On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo discover a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents.

En Lupin, un elegant i atlètic lladre­ i el seu company Jigen viatgen al petit ducat europeu de Cagliostro. Allà ajudaran a la bella Clarice a alliberar-se del Compte Cagliostro i intentaran resoldre el misteri d'un tresor ocult.

L'epidèmia que fa ressuscitar els morts convertits en éssers àvids de carn humana s'ha estès, arribant al punt en què diverses ciutats han quedat pràcticament desertes. Els supervivents han de refugiar-se en zones militars ja que els zombies no dubten a acabar amb els seus familiars... Continuació del clàssic d'horror de George A. Romero "La nit dels morts vivents" (Night of the Living Dead, 1968).

Lupin & Jigen have their sights set on a treasure called the Little Comet, which is located in the heavily fortified country of East Doroa. During the heist, Jigen is almost killed by a sniper named Yael Okuzaki. His specialty is preparing tombstones for his targets before executing them. It's said that no one can survive after Yael makes their tombstone.

Two penniless orphans, Black and White, struggle to survive on the mean streets of Treasure Town. When a megacorporation threatens to tear down the town to build an amusement park, Black and White engage in the fight of their life.

En Nobita és un nen pocatraça a qui, tot sovint, les coses li surten malament. Un dia rep la visita d'en Sewashi, un nen que assegura que és el seu rebesnét del segle XXII, i li explica que ha vingut a veure'l perquè el seu futur és un desastre que arruïnarà tota la família durant generacions. En Sewashi pensa que en Nobita encara és a temps de canviar-ho i per això li deixa el seu robot, en Doraemon, perquè l'ajudi a trobar la felicitat. Al principi, en Doraemon creu que en Nobita és un cas perdut, però de mica en mica es fan amics... I en Doraemon arriba a la conclusió que la millor manera d'assegurar que en Nobita tingui una vida feliç és aconseguir que, en un futur, es casi amb la Shizuka. Aleshores posa fil a l'agulla per ajudar el seu nou amic.

Arsene Lupin III, el carismàtic lladre, fa equip amb una dona per trobar i robar el diari Bresson, un tresor que ni tan sols el seu avi llegendari, Arsene Lupin, va poder obtenir. Aquesta aventura portarà Lupin i el seu pintoresc equip a revelar una conspiració nazi, escapar de la policia i salvar el món.

Colin MacLeod hunts for the man responsible for the death of his love. He chases the immortal Marcus Octavius across centuries as his quest threatens to take over his life and heart. In his quest, he meets a woman who reminds him of his slain beauty. But it's his final battle with Marcus that will decide not only his fate, but also the fate of everyone in the world.

Fujiko Mine, the devastating femme fatale whose only loyalty is to her desire, befriends a young boy whose late father hid away a fortune. A killer is on the boy's trail and it's up to Fujiko to stop him: but where do her interests really lie?

At the cusp of the founding of Joseon Dynasty, an envoy from China is delivering Emperor’s Ming’s Royal Seal. But nature in the form of a giant whale intervenes and swallows the royal seal. When a generous reward is offered to whomever can retrieve the royal seal from the belly of the whale, the race is on. A group of mountain bandits led by Jang Sa Jung and a group of pirates led by Yeo Wol go after the lost treasure, but who will get to to it first?

A Texas cop, whose own daughter might have been forced into sexual slavery, joins forces with a Mexican youth to find the boy's sister, who was abducted and forced into prostitution. Meanwhile, a Polish woman who was promised a better life in America also becomes a victim.

En un període Edo alternatiu en el qual el Japó ha estat envaït per alienígenes i el Shogun ha prohibit a tots els samurais l'ús d'espases. Gintoki és un mercenari que busca sobreviure fent qualsevol feina que se li demani amb els seus dos inseparables amics Shinpachi i Kagura. Aviat descobriran que una terrible amenaça s'abat sobre tot el país quan una mística espasa de poder inigualable cau en mans d'un home amb un únic objectiu: dominar el món.

A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a controversial new exhibit.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

A recently widowed writer whose wife died in a bus crash comes to terms with his grief—or lack of it—in caring for the children of a working man who also lost his wife in the same accident.

Years after the original Backdraft, Sean, son of the late Steve "Bull" McCaffrey, is assigned to investigate a deadly fire only to realize it is something much more sinister.

Dispatched to a small Italian town to await further orders, assassin Jack embarks on a double life that may be more relaxing than is good for him.

Recruited by a clandestine police organization, "K" must stop a plot by student radicals to create anarchy in Japan. Armed with a hi-tech steel yo-yo, and a new name (Asamiya Saki), she must infiltrate an elite high school to find the terrorists but finds an even more sinister plan is about to unfold.

When a childhood friend from Miami gets killed after he comes to warn of encroaching drug gangs, Baaba moves to Miami and teams up with a local officer to bring down the criminals.

Every six years, an ancient order of jiu-jitsu fighters joins forces to battle a vicious race of alien invaders. But when a celebrated war hero goes down in defeat, the fate of the planet and mankind hangs in the balance.