Ferdinand Griffon, àlies 'Pierrot', fuig de París amb Marianne, la mainadera que ha contractat la seva dona. La parella es dirigeix al sud de França, però el viatge es torna molt perillós quan una banda de gàngsters amb què Marianne està implicada, els va trepitjant els talons.
Durant l'ocupació de París per les tropes alemanyes, un grup d'actors vol muntar una obra de teatre. Ningú sospita que al soterrani de l'edifici s'oculta el director de la companyia, un home d'origen jueu que a l'ombra pretén dirigir la representació a través de les indicacions que proporciona a la seva dona, protagonista de l'obra.
"Mamma mia! Ja hi tornem a ser" ens porta de viatge a l'estiu on va començar tot. Des de la seva vida a present, els protagonistes de "Mamma mia!" ens expliquen els fets esdevinguts el màgic estiu en què va començar aquesta història dels tres possibles pares de Sophie.
Antoine is now 30, working as a proofreader and getting divorced from his wife. It's the first "no-fault" divorce in France and a media circus erupts, dredging up Antoine's past. Indecisive about his new love with a store clerk, he impulsively takes off with an old flame.
Segona meitat del segle XVII. Dos joves jesuïtes viatgen al Japó a la cerca d'un missioner que, després de ser perseguit i torturat, ha renunciat a la seva fe. Ells mateixos viuran el suplici i la violència amb què els japonesos reben els cristians.
Paul Javal, un dramaturg francès, accepta reescriure algunes escenes per a "L'Odissea", una pel·lícula que es rodarà a Capri sota la direcció del reconegut director alemany Fritz Lang. En una primera trobada amb el productor nord-americà, l'arrogant Prokosch, l'escriptor deixa que la seva dona, la bella Camille, se'n vagi al cotxe amb el productor a la finca d'aquest. Aquest fet donarà peu a un greu malentès entre el Javal i la seva dona, que creu que l'ha ofert com a moneda de canvi per obtenir un millor sou. Com a conseqüència d'aquesta situació, l'escriptor es veurà immers en una dolorosa crisi matrimonial.
A detective on trail of a suspected child killer, was arrested for the crime, but was allowed to walk free after a clerical error. The detective enlists the mother of the murdered child to exact a justice the legal system can't provide.
A little sea resort on the Picardie coast, the last week of august. When handing over the keys to a rented apartment, Sylvain makes the acquaintance of two beautiful women. This is a fabulous occasion for him to escape his routine, single life in which women are a rarity, even if only for a few days. Quickly Sylvain's new friends can't do without him. Unfortunately, things get complicated when feelings and flirty Gilles, the local lady's man, get mixed up in it all.
After serving five years of a life sentence, Rocky Mulloy hopes to clear his friend who's still in prison for the same crime.
French drama based on the 1996 kidnapping and killing of seven monks in Algeria. A group of Trappist monks reside in the monastery of Tibhirine in Algeria, where they live in harmony with the largely muslim population. When a bloody conflict between Algeria's army and Muslim Jihadi insurgents disrupts the peace, they are forced to consider fleeing the monastery and deserting the villagers they have ministered to. In the face of deadly violence the monks wrestle with their faith and their convictions, eventually deciding to stay and help their neighbours keep the army and the insurgents at bay.
A group of German construction workers set out for a foreign construction site in the Bulgarian province. The strange country awakens adventure feelings among the men. At the same time, they are confronted with their prejudices and mistrust. For two of the men, a nearby village becomes the stage for a competition for the recognition and favor of the village.
Based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The tragic story of the Karamazov family takes place in a Russian province in the late 19th century. The relations of their father and three brothers are very complicated and contradictory. One of the brothers is accused of killing his father, whom he did not commit. The brothers are unable to help him, and only a loving girl follows him to hard labour.
In order to escape her looming post-graduation fate that includes student debt and zero romantic prospects, Blake Conway becomes a sugar baby. As the aspiring journalist and hopeless romantic documents the adventure, she sets out on a quest to figure out if society is right to judge these women and if her own self worth comes with a price.
Charlotte is cheating on Micha with Mélodie. Not suspecting a thing, yet feeling neglected, Micha in turn cheats on Charlotte. But also with Mélodie. For Mélodie, things are topsy-turvy. She lies to both of them. She is privy to each of their lies. And is in love with both of them at the same time.
In 1852, the mountain village in Provence where Violette lives is brutally deprived of all its men after the repression of the republicans ordered by Napoleon III. Women spend months in total isolation, desperate to see their men again. In this situation, they make an oath in case a man arrives in the village.
La Nathalie Pêcheux és una professora que acaba de divorciar-se i experimentarà una enorme transformació. Passarà de ser una dona equilibrada i mare acurada, a convertir-se en una persona extremadament gelosa i maniàtica. La nova Nathalie farà anar de cap per avall la vida dels seus amics, del seu exmarit i fins i tot del veïnat.
A translator working for the police gets involved in the other side of drug dealing.
Berenice is a dedicated female taxi driver in Rio de Janeiro. She is consumed by her job and the little free time she has needs to be divided between raising her son Thiago, a teenager exploring his sexuality, and her troubled relationship with her husband Domingos, a police reporter. The scars of the worn-out relationship, ruined by her husband's violent outbursts, have erased her femininity and led her into a great existential emptiness. The murder of Isabelle, a beautiful transgender woman, on Copacabana Beach, ignites her investigative side and transforms her life.
La vida de l'actor i premiat director de cinema Guillaume Canet no pot ser millor. Té tot el que un home pot desitjar: èxit professional, diners i una dona espectacular amb la qual comparteix un fill.