El matrimoni format per Johan, professor de psicologia, i Marianne, advocada, rep una nit a casa seva la visita dels seus amics Peter i Katerina. Al cap de poc temps, els convidats comencen una forta discussió en què els amfitrions intenten intervenir sense cap èxit. Quan es queden sols, Johan i Marianne comencen a parlar del matrimoni i dels problemes.

An assassin is shot and almost killed by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance. Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair is a complete edit of the two-part martial arts action films Kill Bill: Vol. 1 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2. The film was originally scheduled to be released as one part. However, due to the film's over 4 hour running time, it was split into two parts.

Tony Wendice maquina un pla per desfer-se de Margot, la seva esposa infidel. Però la casualitat farà que sigui a ella qui finalment acusin d'assassinat. La inestimable ajuda d?un inspector de policia ajudarà a resoldre el misteriós crim.

En un poble perdut de Wyoming, un vaquer completament begut marca la cara a ganivetades a una prostituta que es reia de la mida del seu sexe. Little Bill, xèrif i jutge local, resol el litigi ordenant una indemnització de sis cavalls al propietari de la taverna bordell. Les prostitutes, enfurismades, fan una col·lecta i ofereixen mil dòlars pel cap de l'agressor. La recompensa atreu Bill Munny, un antic bandoler regenerat pel matrimoni, ara viudo, i a qui una epidèmia ha matat tot el bestiar. Acompanyat per uns vells companys de malifetes, també retirats, Bill se'n va a caçar el vaquer per cobrar la recompensa.

Jeff Bailey, un antic detectiu, regenta una benzinera en un petit poble, on porta una vida tranquil·la i senzilla. Els seus amors són la pesca i una joveneta amb què es vol casar. Inesperadament rep la visita d'un vell conegut que li anuncia que el cap el vol veure. Bailey es veu llavors obligat a explicar a la seva núvia el seu passat tèrbol.

En finalitzar la jornada laboral, un solitari empleat d'una companyia d'informàtica (Griffin Dunne) es veu embolicat en una sèrie d'estranyes circumstàncies que el porten a un dels pitjors barris de Nova York. Allà, viurà una interminable i esbojarrada nit...

Joseph K. es desperta trobant a la policia a la seva habitació. Li diuen que ha d'anar a un judici, però no l'informen del que ha estat acusat. Per a esbrinar el motiu de la seva acusació i protestar per la seva innocència, intenta veure el que hi ha darrere del sistema judicial. Però atès que els seus esbrinaments no donen fruits, sembla no haver-hi escapatòria per a ell en aquest malson kafkià.

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

Dug is sent on foolish missions by Alpha, Beta, and Gamma so they can hunt for the Bird of Paradise Falls by themselves. Dug may find that where he belongs is not where he's been looking.

When a wandering mercenary named Hogan rescues a nun called Sister Sara from the unwanted attentions of a band of rogues on the Mexican plains, he has no idea what he has let himself in for. Their chance encounter results in the blowing up of a train and a French garrison, as well as igniting a spark between them that survives a shocking discovery.

A devious femme fatale steals her husband’s drug money and hides out in a small town where she meets the perfect dupe for her next scheme.

When the gang from the Hundred Acre Wood begin a honey harvest, young Piglet is excluded and told that he is too small to help. Feeling inferior, Piglet disappears and his pals Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, Roo and Winnie the Pooh must use Piglet's scrapbook as a map to find him. In the process they discover that this very small animal has been a big hero in a lot of ways.

Made-for-television documentary about Daniel Radcliffe and his role as Harry Potter.

El Chuncho's bandits rob arms from a train, intending to sell the weapons to Elias' revolutionaries. They are helped by one of the passengers, Bill Tate, and allow him to join them, unware of his true intentions.

Evil returns to Salem's Cove. It's up to the sheriff and his closest allies to save not only the town but the world from an evil force that hasn't been heard from since The Salem Witch Trials Ended. Unexplained evil acts have been happening since Salem's Cove was founded on the coast of North Carolina after the Salem Witch Trials. Paranormal activities has always been stopped and hidden from the general public by a secret order of defenders. The defenders greatest fears are about to be unleashed, not only to the people of Salem's Cove but to the rest of the world. Sheriff Ethan Grey and Lt. Gibbs must enlist help and reveal the truth about the towns best kept secret before it's too late.

L'estiu ha arribat a Minnesotta i la relació entre Max i John ha millorat considerablement, tant que s'han fet amics. A més, comparteixen una gran afició per la pesca i passen llargues hores al llac. La Maria, una atractiva italiana, arriba amb la seva mare al poble amb la intenció de convertir l'antiga botiga d'articles de pesca del llac en un restaurant. Max, tement que els clients espantin els peixos, intentarà posar-hi tota mena de dificultats; però John està convençut que allò que el seu amic necessita és una esposa, així que posarà en marxa els seus propis plans.

Detective Mater is hot on the trail of a dastardly car-napping! When Tia's sister goes missing, Mater is the only car she can turn to. With this tow truck on the case, anything can happen.

After being away for awhile, Andy Taylor returns home to Mayberry to visit Opie, now an expectant father. While there he ends up helping Barney Fife mount a campaign for sheriff.

Ugo Fantozzi has been ejected from Heaven and is sent back to Earth for a short period of time until the staff in Heaven can get Fantozzi a place there. Fantozzi goes through a variety of unfortunate experiences, such as rescuing his retro punk granddaughter Uga, and having to pay a vast telephone bill due to frequent chat line conversations. He ends up getting arrested instead of his ex-boss, who was originally charged with corruption. Just as he is about to enjoy the World Cup Final with Italy, he is called back into Heaven. Can he find peace once again?

Uns petits monstres vinguts de l'espai tornen a la Terra, després d'un primer viatge, per arrasar amb tot el que troben al seu pas...