquès és acusat de diversos assassinats. Quan arriben a la ciutat un famós detectiu i la seva dona i s'assabenten de l'assumpte, ella, moguda per l'esperit d'aventura, intenta convèncer el seu marit perquè accepti el cas.

When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him by warning their father. But Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora will ultimately try to find her place, torn between children’s and adult’s worlds.

The arrival of an attractive young teacher in a small town in the Po valley disturbs the drowsy life of the place, leading eventually to a murder.

Amb 17 anys, el Lucas veu com la seva adolescència es fa miques en un obrir i tancar d’ulls. Sent que la seva vida és una bèstia salvatge que ha de domar. Entre un germà establert a París i una mare amb la qual ara viu, es veurà obligat a lluitar per a reconquerir l’esperança i l’amor.

Trapped in a bunker during World War I, a group of soldiers are faced with an ungodly presence that slowly turns them against each other.

Atreta per una promesa d'herència, una noia torna al llogaret on va néixer. Sense que ella ho sabés, els vilatans amaguen un pla sinistre, un que pot requerir la seva pròpia mort.

A l'illa de Tahití, a la Polinèsia Francesa, l'Alt Comissari de la República, De Roller, representant de l'Estat francès, és un home calculador de maneres impecables. Tant a les recepcions oficials com als establiments il·legals, no deixa de prendre el pols a una població local la ira de la qual es pot despertar en qualsevol moment. I encara més quan un rumor s'instal·la: sembla que s'ha vist un submarí, la presència fantasmal del qual podria anunciar una represa dels assajos nuclears francesos.

Jesus of Nazareth’s life and ministry were subject to seismic social and political events that led to his execution and changed the world forever.

Un grup de pelegrins que van a Canterbury s?entretenen narrant contes: el jove Nicola conquista la dona d?un ric llenyataire aprofitant la seva superstició; dos estudiants es vengen d'un moliner que roba farina als clients; l'innocent Perkin és expulsat del seu poble i acaba arruïnat; una insaciable vídua de Bath destrueix amb la seva fogositat els seus marits per heretar els seus béns; un ric i ancià solter decideix casar-se amb la joveníssima Maggio, que el traeix amb un bell jove. Mentrestant, un escrivent pren nota dels successos, analitzant amb humor i ironia les debilitats humanes.

El ranxo familiar de Catherine Cat Balou (Jane Fonda) es veu amenaçat per la imminent arribada del ferrocarril. La jove mestra d'escola, entossudida a conservar les arrels, busca l'ajuda de Kid Shelleen (Lee Marvin), però descobreix que és el pistoler més borratxo de tot l'Oest. Quan el seu pare mor assassinat per matons a sou de la companyia del ferrocarril, ella jura venjar-se.

Franck just had the most crazy and wonderful idea for a company that would finally get him and his friends proper jobs. As Uber delivers food, Amazon daily items, Song Express will deliver songs. To your friends, or your loved one, or yourself, anywhere you want. It is brilliant, it is foolish, it could work… For Franck, Jean-Claude, Sophie and José, Song Express becomes something more than just a professional challenge: it is the dream of a lifetime.

Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

A group of tenants and visitors are trapped in a 10-story high-rise apartment building infested with demons who proceed to hunt the dwindling humans down.

After a detective rescues a mute disfigured woman from being murdered, he takes her into his home to prevent her from staying in a mental hospital, a move which alienates his family and soon turns to obsession.

Juan, a secret service agent, approaches Wendy, a young Filipina who works as a maid for a suspicious couple.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

Bruno, an up and coming film composer, has been hired to write the score to a new horror movie. After moving into a secluded villa, life begins to imitate art as a vicious killer starts bumping off anyone and everyone who happens to pay him a visit.

Over the week leading up to Christmas in the town of Bayside, Charlotte tries to capture her own unique style in the local art scene while also helping her mother, run the family restaurant. Disheartened and struggling to find time for her art, Charlotte throws out her latest painting, only to discover that it has been anonymously submitted to the Christmas art festival. It turns out that Wyatt, a visiting artist, stumbled upon her discarded work and is now using the festival’s exposure to find its mysterious creator.