Encouraged by her managers, rising pop star Mima takes on a recurring role on a popular TV show, when suddenly her handlers and collaborators begin turning up murdered.

Pel·lícula sobre el físic J. Robert Oppenheimer i el seu paper com a desenvolupador de la bomba atòmica. Basada en el llibre 'American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer' de Kai Bird i Martin J. Sherwin.

Mildred Hayes, una dona de 50 anys la filla adolescent de la qual ha estat violada i assassinada, decideix iniciar pel seu compte una guerra contra la policia del seu poble, Ebbing, perquè considera que no fan prou per resoldre el cas i que es faci justícia. El seu primer pas serà contractar unes tanques publicitàries denunciant la situació i assenyalant el cap de policia, William Willoughby, com a responsable principal de la passivitat policial.

When Juli meets Bryce in the second grade, she knows it's true love. After spending six years trying to convince Bryce the same, she's ready to give up - until he starts to reconsider.

Quan un assassí es dirigeix ​​a l'elit de Gotham amb una sèrie de maquinacions sàdiques, un rastre de pistes críptiques envia Batman a una investigació als baixos fons. A mesura que les proves comencen a apropar-se a casa seva i es fa evident la magnitud dels plans de l'autor, Batman ha de forjar noves relacions, desemmascarar el culpable i fer justícia a l'abús de poder i la corrupció que durant molt de temps han assolat Gotham City.

Susan Morrow és una galerista establerta a Los Angeles que comparteix una vida plena de luxes, encara que buida, amb Hutton Morrow, el seu segon marit. Un dia, Susan rep una novel·la escrita pel seu exmarit Edward Sheffiel, del qual fa anys que no té notícies. En una nota li demana que llegeixi la novel·la inèdita i que s'hi posi en contacte, ja que es quedarà uns dies a la ciutat. És de nit. Susan, sola al llit, comença a llegir, i és la història d'un matrimoni amb una filla que conduint per Texas una nit, són perseguits per un altre vehicle...

A squad of the Jiaolong Commando Unit - Sea Dragon, a spec ops team of the Chinese Navy, carries out a hostage rescue operation in the nation of Yewaire, on the Arabian Peninsula, and fiercely fights against local rebel groups and Zaka, a terrorist organization.

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang meet up with Batman and other friends to defeat evil villains and save the day.

In the wake of his dramatic escape from captivity, Jesse Pinkman must come to terms with his past in order to forge some kind of future.

A pathetic minor league Soccer Goalkeeper was given a task - to spend 1 Billion in thirty days, if successful he will get 30 Billion. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the task and he must not own any valuables by end of it.

Un èpic espectacle bèl·lic basat en el famós setge de Shanghái que té l'honor de ser una de les pel·lícules més taquilleres de 2020.En 1937, vuit-cents soldats xinesos defensen heroicament un magatzem enfront de les tropes japoneses. Una estratègia dissenyada per a donar cobertura a les forces de l'exèrcit que s'estan retirant, i servir com a amortidor davant les ofensives sobre Shanghái.

An idle part-time college lecturer is annoyed by the yapping sound of a nearby dog. He decides to take drastic action.

Quatre agents especials del Partit Comunista tornen a la Xina després de rebre entrenament a la Unió Soviètica. Junts, s'embarquen en una missió secreta en la qual han d'introduir-se en el territori enemic en paracaigudes. No obstant això, són traïts i acaben envoltats de múltiples amenaces en els penya-segats nevats de Manxukuo. Així, els espies seran posats a prova fins al límit.

In the late Ming Dynasty, three sworn brothers who serve as the imperial secret police are dispatched to hunt down Wei Zhongxian, a eunuch politician who had been forced to resign from his influential post and exiled from Beijing. The brothers return successfully from their quest, only to find that their task was but the beginning of a strange conspiracy.

Despite his family’s famed expertise on ancient relics, Xu Yuan makes a simple living as the owner of an electronics shop, eager to distinguish himself from a disgraced ancestor who was executed for treason after stealing a Chinese artifact for Japan. But when a descendant offers to return the relic to China, Xu Yuan uncovers a decades-old mystery and soon embarks on a journey that could finally restore his family’s reputation—and may also cost him his life.

In 1980s Hong Kong, troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun, a mainland refugee, struggles to survive in the Kowloon Walled City by joining underground fights. Betrayed by crime boss Mr. Big while trying to buy a fake ID, he steals drugs from him and seeks refuge in the Walled City, where he encounters Cyclone, a compassionate yet authoritative crime lord.

In 1942, Henan Province was devastated by one of the most tragic famines in modern Chinese history, resulting in the deaths of at least three million men, women and children. Although the primary cause of the famine was a severe drought, it was exacerbated by locusts, windstorms, earthquakes, epidemic disease and the corruption of the ruling Kuomintang government.

Commander Qinglong is the loyal leader of the assassin group that serves the emperor. But when his allies plan a rebellion against the ruler, he finds himself in danger.

Four college seniors open a bogus sex clinic, which unexpectedly mushrooms into a multi-million dollar business.

Er Kan, a high school student who is in love with the most beautiful girl in the class, has to endure the continuous abuses from the bullies in school. However, when the girl of his dreams becomes the girlfriend of the leader of the bullies, things can only get worse from there.