Roma, any 1946. La Dèlia té tres fills i està casada amb el malhumorat Ivano, que no la tracta gaire bé. Després de la guerra, tots dos lluiten per tirar endavant la família amb diversos treballs mal pagats. Fins que un dia reben una notícia meravellosa: la filla gran acaba de comprometre’s amb un noi de bona família.

Star-Lord, encara recuperant-se de la pèrdua de Gamora, ha de reunir el seu equip per defensar l'univers juntament amb la protecció d'un dels seus. Una missió que, si no es completa, podria portar al final dels Guardians tal com els coneixem.

Living with her tyrannical stepfather in a new home with her pregnant mother, 10-year-old Ofelia feels alone until she explores a decaying labyrinth guarded by a mysterious faun who claims to know her destiny. If she wishes to return to her real father, Ofelia must complete three terrifying tasks.

This classic "Peanuts" tale focuses on the thumb-sucking, blanket-holding Linus, and his touching faith in the "Great Pumpkin." When Linus discovers that no one else believes in the creature, he sets out to prove that the Pumpkin's no myth—by spending the night alone in a pumpkin patch.

En un món postapocalíptic, uns éssers monstruosos han provocat un gran nombre de morts i obliguen els pocs supervivents a viure en un silenci absolut. Els éssers, molt ràpids i violents, són cecs i només són capaços de detectar les seves víctimes a través del sentit de l'oïda. En Lee, l'Evelyn i els seus fills han aconseguit sobreviure i mantenen una estricta disciplina per no fer gens de soroll. De totes maneres, l'amenaça constant dels éssers, que s'amaguen i resulten indetectables fins que ataquen, els provoca greus dificultats, sobretot perquè tenen un nen petit, en Beau, i l'Evelyn està embarassada d'una altra criatura. En Lee estudia els éssers i mira de descobrir algun punt feble que es pugui explotar per defensar-se'n.

Architect Walter Craig, seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring nightmare. Dreading the end of the dream that he knows is coming, he must first listen to all the assembled guests' own bizarre tales.

A top Marine sniper, Bob Lee Swagger, leaves the military after a mission goes horribly awry and disappears, living in seclusion. He is coaxed back into service after a high-profile government official convinces him to help thwart a plot to kill the President of the United States. Ultimately double-crossed and framed for the attempt, Swagger becomes the target of a nationwide manhunt. He goes on the run to track the real killer and find out who exactly set him up, and why, eventually seeking revenge against some of the most powerful and corrupt leaders in the free world.

When a meteor carrying a destructive plant strikes the world, a suicide squad is given hours to save their post-apocalyptic city from total collapse.

Una nina que viu a 'Barbieland' és expulsada al món real perquè no és prou perfecta. Basada en la popular nina Barbie.

Residents in a lonely gulch of inland California bear witness to an uncanny, chilling discovery.

Cinc joves se'n van a passar un cap de setmana a una cabana aïllada al bosc. Quan es posen a explorar-la, se'ls obre una trapa que porta al soterrani. Allà hi troben una estranya varietat d'objectes antics i curiosos. Però quan una de les noies, la Dana, es posa a llegir unes frases en llatí del diari d'una nena que havia viscut allà, desperta una família de zombis assassins. Al mateix temps, hi ha una gran organització dedicada a espiar tot el que fan els joves. Aviat, un dels nois s'adona que ell i els seus amics són com marionetes, i que hi ha algú que els mou els fils i governa el seu destí.

A mysterious diver hiding in Amsterdam's canal system embarks on a rampage of gruesome murders, terrifying city officials and leaving few clues for the city's best detective, who doesn't suspect that both his new girlfriend and twelve-year-old daughter may be closer than he is to finding the killer.

An evening of drunken prank calls becomes a nightmare for a pair of teenagers when a mysterious stranger turns their own game against them.

After a comet wipes out most of life on Earth, two Valley Girls find themselves fighting against cannibal zombies and a sinister group of scientists.

Two teenage couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of serial killers end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons.

Playing around with a Ouija board, a trio of friends succeeds in contacting the spirit of a young boy. Trouble begins when the evil spirit, Malfeitor, takes over one of their bodies.

A man pursues stand-up comedy encouraged by his fellow garbage man. Though his friend, who accompanies him on accordion, continues to tell him how great he is, he actually stinks. When the "comedian" grows a third arm out of his back, the friend uses this twist to get him signed up with a sleazy talent agent, and it begins to look like his career is on the move, even though his girlfriend has left him.

An active volcano threatens a south Pacific island resort and its guests as a power struggle ensues between the property's developer and a drilling foreman.

A scientist at a Florida university inadvertently creates a "rage virus" while performing experiments intended to restore dead brain tissue in baboons. When a journalist for the college paper breaks into the campus lab, he's bitten by one of the infected baboons; the virus soon spreads to a trio of rapists and a valley girl, all of whom go on killing sprees.